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Death of Johan

Started by Jaden, October 22, 2013, 08:16:59 AM

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Roleplay from Jabari Jaron   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (23 recipients)
3 hours before the battle
Jabari was a squire to his elderly uncle, Johan, he had been sent to study under his uncle and serve him as his squire. Jabari had learn much from the old man. Hours before the battle, Jabari was busy preparing for his uncle's armour and was anxious to fight alongside him in the defense of the city. He looked into the weary eyes of his uncle who had seen many battles before him and had always been insistent to fight alongside his soldier. "Nephew, let us get this battle over with. We will show them the might of Aren and power of the Elixir." Johan said to young Jabari and to the Captain. Johan then informed his captain to distribute the stash of Babar Elixir that he had kept for this very occasion to every Arenese soldiers who were manning the walls. Jabari then saw his uncle reply to a letter that was sent by an enemy messenger, allegedly from the Arch Priest. To calm down just before the battle and to steel his nerve, Johan munch on some of the Rajabuah that he had brought from Irdalni.

The battle
It was sunrise, when the enemy horde decided to attack. As always, Johan was in the front of his troops leading his men with Jabari was right beside him. The horde soon breached the walls, however due to a lack of siege engines, they were only breaching the northern side of the walls. The Arenese warriors driven to a berserker rage by the Elixir was valiantly defending against the invading horde and fought them back off the wall. The sight of the Arenese berserkers drove off many of the enemy horde and had them fleeing from the battlefield. However, the enemy horde still have numbers on their side and the melee was ferocious. Johan's armour was severely damaged in the resulting melee and driven by the effects of the Elixir, he took off his armour and continued the fight. With the advantage of the walls, the enemy frontline was soon routed by the Irdalni Prowlers. Seeing the advantage, the Arenese warriors soon rush out of the walls to mop up the remaining archers. Without any armour, Johan was prime target for archers, and he was soon shot by a unit of Tilogian archers at his leg. Still under the effects of the Elixir, Johan pulled out the arrow without even a grunt and marched forward to meet the enemy. Suddenly, Johan saw an arrow aiming straight for his nephew, Jabari. Without a thought in his mind, Johan lept forward to save his precious nephew. Running to the side of his uncle, Jabari noticed that the arrow had punctured straight into Johan's heart. Not wanting to die a long and drawnout death, Johan motioned to his sword that was laying beside him, and said to the young man: "Son, it is now time for me to exit The Stage, I have lived a long life and have done many a things, and I prefer that I die a honourable death on the battlefield. The future is with you now. " Jabari with tears filling his eyes knew what he had to do, he rammed the shortsword straight into his uncle's abdomen ending his life. Johan was now dead.

Roleplay from Jabari Jaron   (just sent)
Message sent to all nobles of your realm in the region Alowca (2 recipients)
After the battle
Fulfilling the last words of his uncle, Jabari took command of a unit of elite Babar who had just arrived in Alowca. They were at first assigned to Irdalni in order to distract and delay the Lukonites and Tilogians. Hearing the imminent  assault of the city, they quickly rushed towards the defence of Alowca but they were too late to save their liege lord.
As per the family tradition, the body of Johan was quickly burned and his spirit sent off by the local priest. Following the instructions of his uncle, Jabari send word to the nobles that there should be no mourning period and that all efforts are to be channeled into the city's defence.
PM me for the Dota 2 guild.
"Darka would like to thank CE and co for their generous offerings, the Holy Volcano will be filled up for days with all these offerings!"-Jaret Jaron's last words