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New Sea Routes

Started by Chenier, September 20, 2012, 03:41:31 AM

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Quote from: Poliorketes on September 22, 2012, 12:44:09 PM
But half of Beluaterra is in the bottom of sea, and is ok, but to put some sea routes is not possible? to make disappear a region is right while to put a sea route is wrong?  :P

The islands do not usually change, that was a total exception. As for the sea routes - look at the maps. All existing sea routes cover narrow straights, not the open ocean.


Quote from: Tom on September 22, 2012, 02:37:12 PM
The islands do not usually change, that was a total exception. As for the sea routes - look at the maps. All existing sea routes cover narrow straights, not the open ocean.

I don't know about that, there are some pretty long sea routes on Dwilight... Sure most of them hug the coast, but I don't see why we couldn't do something similar here. Port Nebl to Mimer, Port Nebel to Giask, Paisly to Madina, those are all pretty long sea routes.


Quote from: Tom on September 22, 2012, 02:37:12 PM
The islands do not usually change, that was a total exception. As for the sea routes - look at the maps. All existing sea routes cover narrow straights, not the open ocean.

My Dwilight realm has nothing but the opposite of what you just stated. What other continents have is mostly small sea routes from unimportant regions to unimportant regions. What Dwilight has is many long sea routes from big cities to big cities. Hence why the suggestion was for a new long sea route from a big city (Rines) to another big city (Fronepu).
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It seems to me the sinking of half the island should have taken into account the long term political viability of the island. What other island has an Abington sized area with a 2 region wide chokepoint into it?


Quote from: Tom on September 22, 2012, 02:37:12 PM
The islands do not usually change, that was a total exception. As for the sea routes - look at the maps. All existing sea routes cover narrow straights, not the open ocean.
the island changing was an exception and  this should be too.
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Quote from: Tom on September 21, 2012, 02:59:59 PM
If there are any actual problems that show up, we can have this discussion again. But not because of hypothetical problem. And yes, anything right now is a hypothetical problem. Let's wait how things play out first. Lots of things could happen.
If we wait till there are actual problems, then it becomes a political fix.  I believe that was something you wanted to avoid.  Right now it could still be considered a change with the big change that occured with the blight.


Quote from: Charles on September 23, 2012, 02:01:11 AM
If we wait till there are actual problems, then it becomes a political fix.  I believe that was something you wanted to avoid.  Right now it could still be considered a change with the big change that occured with the blight.

This echoes my sentiments as expressed above.
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That said, I am not thrilled with Fronepu being suddenly accessible by Rio.


Quote from: Charles on September 23, 2012, 03:57:21 AM
That said, I am not thrilled with Fronepu being suddenly accessible by Rio.

Melhed and Rio have never, afaik, been at war, nor do they currently have any reason to be. It's also not too far north, meaning that it wouldn't be too much shorter than it used to be (before the blight).
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Here's the thing:

Sea routes are massively political because they connect specific regions to specific other regions. I am, quite frankly, unhappy with almost all sea routes in the game and consider them an evil necessity.


Quote from: Tom on September 23, 2012, 12:16:46 PM
Here's the thing:

Sea routes are massively political because they connect specific regions to specific other regions. I am, quite frankly, unhappy with almost all sea routes in the game and consider them an evil necessity.

Though I'd rather more realistic naval mechanics requiring the construction of ships and allowing more flexibility in the landing zones, I'd tend to consider a Rines-Fronepu sea route a greater necessity than many existing sea routes.
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Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Tom on September 23, 2012, 12:16:46 PM
Here's the thing:

Sea routes are massively political because they connect specific regions to specific other regions. I am, quite frankly, unhappy with almost all sea routes in the game and consider them an evil necessity.

So... just like any other region....


Quote from: Tom on September 23, 2012, 12:16:46 PM
Here's the thing:

Sea routes are massively political because they connect specific regions to specific other regions. I am, quite frankly, unhappy with almost all sea routes in the game and consider them an evil necessity.

Well, unless you're planning on implementing ports, sea regions, and naval battles within the next few months, I don't see this as a rational argument against adding sea routes to the shattered Beluaterra.
Timothy Collett

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Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Anaris on September 23, 2012, 04:44:31 PM
Well, unless you're planning on implementing ports, sea regions, and naval battles within the next few months, I don't see this as a rational argument against adding sea routes to the shattered Beluaterra.

Especially since it's just like any region that is adjacent to another region. They can become massively political either way...


Quote from: Tom on September 23, 2012, 12:16:46 PM
Here's the thing:

Sea routes are massively political because they connect specific regions to specific other regions. I am, quite frankly, unhappy with almost all sea routes in the game and consider them an evil necessity.

mmm... well... yes... they, obviously, connect regions... is 'their job'... I think of them the same as land routes... (in fact, they work exactly as land routes)

Why are you so unhappy with them? The island with more sea routes (and longers) is Dwilight... well, they are not fantastic, but to be unhappy?  :o

Do you want to make them more... different? faster but more dangerous? not 'scout-ables'? Sea-Monsters?  ;D