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Southern War of Nobility (Civil war in Madina)

Started by Nosferatus, April 05, 2011, 10:00:53 PM

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Quote from: Chénier on September 17, 2011, 05:07:05 PM
Right, like actually torturing him?

Or, you are right, we should give him the standard "rot in my cells for 7 days while I completely ignore you". That's much more exciting for newbies.

*shrugs* Deportation? Hold him for a couple days, give him a verbal warning, release? Take his gold? etc. Just seems like better things to do that killing off the guys characters right off the bat. Just feel like it gives a bad impression of the game. I'm glad the guy stuck around, but I don't feel like that the reaction most people would have.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


I'd say it would depend entirely on the player--some would hate that, others would love to have something interesting happen in the first month. I mean, he's got a fame point!


Quote from: egamma on September 17, 2011, 07:06:20 PM
I'd say it would depend entirely on the player--some would hate that, others would love to have something interesting happen in the first month. I mean, he's got a fame point!

It's a new character, it's not as if he is actually losing anything.

If anything, I think it makes the player feel that big things can and *do* happen. Really, it's an achievement on its own, much like getting a first lordship.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Gustav Kuriga

Just because you feel he wouldn't be losing anything doesn't mean he isn't. In fact, that's a very, very naive way of looking at it. He could have formed a relationship that would have seen him having a lordship in a couple months (purely hypothetical situation), but since his character has been killed off, he has to start over again, and it could be over a year before he gets another chance to get a lordship position.

Also, whether or not he could have heard you mocking him is irrelevant. It is a petty thing to do to a new player, and can also spread via word of mouth.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on September 17, 2011, 09:06:35 PM
but since his character has been killed off, he has to start over again, and it could be over a year before he gets another chance to get a lordship position.

If he could have gotten to where you say he could have gotten in 1.5 months, why would it take him a year to get there again with another character? He can just as easily use this to his advantage, you know. People on a quest for vengeance against a common enemy can make for powerful assets.


We really are starting to get slightly away from topic now, can we please split this off and we can get back to trash talking about rebel scum? Thanks.


Pah, he could always run in Barca's Judge election and play up the sympathy card. If he played it at all well, I could see how his character could be Lady Justice Flavia Constantia :)

So, think there'll be a huge battle before winter kicks in? Not asking who'd attack, but will this dose of silence continue for long or soon be shattered?


Quote from: Carna on September 18, 2011, 04:00:04 AM
Pah, he could always run in Barca's Judge election and play up the sympathy card. If he played it at all well, I could see how his character could be Lady Justice Flavia Constantia :)

So, think there'll be a huge battle before winter kicks in? Not asking who'd attack, but will this dose of silence continue for long or soon be shattered?

There was plans to be, but I am not sure we will see one now.


Quote from: Carna on September 18, 2011, 04:00:04 AM
Pah, he could always run in Barca's Judge election and play up the sympathy card. If he played it at all well, I could see how his character could be Lady Justice Flavia Constantia :)

So, think there'll be a huge battle before winter kicks in? Not asking who'd attack, but will this dose of silence continue for long or soon be shattered?

just look at the CS stats.
apparently a climax has still not been reached.
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


So who's excited for this huge battle we're about to have!?  ;D
New Harte Family: Eros (Vix Tiramora, EC), Nyx (Fronen, BT), Chance (Avernus, DW), Scopuli (Gothica, Colonies)

Old Harte Family: Hyperion (Aurvandil, DW), William (IVF, BT), Katrina (Fronen, BT), Callandor II (Ohnar West, FE)


Quote from: DoctorHarte on September 24, 2011, 01:08:52 AM
So who's excited for this huge battle we're about to have!?  ;D

I am, and I'm not even in it!  ;D
My language: (Apologies for any confusion this results in.)
Awesome = Ossim
Tom = Tarm


"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Vellos on September 24, 2011, 04:10:48 AM
wut wut wut?

Huge battle about to happen in Tower Fatmilak.  :o
My language: (Apologies for any confusion this results in.)
Awesome = Ossim
Tom = Tarm


Report from Hireshmont II Vellos   (2 hours ago)
Message sent to all full members of "Véinsørmoot" (24 recipients)
For the curious, a vast battle is about to occur in Tower Fatmilak. 58 nobles from four realms (Terran, Aurvandil, Madina, and Fissoa) are present (though, of course, I am not present as a belligerent).

The list of nobles is:

Loathin Fantom, Earl of Mangai
Vallyn Rothach, Grand Doge and Lord Admiral of Madina, Marshal of the Madina Republican Army
Hireshmont II Vellos (Priest of Triunism)
Beaumains Varrus (Knight of Madina)
Fionn MacCumhal, Duke of Tower Fatmilak
Sorbad D'Saferate (Lord)
Periurium Baceolus, Earl of Libba
Ocsric George, Baron of Laraibina
Coturnix Struthionis, Marquess of Madina Gardens
Sir Malificar Jeckyl (Knight of Madina)
Atticus Nightshroud, Earl of Agl
Sir Hyperion Harte (Knight of Candiels)
Baldwin Amalric (Knight of Tubrel)
Tarajist Balewind, High Marshal of Grand Duchy of Fissoa, Marshal of the Royal Guardians of Fissoa
Scyhtherion Principe (Knight of Candiels)
Reign Beaux Nephthys, Earl of Candiels Fields
Florence Endellion (Dame of Candiels)
Bendix Lancer (Knight of Madina)
Gwrtheyrnion Vertigern (Lord)
Mendicant Anhangar, High Sovereign of Aurvandil, Duke of Candiels
Kirino Kishiro (Dame of Madina)
Mhorbid Lundstrom II (Knight of Candiels Fields)
Sothcynning Lurdigala (Knight of Candiels)
Fujiwara Yusuke, Viscount of Tubrel
Earendil Archeanis, Marshal of the Chevaliers Hausos d'Auziwandilaz
Tyrus Azriel (Knight of Madina)
Allomere de' Striguile, Knight Hausos At Arms of Aurvandil, Viscount of Zerujil
Sarit Noyan, Arbiter Of Justice and Royal Purser of Aurvandil, Marquess of Evanburg
Henry Elegant (Knight of Madina)
Aethelflaed Vanimedle' (Dame of Agl)
Infaustus Godhelm Brythonic (Knight of Lusitania)
Shinato Doll, Viscount of Lusitania
Fal'Cie Nachtmahr (Knight of Candiels)
Hereward Grungir (Knight of Candiels)
Helm Altenahr, Marshal of the Knights of the Griffon Rising
Herousmalswyrd Metisette (Knight of Agl)
Tarkus Graves (Knight of Madina)
Raviel Armityle (Knight of Agl)
Sheer Khan Naga (Knight of Fissoa)
Fernando Marcomanni, Baron of Bol
Daichar Voeder, Baron of Panabuk
Sir Alterf Blackmore, Baron of Lugagun
Alecto Guile (Knight of Lusitania)
Balzk Aldarion (Knight of Madina)
Macedon Lyirchtsars (Knight of Candiels)
Shaw Canton (Outlaw)
Tayron Sutherland (Knight of Tubrel)
Leonidas Aisin (Knight of Madina Gardens)
Leafrick Windodger (Dame of Madina Gardens)
Treare Xariz (Knight of Zerujil)
Matharis Azul (Knight of Candiels Fields)
Sidonie Mustard (Dame of Evanburg)
Laurence Darlor Lawrence (Knight of Madina)
Wallace Argyll (Knight of Zerujil)
Serpico Radnor Farron (Knight of Zerujil)
Vahanian Blint (Knight of Panabuk)
Faramond Gallien Griffirtaen (Noble)
Philippe Lockheart (Noble)

So great a host has never before been mustered in the south.

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,

Hireshmont II Vellos
Mootgram of Véinsørmoot

Huge Battle Fought   (31 minutes ago)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Tower Fatmilak:
Aurvandil vs. Grand Duchy of Fissoa, Madina
Estimated strengths: 2020 men vs. 1190 men
The Madina Republican Army (Madina), sponsored by Luan Agenor (Lord), were led into battle by Marshal Vallyn Rothach.
The Knights of the Griffon Rising (Madina), sponsored by Vallyn Rothach, Grand Doge and Lord Admiral of Madina, Marshal of the Madina Republican Army, were led into battle by Marshal Helm Altenahr.
The Chevaliers Hausos d'Auziwandilaz (Aurvandil), sponsored by Mendicant Anhangar, High Sovereign of Aurvandil, Duke of Candiels, were led into battle by Marshal Earendil Archeanis.
Philippe Lockheart (Noble of Aurvandil) was captured by Henry Elegant's unit.
Macedon Lyirchtsars (Knight of Candiels, Aurvandil) was captured by Alterf Blackmore's unit.
Infaustus Godhelm Brythonic (Knight of Lusitania, Aurvandil) was captured by Laurence Darlor Lawrence's unit.

Defender Victory!


Wow, Madina was outnumbered? How is that possible?