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Started by Azerax, October 06, 2012, 03:37:31 AM

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Roleplay from Lucivar SaDiablo   (9 hours, 18 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Judges of Colonies (3 recipients)

Lucivar stood atop the tallest hill in Lukon standing next to the hated one known as the Priest Silks.  She had a beauty to her but her foulness would no longer taint the land of Lukon.

He stared proudly at his invention, something he commissioned just for a Priest of Shadowism. Lucivar looks at Silks and says "For your crimes and actions against Lukon, you are sentenced to death.  Your death will not be a quick death as I have devised something just for your type.  You will be the first and last to fall to this device as each execution I do must be unique."

Those that would watch would see Silks strapped to a table around a rather large constructions of wood, stone, and metal.  There were various weights and pulleys and a cylinder object that dominated the device.  Around the cage, there are men standing next to fires with hot boiling pit and the Dungeon Master standing at the controls of the device and the cage itself sits on a floor of wood.

Lucivar nods to his dungeon master and says "Let the execution commence, start the Shadow Games!'  He watches as the device starts to move and after a few moments the cylinder stops and cast as shadow over the right hand of Silks.  He smiles as a large stone comes crashing down and mashes the hand into a pancake.  Saying "Simple is it not dear Silks, your death is by Shadows"

With a nod of his head, the cylinder moves around randomly till it stops at the left foot of Silks and all is heard is a whoosh and her foot falls to the ground.  Lucivar says "Pitch, seal that wound, she does not die till the end"

The device continues to work slowly smashing, crushing, cutting, slicing, and dicing Silks till nothing remains but a battered torso and her head.  At this point the men around the device walk to Silks and proceed to stab meat hooks through her shoulders.  The dungeon master hits the last button and the remaining straps come off Silks and she raises into the air.

Lucivar walks up to her and without any remorse silts her throat with his knife then cuts open the spots where her arms and legs used to be.  He stands in front of her till all her blood has dripped out. Satisfied, he turns his back and steps back on to the ground.  With a nod, the final act for Silks occurs as the wooden floor crumbles and the device and Silks fall deep into the ground.  The men that had handled the boiling pitch quickly move forward and begin to topple the pitch over.  The darkness descends and the hill is alight with fire and brightness and all Lucivar can think is,  justice as Silks can no longer find the shadows....



Colonies island have seen a massive shake up in recent days. A lot of new realms are seceded, and together they make up the memberships of Colonial Senate guild as the realms various leaders take the island to a new future unknown. 9 realms Rulers hold the rein of the Elder members of the guild as they attempt to shape the new history phase in the island. They are Aren, Assassins, Inner Tilog, Lukon, Oritolon, Outer Tilog, Portion, The Electorate of Minas Thalion and Wetham.

The peace and tranquility Colonies island enjoys for quite sometime as all the realms nobles settle down to an otherwise normal day. Normal days consist of discussing island realmwide agreements. Assassins realm proposes an islandwide prisoners and infiltrators agreement calls "Pre-Colonial Empire Judicial Agreement". The agreement is agreed by only 3 realms however, they are Aren, Assassins and Oritolon.

About 8 days ago, Wetham realm lowered down its Diplomatic Relations with all the realms on Colonies to Neutral. Its new Ruler, King Sadi SaDiablo who is also General of Wetham has spoken in Rulers channel about taking back the disputed region of Asker which is seceded together to form part of Wetham realm lands previously. Due to Asker Region Lord changing his allegiance to Portion realm, King Sadi has requested Asker region to be given back numerous time. His request was ignored by Portion realm Queen Raven Leather.

The news start to tickle in from all the scribes around the island. Wetham has declared War against Lukon realm, supposely to pre-empt the latter realm possible aid to Portion realm. Lukon realm Ruler, Queen Mephista Beldragos appears bemused that Lukon realm is being declared war against. The rest of the realms are busy discussing among themselves whether the island wide Colonial Senate guild will be disssolve in the event of wars.

On another note. In an attempt to cheer up the Colonial Senate guild members in face of upcoming wars, Sideways Archpriest Haroldin Enstance of Inner Tilog realm offers 1000 gold offer to any willing noble from other realms to join his realm. Sir Iuz Vidar Crownguard who is current Viscount of Ammersfield region tried unsuccessfully to pick Sideways Archpriest on his offer. But the Sideways Archpriest is apparently amused because Ammersfield region is already belonging to Inner Tilog realm. the Sideways Archpriest witty retorts is "Nice try, oozesleaze. You got a title. Which cannot be compared to gold. Except gold is better, but that is irrelevant."
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


The Southern Compact and Outer Tilog have agreed a ceasefire so that a tournament of lance and sword can be held in Alebad. This celebration of Colonial nobility is prompted by uncertain portents from the heavens and is being organised by Sir Cathal Dubhaine, Lord Elector of Minas Thalion.


The Alebad tournament was a great success with 24 nobles attending the 9 days of festivities.

In the melee Medea from Oritolon beat Miskel from Outer Tilog.
In the joust Miskel from Outer Tilog beat Ghost from Minas Thalion.


After much time, I am hereby taking up Announcement duties for not only Facebook (still setting up connection), but also Twitter. So...anyone have something to announce?


In a strange twist of fate, Oritolon Swordfighting champion from Alebad tournament, Medea ended up dead in a duel to death with another swordmaster Goriad II in Oritolon. Medea was rewarded as a region lord but her strange death circumstance has been talked to be due to the desert. Goriad II later goes on and become the new Oritolon Swordfighting champion in the next tournament.

On another news, in order to reenergize the realm to move forward, Aren previous Ruler Khatun Lady Brisa has stepped down. Aren new Ruler Khan Jabari is elected to replace her.

Meanwhile Colonial Senate guild has been inundated with discussions about the war between Minas Thalion and Wetham. Many realms nobles try to offer suggestions to defuse the conflict while there are some who wish to see the war being fought on even ground. New issue arises with Minas Thalion(MT) emulating Outer Tilog tradition of "eating" militia on MT way to attack Wetham lands. It remains to be seen how the war and new issue will pan out. Also whether Colonial Senate will implement new policy and become the new powerhouse of its own or break down.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


This has gotten rather dormant. Any news to be posted?


The north is awash in undead bearing the sigil of Outer Tilog.


Every generous region lord has a wall level 1 or 2 standing at their regions after recent sacrifice at Plenty of Pyre.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Nothing going on that I’m aware of...

*whistles innocently*
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...