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Reading messages in prison

Started by Lychaon, November 23, 2012, 10:19:18 PM

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Hi all!

After a couple of days in prison, and without having bribed actually the jailer, I've seen this message in my advy's game screen:

You successfully bribed the guards, and can read the news or send messages today.

The fact is I can't do anything, as I couldn't before. Before this I didn't try to do anything fearing awful consequences, but after seeing that message I've tried to talk with other prisoners with no results.

I can't access the information of my character or his inventory, and of course, neither his messages. Could it be some kind of bug?



You should be able to access messages, but no other actions.


Hum, then I think maybe there's some problem.

My character has received today a message from the authorities of the realm he's imprisoned in, and I decided to reply. But by mistake I quitted the message screen. I tried to go back but I couldn't so I decided to bribe the guards to write a reply. I got the same message of yesterday (this time after effectively bribe), but same as yesterday, I canĀ“t read the news nor send messages. Basically, I can't do anything. Well, I haven't tried yet to pay ransom or convert to the realm where I'm imprisoned 'cause I rather to try to talk to the authorities.


Oh, thank you for your reply Tom  ;)