Author Topic: stopping ForumMaster from destroying BattleMaster  (Read 134626 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Insulted feels only the one who feels talked to.
But his message was a general one, and you are only one person here, out of many.
Yes, you are also a developer.
Yes, you are also a guy that has 3608 posts in this forum.
But also, Timothy, you are, like everyone, only a number here - no offense intended.
You are User ID: 3604.
We are all just players and user ids here, at the end of the day, in front of the game owner.
Now as developer, you are developing this game for Tom.
If you don't like Tom's behaviour to you, quit the developer job.
Now as player, you play Tom Vogt's game and under his as you call it biblic rules. He can do that if he wants and none can force him to change that.
It's not the game of Timothy Collett and his opinions or studies or evidences.
So if you don't like to play Tom Vogt's Battlemaster, quit the game as well.

None is forcing you to stay here and accept the insults if you feel insulted so much.
You always have the choice.
If you want to remain here you have to accept things in the end. It's the way it is.
If you don't want to accept things, you have to take yourself out of the equation.

Staying around and doing the forum ping pong is showing no proper attitude as well - and makes the whole thing -> Forummaster.
I have stayed anyway again too long here, off for beers.
Enjoy your Saturday evening.

I must say I am kind of shocked of how people are talking to Tom in this forum recently.

When I started this game, everyone was scared to !@#$ when he only read the name "Tom".
You were so afraid that a lightning bolt would hit you that you just closed your eyes when his name appeared on your screen no matter if IC or OOC.
Now I see a much more liberal Tom asking people about their opinions...and getting the bill for it.

I see a forum community, attacking Tom and not showing any respect to the creator of this game.
You all think you know better and you gang up in here against him to teach him better about his own game.
You even put him so much in the corner that he has to become like some here and that he gets insulting as well.
Hell, I just saw two days ago a message beind moderated on him, who is the owner of this game....where in the end he actually can do as he wants.
He could just delete Battlemaster if he wants, and everyone would have to accept it.
So, when he says "white", it is not "black". Even if  you disagree or know better.

Concluding, I think this direction is not good and I certainly can understand why he posted that article.
Maybe the democratic elements of this forum which Tom has allowed over the last years are not good in the end.
Maybe this should become more a tyranny again, as Tom has become too soft with people here.
Maybe people should just leave Battlemaster if they don't like it the way Tom wants it...

Tim has been communicating his thoughts to Tom. Their communication appears to have gone a bit sour, but such things can happen when two people beg to differ.

So what is the point of your post? You're telling people to desist arguing their opinions and to quit the game if they don't like the owner's decisions. What sense does that make. What point is there in avoiding compromise and not attempting persuasion. You've made no attempt at substantiating your opinions. There's no obvious logic to them. They don't appear to be arguments at all, but rather an attempts at instigating responses. Their manner of their delivery is blatant brow beating.

The so-called negativity on this forum and the internet can hang -- I care nothing for it -- but what I can't stand is illogical rhetoric. I think that most of humanities problems, including whichever ones are afflicting this game, could be solved if only people would reject nonsensical ideas. Well, we can begin by rejecting yours. "Don't argue, just quit." Screw that, I'll argue about whatever I want.