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Started by Azerax, August 24, 2013, 10:42:49 PM

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I've been playing the game since March this year. Basically I decided for a character concept and played them out. I had 2 nobles and 1 advy (who didn't get any interaction).

Just send letters to everyone, asking, small talk and write RP's.  Open your mouth and stay In Character.

Since then I was awarded 7 RP medals, 1 Fun medal and 1 Trust medal. I try to encourage people with small OOC messages when I see a good letter or rp if I cannot give a medal myself. Other than that. Most of my content creation has been in the realm I have been part of with exception of a handful of guilds and 1 religion.

I am fiercely proud of each medal I am rewarded with and really feel like I'm going to stick around battlemaster.


Quote from: Renodin on August 26, 2013, 11:10:59 AM
I've been playing the game since March this year. Basically I decided for a character concept and played them out. I had 2 nobles and 1 advy (who didn't get any interaction).

Just send letters to everyone, asking, small talk and write RP's.  Open your mouth and stay In Character.

Since then I was awarded 7 RP medals, 1 Fun medal and 1 Trust medal. I try to encourage people with small OOC messages when I see a good letter or rp if I cannot give a medal myself. Other than that. Most of my content creation has been in the realm I have been part of with exception of a handful of guilds and 1 religion.

I am fiercely proud of each medal I am rewarded with and really feel like I'm going to stick around battlemaster.

Yes - the medals are a reflection of how people value another person in their playing style. So if a person participates, then people will generally show their appreciation.

Even if you don't have time to write all the time, sometimes all it takes is an IC RP commenting on something odd (as opposed to OOC). For example, my character Berlas attempted to cast a scroll in Sale, and not a single person responded with an RP (yes, that was me  :P). Btw, it gives a message something like "The sky turns dark and the ravens fly. Someone has failed in an attempt at magic."

As a different example, a bunch of peasants stopped two massive armies fighting in Atamara, and I wrote a shortish RP about it, and received something in return.