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One Family One Character One Life to Live

Started by, April 10, 2013, 02:19:57 PM

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Part Five

Today I received a letter, which is a rare event for a simple commoner like me.

Letter from Quatro Zircon   (4 hours, 34 minutes ago)
Message sent to: Alan, Ninniach, Jon
Invitation letter for adventurer:

You have been invited into the
Ex Gratio de Fronen, a guild
mainly for commoner and noble
(especially lord) society, by
Arianna Sherry Conan, Founder of
Ex Gratio de Fronen, Magistrata
dell'Ordine of Fronen, Senator of
Jyl, Marshal of Guardiani di
Fronen. To accept the invitation
and become a member, come to
Jyl and follow she to the guild
house. (don't care about the fee;
5gold because more than 10gold
bounty for hunt undead and
monster in Jyl.)

You may signed up yourself at
the following guildhouse
The 'D' Hall - Jyl (Fronen)
The Elder Hall - Sheja (Fronen)
The Blood Hall - Seven Rivers
The Dark Hall - Ippetimbal
The Merines Hall - Marpii
The Wind Hall - Tindle (Fronen)
and two other new hall in wudenkin, vale.
Quatro Zircon

Seeing that the letter is addressed for an adventurer, I can safely say that means I am not the correct recipient. I do not know about the other recipients though. I have heard about Fronen. The republic in the middle of the continent, surrounding the inner sea, is far away. For one such as I, the idea of going so far away from home is foreign. I was born in Cjelegy, and my due in life is to live and die in Cjelegy. Even going to the capital is a great deviation from how my life was supposed to go.

Speaking of which, it is almost time to go. I have maybe two or three days remaining before I pack all my belongings and set off to the western city. But I heard there were many more peasants and militia in the city, meaning my ability to gather trinkets to sell will be seriously hindered. I also need to let my family know.


Well this isn't going to be great writing nor extraordinarily "in character", but I am going to respond as if he is sharing this at a tavern.

Alan, ehhh? Well if I received a letter from them there highfalutin fella I would respond to the letter even if it ain't addressed to me. Maybe see what going with these people. If there be gold involved, I would sure as hell try and get some of that gold. Those highfalutin peoples think they are so darn smart but ain't to hard to steal a bit a gold, 'specially when they want ya ta join dem der guilds. Pay da gold to get in, then take everything you can since they dey trust everyone who comes in. What da ya think, Alan? Hey, bartender, get me another beer for me and my friend Alan here.

P.S. A bit modern and the minor accent I tried for was norwegian (I think), since I don't know the slang of medieval commoners. 
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

Part Four (Woah, time traveling)

Letter from Alan
(Personal message to Quatro Zircon)
Dear Quatro,

I am a fisherman's son, not an adventurer. Jyl is so far from Cjelegy, and even the thought of going to the capital city of Rines is an unthinkably vast distance for me. To go so far will cost me much more than five gold, and five gold can pay for about four weeks' worth of food. The bounty is good for those who are hunters, but I am a fisherman's son. The sharpest thing I have ever held is a gutting knife. I just cannot see myself going all the way north to die alone.

Fair days.

(Alan's a simple commoner. He's not like the typical adventurer in this game in that he is not too keen on travel. He's an insignificant little peasant boy, born to the land, bound to the land, probably going to die in the same land on which he was born. Leaving Cjelegy would be a major journey for him, as he has never, ever, left Cjelegy before, and never has had any urge to go any further than one of the nearby cities. While he has the wanderlust, unless there is some major reason, all characters I play will be pathetic little peasants who will most likely live and die as dumbly as the numbers each region reports as "peasants". I cannot speak as to whether it is fun for anyone to read, although most people's diaries, I would imagine, are similarly filled with mundane daily events in the same locale. In that regard, I'd say it is not unusual for the character to live and operate within only a few regions.)

Part Seven (Because Part Six was labelled as Part Four)

After two weeks of hard work gathering supplies, I have the following:


Common Items

Battered Armour (2x)
Boar Tusks (3x)
Crystal Globe
Empty Scroll Case
Junk (2x)
Lump of Wax (2x)
Thief's Hand (4x)
Wolf's Hide (2x)

Useable Items

Bandages and Alcohol
Bedroll (2x)
Lamp (2x)

I believe this is enough for me at least to visit Rines and get an experience of what life there might require. I have already made my plans clear to my family, and they gave me a parting meal. I think they believe I will return shortly, which might very well happen. But I know that one day, I will permanently reside in a city.

After a journey of 3 hours, you reach Rines.

I almost got trampled by a horse and run over by the wagon. Several wagons, and several horses, in fact.

There are many people in Rines, nothing like I had imagined. There are many buildings, many people working different professions. Notably different was the sheer size of the city compared to the village in Cjelegy. Wide streets, people, horses, other animals, walking on them, these things I have never seen before. There was also an academy, which was far larger and more expensive than the village school. They required a great deal of gold to train though, and with merely one gold and nine silver to my name, I could not afford it.

Right now, I think I am overwhelmed by how busy this city is. I think I really need to find a place I can rest.


Not to pry, but what is a common peasant doing with so many severed hands? Everyone has a hobby, but that seems a bit....strange.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)

Part Eight

Your family has worked hard to regain some of its wealth spent on allowing you to start a military career, and has managed to make a profit of 25 gold.

Imagine that. I haven't used up any of the family resources. I guess it must be the other family half with the noble traders that's doing the money making.

I found an amulet today and another lamp. Now I almost have as many lamps as thieves' hands. Looking at the hands, it seems as though they belong to different people. I had no idea theft was such an issue in Cjelegy. I can only imagine that I might find more in the city, unless the sanitation is better here, where it is routine to clean up severed body parts. There's no big reason why I carry them. They only sell for one silver each, and I am more concerned about why anyone would actually pay for rotting severed hands than why I am still holding on to these putrid smelling things. I suppose it is the same reason why I carry boar tusks, junk, wax, and battered armor. It feels sentimental and gives me a sense of accomplishment of my gathering deeds. That said, I have often wondered how I manage to pack all these items and carry them around with me. I choose not to hurt myself thinking too deeply about that.

I found an abandoned place under a bridge in the city. Since I have only one gold right now, and cannot afford a house, I suppose I will make do with sleeping in my bedroll under this bridge. Hopefully I can find a tent sometime soon and camp in the city.


You might be interested in watching this. Lots of background material on the life of medieval peasantry for your RPs, and it shows peasant life wasn't quite how a lot of BM players think of it.

Miriam Ics

Very interesting link Foxglove.

So Alan will be a lonely guy? Is he not meeting others?
"Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces."

Part Nine

I needed money after I mistakenly walked into the bath and got a massage. I thought bath meant a place where I would just wade into a pool with a lot of other people. I was quite surprised when I had a private bath and then got a massage by a somewhat attractive girl. But the bath and massage cost me 10 silver, leaving me with just 2.

I went to Avengmil. There are a lot of undead here. If I survive this outbreak I will speak more. Until then, this is what I am carrying:


Common Items

Battered Armour (2x)
Boar Tusks (3x)
Crystal Globe
Empty Scroll Case
Junk (2x)
Lump of Wax (2x)
Ornate Amulet
Silver Goblet
Thief's Hand (5x)
Wolf's Hide (2x)
Wooden Statuette

Useable Items

Bandages and Alcohol (2x)
Bedroll (2x)
Lamp (3x)

I seem to have found more thief hands. Who knew that theft was so prevalent in this part of the world.


That's a lot of junk - it must be heavy. Why is he carrying all of it around? Does he plan to sell it?

(Also, wth is a "Wootz"?)


Wootz is a special type of steel used in making swords. There is a wikipedia entry for it.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


After all it's a roleplaying game.


Huh. That's pretty interesting - I had no idea it was a real thing, and it sounded so ludicrous that I didn't bother Googling it; I pretty much assumed it was a joke!

Part Ten

Another day survived in this outbreak...

Your family has worked hard to regain some of its wealth spent on allowing you to start a military career, and has managed to make a profit of 20 gold.

What's that? Military career? Just who is the one spending money on a military career anyway? I know it's not me. If I got an allowance of twenty gold every few weeks I would be so rich. As it is I have a little over four gold now, which is a modest sum that can keep me going for maybe three weeks, though it might be time to invest in supplies. Perhaps it is time to return to the village where prices are cheapest, before trying my hand at the capital again.


I have noticed something. There's this thing in the information tab now. Makes me wonder what the reputation on the older characters would have been.

Reputation 1

Prestige 1


Swordfighting 10

Infiltration 6

Adventuring 10


What did the adventurer ever do to infiltrate. It's like my family "regaining" gold spent on a noble starting a military career. The noble that hasn't come from the family.


Nice to see you here mate! Even if its not in the same sphere as I =)
King Grimrog Bjarnson of Asylon.