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Bye Bye Flow of Balance!~

Started by, April 24, 2011, 03:51:29 AM

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Who here's against the thing that helps Fontan stay alive longer? Like, which religions are against the Flow? And how are you guys faring getting rid of their taint? Recently there hasn't been much activity in terms of RTOs from Fontan's priests, compared to several in the months before. I guess progress is being made.


Sanctus Acies is working against the Flow. Also, I believe that Sirion finally got fed up with the Flow's blatant nationalistic support of Fontan, and began tearing down their temples.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Draco Tanos

The Church of Humanity has been actively preaching region by region to try to remove Flow influence from Westmoor's territories.  It's not easy.  They're quite violent.


yep. Sirion is done with Flow. They are smashing every church, and capturing every priest they see.


I almost wonder if this forum ruins a little the game play of BM. For example I am a bit hesitant to say this, but to get my point across. One of my characters is the new duke of Krimml, and I have been planning on closing the Temple there that belongs to the Flow of Balance. I have been hesitant to do so immediately, but I knew I would eventually. Now I hope most players have the integrity to keep the forum and game separate, but after reading this thread subconsciously I feel like why not close the temple immediately, and also guilty that I will contributing to death of the religion when I didn't know I was before. Now I could just not read the forum, but I like it. This isn't a big deal or anything just makes me wonder a bit on how the forum affects the game.


Flow has been quite dominant in many regions of Westmoor, but Church of Humanity is slowly but surely purging them out.

They are quite violent, my character in Westmoor has suffered many injuries at the hands of the Flowers. Guess they don't like being driven out heheh :)
Michael (BT) - Marcus (BT) - Antonious (EC) - Claudius (EC)

Yeah, my region's been slow to get past 15%, with Sanctus Acies. Also, I believe they are attacking you in part because you insist on referring to them by the name of plant blossoms.


This forum definately affects the game. But so does the Wiki?

Eduardo Almighty

A little of history:

When Erik was Judge of Sirion he was against a religious war. But after many slaughters provoked by the Flow, with the Council they declared war against the Flow. We closed the temples inside their own regions, arrested their Priests and the war ended when Erik finally executed a Priest, brother of the Fontanese ruler at the time.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Shizzle on May 17, 2011, 07:33:16 PM
This forum definately affects the game. But so does the Wiki?

Except for those pages designated OOC, the wiki is considered an IC source. The forum is completely OOC.