Author Topic: There are rich pirates in D'Hara  (Read 40661 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: There are rich pirates in D'Hara
« Reply #75: September 09, 2012, 04:09:44 AM »
Eh . . . yes and no.  Yes in that most people hearing 'warrior monk' would probably think of something fantasy or Asian, no in that many priests and bishops led troops into battle in Europe . . . not sure how many actually fought, but I'm sure some knew how to.

So, really, the fact that priests in the game can't lead troops at all is more against the spirit of the game's setting.

Oh I'm sure some priests knew how to fight. I think it would really depend on how warrior monk is defined. If it's simply a priest that could fight, like a hero/priest then sure that isn't really unusual. The cliched warrior monk RPG class wouldn't really do. For the most part players don't get special abilities, and all are normal humans, which means that in all likelihood a solo priest isn't going to fight a group of bandits.