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Sneaky Nobles

Started by Eldargard, November 07, 2012, 11:29:37 AM

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What can a noble do without getting caught? Are some things chance based? Are things always reported to someone? My impression might be wrong but it seems that getting away with any kind of looting, pillaging, and all that is not possible. I am sure it just comes down to my lack of knowledge regarding game mechanics...


No, you are right. Infiltrator is the class for being sneaky. Everything else a noble does is fairly high-profile.

In BattleMaster the game is not "do not get caught" but being able to get away with what you do. With enough power and political support, you can pretty much do whatever you like.


I was not thinking of things like personal attacks, playing with road signs and the like. These things are clearly infiltrator specific. Perhaps I should be more specific.

If a noble goes to a rouge region with no player controlled nobles in it and loots, is that nobles judge automatically notified?

If a noble goes to a rouge region with player controlled nobles in it and loots, is the other noble notified?

If a noble enters a region belonging to a foreign realm with no player controlled nobles in it and loots, who gets notified? The region lord? The foreign Judge? The offending nobles Judge?

In the cases in which reports are generated, are the reports guaranteed or chance based?

Looting is just one example. I am sure that there are other activities that nobles are allowed to perform that may or may not be against realm law.

In any case, your comment on gaining sufficient power to get away with doing what you want is a good point and a perspective I had not considered overly much.


There are a few things that are not automatically reported. For looting, there is a special looting option that might (chance-based) allow you to stay undetected.