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Kingdom of Coria

Started by Dante Silverfire, February 19, 2013, 06:50:55 AM

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Dante Silverfire

Greetings Noble forum viewers. Today is a momentous occasion. In what will be the beginning of what will likely be the most significant political action and transformation on Atamara in the past year or so, my character Merlin Silverfire has today proclaimed himself King of Coria. As King of Coria, Merlin will be leading a whole set of changes in Coria's foreign and domestic policy which will shake up Atamara's political landscape.

I call upon any and all players who would like to join a realm which will be at the forefront of politics and change on Atamara to send a character to Coria. I can assure you that Coria will soon be fighting in important wars, it already is, but more conflict is soon to come. Coria will also be the founder of a new empire on Atamara, which will be led and headed up by my character Merlin Silverfire. There will be many new opportunities for position gains, as we'll be gaining new regions, and already have a ratio of barely 2 nobles per region. Elections will continue to be held for all lordship positions so it will be easy to gain a position if you prove to be contributing to the realm.

Coria will, if I have anything to do about it be a force to prevent stagnation of Atamara, and as the very center of the continent, be a force for change and power plays for years to come.

Included below are the RP's and letters sent at the beginning of the foundation of the Kingdom of Coria:
Roleplay from Merlin Silverfire   (28 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (32 recipients)
His Grace, Duke Merlin Silverfire of Frekpotis marched down the central avenue of Barad Gardor, the capital of Coria. He was surrounded by the 72 most elite troops in the entire realm, his well-trained special forces, who would die to the man before allowing harm to their Duke. Behind the Duke's bodyguard strode 100 of the city's militia along with the captains of the city's militia and palace guards. Behind the capital's militia strode 500 personal retainers of the Duke each carrying a large bundle. This group was lit only by the flickering fire of hundreds of torches in the pre-dawn twilight.

When Merlin reached the forum of the Corian Ruler's palace, he stopped and surveyed the palace. He turned briefly to his men, and the captain of the city's militia and the captain of the palace guards were brought forward to flank the Duke. Striding forward, Merlin moved to the base of the podium in front of the palace and drew his sword. With a single slice, and a sharp crack, he cut down the flagpole of Coria, then moved and picked up the banner of the realm in his hands. Without a word spoken, he took a torch from his closest retainer and set the banner aflame and held the banner aloft.

Merlin turned to the two captains. "Burn them. Burn every banner of Coria within the city. My retainers will accompany you and supply you with the replacements." The captains turned and looked at each other for a brief moment. What could they do? Merlin was Duke of the city of Barad Gardor, and the highest authority currently in Coria. The only person who could possibly override his order would be Merlin's vassal the direct Lord of Barad Gardor and he wasn't in the city. Just as this was undoubtedly passing the minds of the captains, a messenger ran up to the gathering.

"My Lord Silverfire!" the messenger said. "The results of the election are in; you are now officially Ruler of Coria!"

Almost immediately after hearing the news, the two captains voiced their assent and set out with their men to begin. As they turned away, each had three of Merlin's bodyguard go with them to keep watch. Merlin then announced: "Someone find me a throne," before he turned his back on the crowd and entered the Palace proper.

Before long, red fires had sprouted up all across the city, and snakes of smoke reached out and shrouded the city in a sort of haze, as the sun breached the horizon. Before the hour was out, hundreds of pigeons had already left the city, carrying the same message to the four corners of Atamara. The details differed, but the central message was the same:

"The Republic of Coria has fallen! The Kingdom of Coria has begun!"

This RP was also sent to all rulers of the continent.

Here is the announcement made to Coria after the change:

QuoteReport from Merlin Silverfire   (25 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (32 recipients)
My fellow nobles of Coria,

Thank you for your support in electing me today. After much consideration and advice as well as suggestions from multiple lords of our realm, I have chosen not to carry out my plans of rebellion as I stated previously. This would only cause conflict and drive a wedge between our nobility. However, I still believe that Coria's government under the Republican style has been non-functional for some time. Coria's Senators as a whole have neglected their duties and responsibilities that they were elected to fulfill. Many Senators don't speak at all within the Senate, and most never offer ideas or opinions for the betterment of our realm. Therefore, it has been my determination that the Corian Senate has failed, and should not continue in its current form.

It is with that understanding that I announce the following changes to Coria's political structure:

1. From this moment forward, I am proclaiming an end to Coria as a Republic, and the beginning of Coria has a Constitutional Monarchy. In recognition of the importance of our realm's nobility and Senators, I will be voluntarily placing certain limitations upon myself and my power as previously stated during the election. These are as follows:

1a. All internal elections would remain in place, excluding the one for Ruler. We will elect our lords, and our government members just as we do now.

1b. I vow to not make ANY appointments to lordship positions to bypass the electoral process. This includes both in my duchy and in new regions if that is relevant. I will elect the nobles and lords of Coria determine those things.

1c. I will allow our internal lords and nobles to continue to make Corian laws and such, I have no interest in the internal politics of Coria.

1d. I will support the establishment of a constitution/charter in order to preserve these promises in law for our new realm, limiting the power of the Monarch permanently.

2. I am also announcing the dissolution of the Corian Senate. To replace it, a Royal Council will be established. This council will be the council where I seek advisement and discussion over matters of state. All nobles interested whether they be knight or lord will be allowed to join, BUT those nobles who do not actively participate will be removed.

3. I am adopting the title of King instead of Consul, in recognition of my increased duties and responsibilities to the realm of Coria and its nobles, as well as my increased authority on matters of foreign policy. Elections for ruler will also end as of today.

4. In order to accommodate the fact that various factions within Coria may be upset about these changes, I make the following promise to all nobles of Coria: "Should Coria present a candidate who would seek to run against me as ruler of our realm, and that candidate presents a concrete plan that could possibly work to the Royal Council, and that candidate receives the public stated support of at least 1/3rd of Coria's nobles, then I will step down as Ruler of Coria and allow an election to occur."

4a. However, at that time, the election will take place in a time of anarchy. Should I win that election, I will formally change Coria from the stated form of Republic to Monarchy.

5. Finally, as stated during the election, I assume all formal responsibility and control of Coria's foreign policy. I will accept advice, comments, and direction from the Royal Council, but I will personally retain final say and decision making power in terms of our foreign diplomacy. This is for the purpose of providing stability and being able to make the difficult decisions necessary for the success of our realm and our planned Empire.

Thank you all, and May Coria forever prosper,

Merlin Silverfire
Consul of Coria
Duke of Frekpotis
Margrave of Barad Falas

Finally, the new King of Coria's first public announcement to the rulers of Atamara:

Letter from Merlin Silverfire   (21 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Atamara (14 recipients)
Assembled Rulers of Atamara,

As of this moment, I formally announce the end of the Republic of Coria. In its place, and by the election of the nobles of Coria, I assume the position of King of the Kingdom of Coria. In order to provide stability in leadership, solidarity in foreign diplomacy, strength and wisdom in decision making, from now on I have assumed full and final authority to determine Coria's foreign diplomacy.

My first action as King of Coria is the formal announcement of Coria's repudiation of any who would seek to call Coria a puppet of any realm. We announce our sovereignty and right to operate as an independent Kingdom with sworn fealty to no noble or realm beyond our borders. In addition, Coria announces that it will stand against any and all action which denies the sovereignty of any realm on Atamara. Those who would make themselves overlords and hegemons of Atamara will not be tolerated. We are all nobility and should respect each other's right to be sovereign within our own borders.

Secondly, with the reformation of Coria into a Monarchy, we have determined that Coria's current banner is no longer the proper representation of our realm and nobles. We have had commissioned a new banner, which we are calling the Phoenix Banner. I have included an artistic representation of Coria's banner with this letter so that Coria's banner will be recognized in the field. File:Phoenix_Crest_Revised_a.png The standard of the Phoenix represents a force, which cannot be overcome by mere opposition. The Phoenix is undying, reborn when harmed, and returns in strength each time. By taking up the Phoenix standard, Coria asserts both its strength, and its resolve to not yield under foreign pressure to shape and break us.

Finally, makes an open call to all who would see Coria's ideals as fitting with their own. Coria will take a stand against even the largest odds. We will stand in the name of honor even if every other noble on the continent forsakes honor. Dying in the name of honor and defense of the sovereignty of realms is better than living under hegemony and oppression. I am Coria. Join Coria, Join me, Stand beside me, and together we will never be defeated. For Coria now represents an idea, and an idea cannot be slain or destroyed, an idea overwhelms even the greatest opposition when it is for a just cause.

His Majesty,

Merlin Silverfire
King of Coria
Duke of Frekpotis
Margrave of Barad Falas

So, if you are looking for a new realm to make a character in. If you left Atamara because it was no longer interesting, if you simply want to try something new. Join Coria.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Somehow it feels like this is like 3 months too late to matter much.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Vellos on February 19, 2013, 07:11:43 AM
Somehow it feels like this is like 3 months too late to matter much.

I don't think so. If you aren't aware of what's been going on in Atamara leadership circles, you'll see some of the other plans I have in place shortly. Will be making a new thread to discuss the foundation of the Phoenix Empire with Coria as the founding member.

Also, this has been in planning for 6 weeks, so it takes time to do it right.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on February 19, 2013, 07:18:07 AM
I don't think so. If you aren't aware of what's been going on in Atamara leadership circles, you'll see some of the other plans I have in place shortly. Will be making a new thread to discuss the foundation of the Phoenix Empire with Coria as the founding member.

Also, this has been in planning for 6 weeks, so it takes time to do it right.
So doesn't an empire kinda go against the, everyone is sovereign thing?
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Penchant on February 19, 2013, 07:21:16 AM
So doesn't an empire kinda go against the, everyone is sovereign thing?

Hush you. No it doesn't. The specific terms of it specifically reinforce this idea. It is going to take me 30 mins to an hour to even get all the stuff for the empire prepared to send out IC. Then will add to forum.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on February 19, 2013, 07:23:10 AM
Hush you. No it doesn't. The specific terms of it specifically reinforce this idea. It is going to take me 30 mins to an hour to even get all the stuff for the empire prepared to send out IC. Then will add to forum.
Well, I will check it out tomorrow then if it will be over half an hour. Sounds like it will be really interesting though.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Well this is exciting!  :o


And any disgruntled Republicans left in Coria are welcome to join CE.  8)

Quote from: Dante Silverfire on February 19, 2013, 07:23:10 AM
Hush you. No it doesn't. The specific terms of it specifically reinforce this idea. It is going to take me 30 mins to an hour to even get all the stuff for the empire prepared to send out IC. Then will add to forum.

You do give up some sovereignty, though. Wars will have to be pre-approved by the Imperial Senate. (I'm not disagreeing with it, just saying that you can't sell it as "no loss of sovereignty whatsoever".)
qui audet vincit


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on February 19, 2013, 06:50:55 AM
Coria will, if I have anything to do about it be a force to prevent stagnation of Atamara, and as the very center of the continent, be a force for change and power plays for years to come.

Ahh, what it is like to be a new King... I remember the feeling well. Atamara will quickly crush and cripple your young dreams.  :'(
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on February 19, 2013, 08:10:24 AM
Ahh, what it is like to be a new King... I remember the feeling well. Atamara will quickly crush and cripple your young dreams.  :'(

That's what I told him! :D

Seriously though, I think everything happening is a pretty awesome and necessary shift on Atamara (if nothing else, it'll cause something to happen)... I'm also happy that if I'd bet on all the events thus far, I'd be richer right now. I predicted some of the backlash and such more accurately than I expected.


Quote from: Eirikr on February 19, 2013, 08:27:06 AM
Seriously though, I think everything happening is a pretty awesome and necessary shift on Atamara (if nothing else, it'll cause something to happen)...

No doubt. Excited to see all of this happening and where it may go.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on February 19, 2013, 08:10:24 AM
Ahh, what it is like to be a new King... I remember the feeling well. Atamara will quickly crush and cripple your young dreams.  :'(

Yeah, I did not enjoy my stint as a King in Atamara.

Props to Silverfire for trying to shake things up though. As Vellos mentioned however, it does seem several months late.


For those interested, here is some more of the RP from today:

QuoteThe City of Barad Gardor

The morning after elections in The City of Barad Gardor Many awoke to noise an commotion in the street as protesters marched down towards the palace.

As they reached the palace they were meet by armed palace guards, now fully dressed in their new uniforms bearing Coria's new emblems and colors. It took little time for the protesters to turn into an unruly mob after a local stable was turned aflame by unknown arsonists. The alarm was raised and more armed troops rushed to the palace guards aid and seeing the fire off in the distance they mobilized in an attempt to extinguish the fire. To the guards folly they tried to push there way through the peasants to reach the fire. As they made there way through the crowd, one of the guards was attacked by a protester and the ordeal quickly spireled of of control with the guards now trying to forcefully quell the unruly populous.

Hours passed as the violence soon spread to other parts of the city and many of the government building were set aflame, in the distance the city could be seen with a glow of amber and smoke.

At the gates of the city a militia of farmers 200 men strong could be seen marching into the city waving the banner of the White Rabbit.

And then this

QuoteSaeculo remained in the dark, slowly watching the embers of the once great fire burn down to a sullen red. The summer months had once brought fresh breezes into the keep, however, now that winter had set in, there was a chill in the air and Saeculo sat wrapped in fur.

Ordinarily, there would have been little unusual with this scene for Saeculo was often fond of sitting in front of the fire, his favourite hound laying beneath his heels, yet tonight, the dull embers of the fire picked out a silver sheen beneath the furs. The armour of the past General and Consul of Coria.

Having inititally celebrate the re-election of his old friend after so many years out of politics, Saeculo was astounded to hear that Duke Merlin, one of his closest friends was making a wild bid for power.

At first he had been dumbstruck, there had been reports of rioting and that Duke Merlin had destroyed the emblems and colours of Coria within Shanandoah. Then summoning his courage he had ordered the foundation of a new army, addressed the realm and had protested the actions of his old friend.

Relaxing in his chair, he had thought about the days events. What was the old fool thinking. Saeculo had expressly explained to Merlin that he would never support the foundation of a Monarchy within Coria. He loved the realm too much, a realm he had bled for, a realm he had fought for numberous times throughout the years. Then he remembered the occasion in which Merlin had last led a rebellion against the realm. This was not the first time he had attempted to take control of Coria.

With a furrow of the brow he glanced back at the ambers. He would have to stock more firewood in the future he thought.


Quote from: Munro on February 19, 2013, 07:25:34 PM
waving the banner of the White Rabbit.

:o :o :o :o :o

I'm jealous of all this RP going on in Coria.

Roleplay messages on ATAMARA? Things are getting weird.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


You wouldn't believe how much those damn Falasani's crop up in Coria. Saeculo began to think he was simply being paranoid, the only thing he'd hear was rumours of this or that. But they're damn frequent!