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The Marrocidenian war

Started by Lanyon, October 07, 2012, 10:31:07 PM

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Quote from: Daycryn on October 23, 2012, 05:49:32 AM
Here's a question thats been of some interest, both ICly and OOC: are the Bloodstars "gods?"

With a loose definition, one can say yes. Many animist religions refer to any object of worship as a god. Its why some forms of Christianity and Islam have issues with idols and icons, as they become rivals gods when they are worshiped.

The stars have personalities, but have yet to be expressed as sentient entities. The idea of a god typically starts off as something rather alien, inhuman, and unknowable, and progresses to a persona that one can even identify in the burn patterns of toasted bread.  I'd actually like to see the evolution of that. The reason it hasn't yet is probably due to the absence of sacred art, which is usually the first to depict things like Fortune, Nemesis and Victory as living breathing knowable beings, who then become bona fide gods, instead of the abstractions they start out as being.

But this is a topic for another thread.
Llewellyn Cryfdwr
Deverka Cryfdwr - Founder and First Grandmaster of Morek, Co-Founder of Sanguis Astroism


Quote from: Daycryn on October 23, 2012, 05:49:32 AM
Here's a question thats been of some interest, both ICly and OOC: are the Bloodstars "gods?"

The Bloodstars are certainly all-powerful beings worthy of worship, and which work in Mysterious Ways. They fit a description of a God in that sense.

The reasons you will sometimes see people argue that Bloodstars are not gods is that there is no place for the supernatural in Sanguis Astroism. Either something exists, or it doesn't. The Stars are part of the natural world. They're the real thing.

It does not actually offend the Bloodstars if you worship a different god. It's probably part of their plan. You will be unhappy though, because your god won't help you to achieve balance. It's probably not real anyway, but there is always the possibility that other gods do exist as beings, ghosts or something. They still feel the Bloodstars though.

Note that SA has been known to integrate other religions (notably The Seven) without trouble.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: Lanyon on October 23, 2012, 05:13:17 AM
I play monopoly very different than the rules say because that's how i find it fun.

Yes, but do you play by your own Monopoly rules at the same time that the other players are playing by the traditional rules? Everyone here plays by the same rules, or should be, at least. If you want to play by some other rule set, you need the agreement of the other players, or in this case, the game developer.


Quote from: DamnTaffer on October 23, 2012, 03:26:05 AM
That isn't what it means, it implies that faith in god isn't important because the sovereign is better than god and more worthy. He isn't a god King he transcends god as something better.

The king is "better than a god" = god-king, in my book.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: DamnTaffer on October 23, 2012, 03:27:36 AM
I find it ignorant that it is thought that nobody was athiest or agnostic in medieval europe. It certainly wasn't publicised or admitted but that is all.

There are no atheists or non-worshipers in BM. Fact. Everyone absolutely everyone is religious. Aurvsndiil chooses to do folk religion and pagan faith like rubbing sticks together and chanting, where other kingdoms are civilized and actually have organized faith. No one cares if you dont believe or agree with god in RL, in BM find a religion already.

Although I support Aurvandiil on so many levels it seems that their adherence to non-religion is a bad precedent and the realm should be relentlessly attacked until it plays by the rules and gets a faith, just so other future realms dont think that it is alright to play like that.

Its pretty easy , found a religion. Its actually a lot more fun than atheism is.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


i am actually suprised that Aurvendil hasn't made its own religion yet.
They already worship Mendicant, why not make a real organized religion out of it?
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog

Glaumring the Fox

I know and it makes total sense and they would still get to be closet atheists.  8)
We live lives in beautiful lies...


QuoteDuchy Changes Allegiance   (1 hour ago)
message to Everyone on Dwilight
Sun Hall has changed its allegiance with all its regions to the realm of Luria Nova. The duchy used to belong to Solaria.

Ha! D'Hara wins.


How do you figure? Now you're at war with one large realm instead of two medium sized ones.


Quote from: Velax on October 23, 2012, 08:28:24 PM
How do you figure? Now you're at war with one large realm instead of two medium sized ones.

1. Propaganda.
2. The realm that initially declared war on D'Hara now consists of two regions, while our realm has retaken 3 regions since the war started.
3. There will be a lot of loyalty/region control/tax issues in the larger realm for some time to come. I estimate it will take them at least two weeks, and probably a month, to get it all settled.


Quote from: Indirik on October 23, 2012, 04:49:01 AM
He he he ... that would be an interesting mechanic. If enough people report your character's message as professing atheistic beliefs, you log in to find your character has been burned at the stake.

That would be wonderful.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Solaria is K.O.

D'Hara is just too epic for the Lurias. Bastards never should have backstabbed us.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on October 23, 2012, 03:09:27 AM
"Why do the locals need religion when they have their Sovereign to provide for them" is basically what Mendicant has stated. If that's not an atheist statement, then it's a statement that proclaims him to be a god-king. Vice versa.

It's neither statement.

It isn't Mendicant saying he is a God, and it isn't Mendicant saying he's a God, it's him saying God's are irrelevant to Aurvandil even if they are God's, much like how Haktoo is irrelevant even though she has what can only be described as Godly powers. There can be God's, Mendicant doesn't care, they are no different from any other natural phenomena we can observe in the world of Battlemaster, of which there is an exceptional amount. From Daimon's, to monsters to magic and the blight, exposure to such things have only bred contempt for them as far as Mendicant cares. And as a powerful Monarch, he feels he doesn't have to care and why should he? He has every reason to believe God's are irrelevant by their own choice or by their impotence in the affairs of Aurvandil, and he has every reason to believe he stands high enough to be immune to such trivial concerns.

To the people arguing over Atheism yes there were atheists in the Medieval era, and there were quite famous and open atheists, including one particular English King who made it clear the religion was his bitch and not the other way around, though I forget the exact king right now. There were plenty of somewhat popular philosophies in Medieval Europe that were quite clearly "Atheistic" by some measure or other, it's a popular misconception that you'd be immediately burnt at the stake for being a non believer, considering the wealth of historical evidence of non believing knights and kings. But, Mendicant and by extension Aurvandil aren't atheist, we have different paths of religion, and for a long time Aurvandil held a lot of religious temples in all of our lands until the religion itself collapsed thanks to the civil war.  Though, Aurvandil don't view Mendicant as a God-King, which be insulting to Mendicant at best.

Glaumring the Fox

It doesnt matter historically. BM isnt a simulator. Tom has specifically stated that there are no atheists in BM. I know there is no way to enforce it.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Well the Morekians just declared war on us and all i can say is: Do ya feel lucky punk? well do ya?