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[Forum Game] Werewolf V: The Thing

Started by Fury, September 10, 2012, 04:56:04 PM

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Nope. Barek and I were the last of the infected.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on September 15, 2012, 07:06:12 PM
Nope. Barek and I were the last of the infected.

Aren't you still alive Rob? lol


Yes. I was cured by Lefanis sometime between turns or something?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

Barek (jerm)

You should take everything I say with a grain of salt.  But I'm not a werewolf.  Really.


Posting the events now ;)
Will be travelling later and will post GM commentary later.




You enters the freezer room and approach the ice block. You see the face in the ice and move your own face closer. It is a strange alien humanoid looking face that only a mother could love but as you keep on looking the face in the ice slowly starts to take on the face of a human. You shiver in excitement believing that you are poised on the biggest discovery of humankind. The cold is getting to you though and a shiver runs down your spine. You blink away the frost a few times and then see your reflection in the ice. No, it's the face in the ice. No, you are in the ice looking at yourself looking at you in the ice. No, what? You are confused and are drawn to look even closer and as you realize that the face in the ice is no longer alien but an exact replica of yours its eyes suddenly OPEN! As it stares at you hear a scream within the recesses of your head GET OUT! GET OUT!!! NOW!!! and darkness falls in the room...


Ketchum - Scientist / Psychologist analyzes Indirik - Commando (Susceptible)

You look at Indirik. His chiselled chin and abrupt manners won't exactly do him any favours at a party but he doesn't exactly seem out of place in the camp complex, although he doesn't quite fit in either. You remember some of his scientific observations, while not breathtaking, still contributed to the total scientific knowledge of the expedition. As far as you can tell, he seems to be the same old Indirik that came to the camp complex at the beginning of this whole expedition. You don't know why you're even analyzing him - that ice block must be getting on your nerves.

Velax - Psychologist analyzes Indirik - Commando (Susceptible)

You look at Indirik. His chiselled chin and abrupt manners are reminiscent of military personnel. You remember some of his scientific observations, while not breathtaking, still contributed to the total scientific knowledge of the expedition. As far as you can tell, there is nothing out of place concerning his manners or his character. You don't know why you're even analyzing him - that ice block must be getting on your nerves.

Zakilevo - Scientist / Hematologist analyzes Slapsticks - The Thing's blood

You look at Slapsticks. You have a strange and sudden urge to test his blood but how to extract it? You hadn't thought about just asking him for a sample. He could of course turn you down but why would he do that? Then again he would want to know why you wanted his blood. This is something on the spur of the moment and you remember the discarded band-aid Slapsticks threw into the garbage bin a moment ago. He was bleeding from a recent cut. You take it. Back in your lab you have some results. Nothing spectacular concerning the small sample but the findings were a little curious: over time, blood dries. How quickly this happens depends on the surface where the blood is, how much blood is contained and the heat and humidity in the air. The outer edges dry first. At least that's what you remember. In Slapsticks' case the inside has dried but the outer edges have not. Was this how it worked? Or was it the other way around?

D'Espana - Hematologist analyzes Indirik - Commando (Susceptible)'s blood

You look at Indirik. You have a strange and sudden urge to test his blood but how to extract it? You hadn't thought about just asking him for a sample. He could of course turn you down but why would he do that? Then again he would want to know why you wanted his blood. This is something on the spur of the moment and you remember the discarded band-aid Indirik threw into the garbage bin a moment ago. He was bleeding from a recent cut. You take it. Back in your lab you have some results. Nothing spectacular concerning the small sample but the findings are strangely curious: everything looks normal except that the blood cells are lethargic if it can even be called that. You have heard of cases like this before but have never personally seen it. You don't know why you're even analyzing him - that ice block must be getting on your nerves.


Indirik - Commando (Susceptible) & Barek (jerm) - UFO Religionist / Commando protect Slapsticks - The Thing

Indirik and Barek (jerm) seek out Slapsticks. Slapsticks sees them coming and asks what's up. We're here to protect you, they say. From what - Slapsticks asks. Indirik and Barek (jerm) have no idea and grin sheepishly. Still, they both follow Slapsticks everywhere until it starts to get on his nerve. He tries to lose them but their military training enables them to keep up without looking like sheep - that is until he starts screaming and running down the corridor screaming all the way "Get away from me you freaks! I don't need your protection!!!" They lose him in the next corridor.

Indirik looks puzzled. Barek (jerm) looks thoughtful. Well that went well. Your commando skills might be up to scratch but your people skills definitely need work.

You follow Barek (jerm) to his quarters. The scent of his blood draws you. It is... different. You know it. You can take him and make him yours. The brood will be doubled. The humans must die. You must return to the stars. It is too easy. Like a shadow you slip beneath his door and reshape your human form. He looks at you and you infect him. He faints. When he comes to you speak to him in low alien gutterals and he understands and replies in the same manner.

Barek (jerm) has been infected and is now an Alien Creature.

You retire to your personal quarters shaken but shivering with excitement at the murder. You turn off the lights and begin to ponder. It must have been the alien but it was dead - or was it? The UFO Religionist in you starts to glow. You have to find the truth even if it means losing your humanity in the process.

Then you see a shadow stopping at the bottom of your door. As you look the shadow begins to lengthen and lengthen until the feet, legs, body, arms and head are inside your room! The shadow stands up and takes the form of... Slapsticks. He opens his mouth unbelievably wide and a tentacle emerges and strikes you in the face and forces itself into your mouth. You start to choke and just as you are about to choke to death it retracts and you faint.

When you come to your thoughts are strange. They feel so alien yet so familiar. Then you look at Slapsticks who speaks to you and the alien gutteral that he utters is comprehensible and the reply that emerges from your mouth is equally fluent and meaningful.

Barek (jerm), your role is now: Alien Creature / UFO Religionist / Commando
Your minor roles are still active.


Ketchum - Scientist / Psychologist analyzes D'Espana - Hematologist

Today, you look at D'Espana. You notice him cutting his lips on the glass of water that he used to try and cleanse the vodka from his body. Nothing uncommon there. He was really drunk after all and not pretending, at least you didn't think so. You hope it wasn't because he wasn't used to holding a glass but that certainly couldn't be it. What kind of drunk couldn't hold a glass? Anyway, you smelt the alcohol on his breath as he passed you by. Then you look back and do a double take - the water glass is gone! You definitely saw D'Espana putting it down before leaving.

Zakilevo - Scientist / Hematologist analyzes D'Espana - Hematologist's blood

You look around for your next 'volunteer' and settle on D'Espana. Again you are faced with the dilemma of how to go about extracting his blood. Then you remember D'Espana drinking water to help cleanse the vodka from his body. Only thing, he was still a little drunk and accidentally bit his lips and stained the water glass with his blood. You bring it back to your lab. You find that his blood alcohol level is between 0.08 and 0.10. That was really the best you could do with the small sample size.

D'Espana - Hematologist analyzes Velax - Psychologist's blood

You look around for your next 'volunteer' and settle on Velax just because he's a drinker. Again you are faced with the dilemma of how to go about extracting his blood. You get lost in your thoughts as you drink a glass of water to cleanse your own vodka addiction and in your carelessness accidentally bite your lips and stain the glass with your blood. That's it! You sneak into Velax personal quarters and looking through his glassware find a recent glass and bingo! It has a recent blood stain. You bring it back to your lab and find that his blood alcohol level is between 0.11 and 0.20. That was really the best you could do with the small sample size. You don't really find anything else untowards about the blood sample.

Lefanis - Researcher attempts to cure Velax - Psychologist

You spend the entire day working on the alien dna in the ice block. Finally, in the afternoon, you sit back and take stock of what you have discovered. The DNA strain is surprisingly similar to human. It seems that the 'universal structure' theory of DNA may hold some water after all. The building blocks of life exist in low temperatures and low pressure meaning they are far more likely to flourish than if they were more complex and the conditions of the artic are simply perfect for DNA preservation. More importantly, the injection of prions (naked protein particles without a stitch of genetic material) into the alien DNA quickly break it down in a matter of minutes. Elated with your discovery, you hope the other scientists will forgive your absence at the voting poll and quietly make your way to the personal quarters of Velax. You had long had a suspicion that something was wrong with him since the ice block was dragged into the camp complex. You also know for a fact, that like you he did not vote to lynch anyone. Hearing a loud snore from his quarters you quietly slip in, remove your syringe and, giving a silent prayer to Russian vodka, carefully inject the serum into the ony part of his body that was not covered by clothes or blanket - his left buttocks. The ernormous scream that emerged as Velax fell off the bed onto the opposite site made you scramble like mad out of the room. You hide around the corner and count the minutes as the Russian, at least that's what everyone thought he was, stood in the doorway with a pillow in front of him and one hand scratching his rear end. Then, as he turned around he started to double over in pain, and as you watch with growing excitement, he lets out... the biggest fart you had ever heard and then goes back in and slams the door.

Earlier in the afternoon while you were taking your nap, you felt a stabbing pain in your buttocks. Letting an enormous yell you fall off the bed then go stand in your doorway and scratch your rear end. You turn around and are about to go back in, confused when you suddenly feel a great pain in your stomach making you double over as you let out... an enormous fart. You slam the door shut and give praise for the creation of vodka and fall promptly back to sleep.

Indirik - Commando (Susceptible) & Barek (jerm) - UFO Religionist / Commando protect Ketchum - Scientist / Psychologist

Indirik and Barek (jerm) seek out Ketchum. Ketchum sees them coming and asks what's up. We're here to protect you, they say. The Thing is dead, protect me from what - Ketchum asks. Indirik and Barek (jerm) have no idea and grin sheepishly. Indirik and Barek (jerm) say, you're coming with us. Ketchum backs away and intones slowly, I'm not the sheep you're looking for - move along, move along. Indirik and Barek (jerm) look at one another and laugh out loud. Then they look at Ketchum and say, who do you think you are - some kind of Jedi? Your weak Jedi skills don't work on us now come here! Ketchum drops the pretend backing off and takes off in full flight down the corridor screaming "Nonononononononono!!!!" with Indirik and Barek (jerm) in hot pursuit. They lose him down the next corridor.


Velax - Psychologist analyzes Lefanis - Researcher

Today, you keep an eye on Lefanis. Like you, he didn't believe it was over but neither did you take him at face value. No harm in always keeping an eye open except that this time, it wasn't likely you were going to call him for an interview considering that the last one nearly got you killed!

Today, Lefanis seems really very suspicious. He seems on edge and is actually skulking in the shadows moving towards a certain destination! To your surprise, he goes into... Indirik's personal quarters. You wait for an hour but he doesn't come out. For a moment, you consider the impossible, then shake your head. You smile to yourself and guess, he's not the only one with a loverboy and walk away.

Lefanis - Researcher attempts to cure Indirik - Commando (Susceptible)

You sneak into Indirik's personal quarters earlier in the day and hide until nightfall. He has been out the whole day and you are getting tired of waiting. In fact, you've just about changed your mind to and want to try to cure' Barek instead when you look at your watch and realize its past the time and too late to change your plan so you have no choice but to wait...

Barek (jerm) - UFO Religionist / Commando infects Indirik - Commando (Susceptible)

Well, partner, we done did the wrong nerd in, you say to Indirik. Who do you think it is, asks Indirik. ME - you say and promptly infect Indirik by opening your mouth unbelievably wide and using your tentacle to strike him in the face and force itself into his mouth. He starts to choke and just as he is about to choke to death you retract and he faints.

When he comes to you have a psychic bond with him.

Indirik has been infected and is now an Alien Creature.

Barek comes to see you and says, well, partner, we done did the wrong nerd in. Who do you think it is, you ask. ME - he says and promptly infects you by opening his mouth unbelievably wide and using his tentacle to strike you in the face and force itself into your mouth. You starts to choke and just as you are about to choke to death he retracts and you faint.

When you come to your thoughts are strange. They feel so alien yet so familiar. Then you look at Barek who speaks to you and the alien gutteral that he utters is comprehensible and the reply that emerges from your mouth is equally fluent and meaningful.

Indirik, your role is now: Alien Creature / Commando (Infected)
Commando is now your minor role and is still active.

Lefanis - Researcher cures Indirik - Commando (Infected)

Finally, Indirik returns to his quarters. When his back is turned you come out from behind the curtains and stab him in the neck with your syringe just like how you saw it done in the Resident Evil movies. He clutches his neck then falls to his knees and to the ground with his eyes close. His body convulses several times and then subsides and his contorted face is now peaceful. You know you have done your job and now you need to give him time to rest and to regain consciousness. You leave his quarters.

Indirik - Commando (Infected) is cured and can no longer be infected.

Lefanis - Researcher cures Indirik - Commando (Infected)

Finally, you return to your quarters. When your back is turned something comes out from behind the curtains and stabs you in the neck with something sharp. You clutch your neck then fall to your knees and to the ground with your eyes close. Your body convulses several times and then subsides and your contorted face is now peaceful. When you regain consciousness you remember everything, before and after you were infected. It's time to set things right.

Indirik, your role is now: Commando (Cured)
You are no longer an Alien Creature and cannot be re-infected.


This game confused me. I did whatever Barek told me to do... :/
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I liked this game, and all the extra effort that went into the RPs.

"Earlier in the afternoon while you were taking your nap, you felt a stabbing pain in your buttocks. Letting an enormous yell you fall off the bed then go stand in your doorway and scratch your rear end. You turn around and are about to go back in, confused when you suddenly feel a great pain in your stomach making you double over as you let out... an enormous fart. You slam the door shut and give praise for the creation of vodka and fall promptly back to sleep."

I had no idea what was going on there. At the time I thought it was just flavour text meant to confuse me. :P


Quote from: Velax on September 16, 2012, 02:48:20 AM
I liked this game, and all the extra effort that went into the RPs.

"Earlier in the afternoon while you were taking your nap, you felt a stabbing pain in your buttocks. Letting an enormous yell you fall off the bed then go stand in your doorway and scratch your rear end. You turn around and are about to go back in, confused when you suddenly feel a great pain in your stomach making you double over as you let out... an enormous fart. You slam the door shut and give praise for the creation of vodka and fall promptly back to sleep."

I lol'ed so hard at this RP xD
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Nice Roleplay GM. And a good game, I have paranoid for a moment about who is the Thing. Lol :P
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Quote from: Lefanis on September 15, 2012, 12:13:48 PM

NIGHT 2 EVENTS (now there are two things, Slapsticks and Barek, so only 1 attack)
I would speculate that this attack infected someone... Most likely Indirik. I believe Indirik was fooled on night 2 to vote D'espana, by Barek, who he thought was his fellow commando. Perhaps Indirik revealed he was susceptible to him. You see that on Night 2, Barek, Slapsticks, and Indirik all voted D'espana. Indirik then got infected by the thing for his troubles.
D'Espana - Hematologist is lynched.
Slapsticks - The Thing is lynched.

Did Indirk get infected night 2? If not, what happened? Was the things attack cancelled because Slapsticks was lynched?
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Final night-

You have done more research into the serum and have managed to develop it into a digestive form. So during the party you pour it into Ketchum's personal vodka bottle when he isn't looking and wait for him to drink. It doesn't take long considering the party is all about celebrating. Then, it happens. He looks directly at you, hiccups and says "I'm not the sheep they were looking for", he grins then his eyes lose their focus. He is clearly drunk and is probably not going to remember what he said.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Barek got infected the first night. When Billy got killed. He got me the next night.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I was away for 2 days but am back now. I've updated the first thread with the events in the correct place. Doing the commentary now but will answer any questions in the meantime.

Quote from: Lefanis on September 16, 2012, 04:50:52 AM
Did Indirk get infected night 2? If not, what happened? Was the things attack cancelled because Slapsticks was lynched?
Quote from: Fury on September 11, 2012, 04:45:16 PM
Lynching comes first before attacks.
Slapsticks chose Velax as his target but as lynching comes before attacks, Slapsticks dies first. Barek didn't choose any target.

And yeah, I had fun with the RPs  ;D