Author Topic: The Brutish life of Gomrin Renodin  (Read 8540 times)


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Re: The Brutish life of Gomrin Renodin
« Reply #15: February 02, 2014, 02:29:01 PM »
Hey again! When I logged in today I discovered that there was over 3000 Combat Strenght worth of Undead and Monsters waiting for me! I had Gomrin in Luhgrethen already to hold courts to improve the region as it was already damaged by rogue monsters etc. He has 69 Mixed Infantry to combat 77 Undead and 10 monsters hehe. 3.4k vs 1.2k  (Mattias Bowker is there aswel with 25 MI)

A Legion of Dead

It had been a long day. That's rare for the days are short in the North. Luhgrethen was as far north as one could possible get! Days had few hours of actual light and seemingly everlasting nights. Sat on a heavy timber throne saw Gomrin dispense Mercy. Lots of sigh's, groans and blank stares were produced by the heavily bearded man. The procession of the court was rudely disturbed, a blessing really to Gomrin. A pair of young men rushed into the hall and immediately raised their voices to shouts. ''Monsters are attacking!'' Came the words from the first youth's throat. ''A Legion of Undead appeared from the forest!'' Came the second voice and both were accompanied by wild and flush expressions.

Pushing himself up and away from the Timber Throne did Gomrin propel himself into the room. ''To arms! Grab yer weapons and to Bashing!'' Spittle the first weapon he employed. In his exited state Gomrin kicked over a chair and raised his Doom Mace in the air. The following minutes saw Gomrin's brutes and fighters assemble. Each of them having their own personal and often uncommon weapons at hand. The Lords Hall, a small log fort on a sluggish hill was a hive of activity as men and beasts labored to erect makeshift defenses. More and fresh stakes driven into the dirt, windows barred shut and arrows, knifes and rocks piled and ready at the 2 small firing platforms the shabby fort boasted. With the ample amounts of True Thalmarkin snow available a low rampart was brought to life and ran all around the fort. Where it now was pristine white it would soon be sanguine red as the day lost its hours and the Legions of undead and monsters crept closer.

As the hub bub died down and the men and women had done all that they could do all that remained was to wait and to pray for tomorrow.