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Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour

Started by Fury, November 12, 2012, 06:05:17 PM

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Stabbity, what's wrong with your nipples?
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Perhaps Penchant can help repair Cabin 9, instead of being confined? A guard can be posted at the door if you like.

Stabbity, I never said I was a Sith Lord. I am not a Jedi either. I find it suspicious that you don't approve of my patriotic underwear."



VOTE TO CONFINE PENCHANT - D'Espana #132, Lefanis #134
VOTE KILL EGAMMA (failed) - Stabbity #127

As Communications Officer Penchant gave no defence or explanation, he was bundled off to be confined in the Starboard Cargo Bay. VIP Passenger Egamma tried again to repair his cabin but the only one who could help him was his fellow VIP Passenger Lefanis but apparently Lefanis was busy trying to repair Engineering.

Stormtrooper Ketchum is seen guarding Engineering, Stormtrooper Elegant is seen guarding the Food Storage, and Stormtrooper Stabbity is seen guarding Communications.

Suddenly, Stabbity shouts out: "IT WAS EGAMMA! My memory has returned! While in the lounge I saw him come out of his cabin and head towards Communications just before the explosion! Even though my cognitive cortex was disabled for 15 minutes my optics were still recording! It's him!" Before anyone can react to this astounding relevation, Stabbity suddenly jerks uncontrollably and intones in a monotonous voice: "I threw the mine into Communications."

No one knew what to say. Then Navigation Officer D'Espana breaks the silence and informs everyone that the ship was heading straight into an asteroid field. It was now up to Pilot Disturbedyang or another crew (at reduced capability) to maneuver the ship to safety.

Get your name in the High Score (you have until next deadline)

Before anyone could react, a scream is heard from Medical Bay. Everyone rushes there and finds Medical Officer 'Doc' DK with blaster injuries.

Current Situation

Passenger Cabin 9 - still sabotaged
Communications - still sabotaged
Medical Officer DK - injured
(can't vote but can moan partly incoherently)
Communications Officer Penchant - confined
The Ship - heading into an asteroid field


VOTE to confine (a suspect)
FRAME (person)
SABOTAGE or ATTACK (location) / (person)
GUARD (location) / (person)
SCAN (quote)
REPAIR Passenger Cabin 9 and Communications
HEAL - Medical Officer DK

Fly safely through the asteroid field
* Required: Pilot - TOP 100 high score, other crew - TOP 90 high score *
(failure leads to one ship's vital component damaged and one person injured)


Top 100 high score? Seriously? That's like 120k points! lolz. I will try but i think the others better try too.


As Disturbedyang arrives at the Medical bay, he was disgusted by the injury DK suffered. Despite that, he has to maintain composure to give orders to the rest of the crew.

Firstly, anyone that are able to, please help me out at the cockpit as i will be overloaded with tons of work to avoid the asteroids, and an extra pair of eyes will definitely help.

Then, Lefanis and Egamma, both of you should seriously discuss with each other where to repair or what to do. As of now, i felt it is best to repair the Communications as we will definitely need to call to HQ in the case of emergency. Egamma, i am sure you can cope with using the cabin 11 for now, right?

The stormtroopers, i will let all of you to decide by yourself what or who to defend. Posting here will only make the saboteur easier chance of aiming the target that wasn't guarded though it is not easy to defend the right one anyway, so it is all by luck.

On another note, we didn't managed to confine Egamma and havoc has never stopped. Stabbity on the other hand actually openly admitted due to a certain malfunction in his system and admitted he himself threw the mine. But i think Stabbity weird behaviour has certainly caused a lot of trouble including his vote to try to openly kill Egamma this early without any evidence.




I will heal DK. Can someone guard me while I do so?


Security sweep complete. I have found an encrypted datapad; perhaps it can be decoded. It might point to our saboteur. Whoever it is is very highly trained.

I will guard you Egamma; we need our medical officer back on his feet.

Stabbity's activities are suspect. I vote to confine him as well.



Penchant hears Egamma saying he will heal DK, but knows that just as Egamma couldn't repair by himself, he couldn't effectively heal DK alone. Penchant shouts so everyone can hear, "Egamma wanting to help heal DK is honorable but he won't be able to do it alone. Perhaps Lefanis could aid them,and to guard both effectively merely guard the medical bay as that is where they will be. Could you people let me out of here? The sabotage has been admitted to be done by Stabbity and why would I sabotage communications when I am the communications officer instead of something else anyways?"
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


"Perhaps Lefanis is sneaking around when we are all asleep."

Vote release Penchant
Vote confine Lefanis


Couldn't get the flash version to work, but I did download the newer version by Atari  ;D 1.1 million score! This is how you win the Kobayashi Maru  :P
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


(OOC: I suck at the minigame, but I'll nevertheless try to get something until the deadline. Btw, Fury, incredible idea you had there. I'll have to seacrh you IG to give you a RP medal  ;D)

D'Espana runs in the middle of the conversation once again, his fists clunched in rage.

- The asteroid field is nerfing my scan's distance, so I won't be able to give reliable indications until we get out of this hellhole. About the captives, I think the droid is very suspicious, so I VOTE TO CONFINE STABBITY. I don't think we should free Penchant yet, but as I don't tink he's guilty I'll propose something: let's hold always the two people we consider more suspicious, and see if the sabotages stop. This way, if by tomorrow no sabotages have happened, we free Penchant and continue with other one. I don't think we have more than two Rebel scum in here, it'd be weird if more have entered without us noticing.

He then heads into the cockpit, and HELPS DISTURBEDYANG to take the ship out of the field.
D'Espana Family



VOTE TO CONFINE STABBITY - Disturbedyang #139, Tandaros #141, D'Espana #145

VOTE TO CONFINE LEFANIS (failed) - egamma #143
VOTE TO RELEASE PENCHANT (failed) - egamma #143

They weren't taking any chances. Anyone who was acting suspiciously was voted to be confined. They marched Stormtrooper Stabbity and locked him up with Communications Officer Penchant in the Starboard Cargo Hold while Vip Passengers Egamma and Lefanis went to work on healing Medical Officer DK. Stormtrooper Tandaros personally guarded Egamma and Stormtrooper Ketchum guarded Engineering.

2nd Character RP by GM
(first was flying through the asteroid)

While in the Medical Bay, Tandaros reveals that the datapad he recovered contained a single encryted untraceable out-of-system message received at their point of departure and that the Imperial Database could probably reveal who received it and what it contained.

Meanwhile Pilot Disturbedyang had failed to fly the ship safely through the asteroid field and the lights went out throughout the ship. Then a blaster shot sounded in the Medical Bay and a shout from outside yelled, "It's Disturbedyang! He's come back to finish of DK!!" When the lights came on Stormtrooper Tandaros had been shot. They also find Passenger Cabin 9 spray painted with "DK must die!" on the door.

After the ship came out of the asteroid field, damage control reports that Engineering was damaged and Stormtrooper Ketchum was injured through ship collision.

Current Situation

Passenger Cabin 9 - still sabotaged
Communications - still sabotaged
Engineering - damaged

Medical Officer DK - healing (2 days remaining)
Stormtrooper Tandaros - injured
Stormtrooper Ketchum - injured
(can't vote but can moan partly incoherently)

Communications Officer Penchant - confined
Stormtrooper Stabbity - confined


VOTE to confine (a suspect)
FRAME (person)
SABOTAGE or ATTACK (location) / (person)
GUARD (location) / (person)
SCAN (quote)
REPAIR Passenger Cabin 9, Communications, & Engineering
HEAL - Medical Officer DK, Stormtroopers Tandaros & Ketchum

USE Personal RP - for small advantage not covered by game mechanics


OOC:( Yeah that shouting thing requiring ALL CAPS doesn't sound like it would be nice on people's eyes so would you reconsider that? I will if you insist but I would prefer not to.)
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Penchant on December 02, 2012, 07:34:46 PM
OOC:( Yeah that shouting thing requiring ALL CAPS doesn't sound like it would be nice on people's eyes so would you reconsider that? I will if you insist but I would prefer not to.)

Oh that's just for flavour. ;) You can post anyway you like.


Disturbedyang tried maneuvering through the asteroids when the computer suddenly says, "The possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is 5270 to 1". Shrugged and pissed with tons of workload he said, "Never tell me the odds" (OOC: Sorry, had to :p) With the help of D'Espana, he turns the ship left and right, and when he is almost at the end of the field, suddenly the computer says, "Warning! Warning! Approaching asteroid on the right" and sure it is. At a high speed that is. He make a sharp turn to the left but it is all in vain as it was already too close. The asteroid !@#$s the rear of the ship and all lights and warning came off in the ship.

Recovering from the hit, Disturbedyang looks at D'Espana and said, "At least that was the last of it".

He quickly rushes to the back to check on the rest of the crew and as most of the crew were in the medical bay, that was his first destination. As he approaches the room, he suddenly heard someone screamed, "It's Disturbedyang! He's come back to finish of DK!!" from outside the room and saw a figure running away in the intermittent on and off lights. He quickly rushes into the room and saw Tandaros is already injured. He looks at Lefanis and Egamma and said, you guys can check me for any blaster gun or even confine me to see if the sabotage stops, if that means earning the trust of everyone else. Then they walked out together and saw the paint on the door of cabin 9. Seems to me i have a reason to suspect Egamma too, as like i said previously, the sabotage didn't stop since we didn't managed to confine him. Seems like he still hold grudges about the cabin changes.

But make a decision because if anymore of us are confined, it is paramount that Stabbity and/or Penchant are released because otherwise, they can easily outnumber and take over the ship. I believe Penchant is safe but i still do not trust Stabbity. And neither do i Egamma.

And i hope Tandaros can tell us what he revealed or anything we can do to help him reveal it.