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From Rags to Slightly Less Ragged Rags

Started by, November 06, 2013, 10:14:56 PM

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I suppose the actual "plot" of Alan Norman's story has concluded with a whimper. But I suppose that is exactly how it is in real life as well. "Officially" he temporarily set up a small stall in Rines, but found no city girls who were interesting and would make for a good wife. So he took some odd jobs collecting bounties in surrounding farmlands and towns, and sometimes in cities. His journeys led him south, further from home than ever before, and even across lawless lands filled with enemies both living and dead, and monsters in the form of beasts as well as men. He now has gotten used to fighting monsters and undead, but wonders when he will see home again, for Cjelegy is already far away from the southwestern coast's Ete City.

His goodies:

Common Items

    100 year Oak Bark (5x)
    Adventure Gear (65x)
    Ancient Key
    Ancient Tome (2x)
    Bar of Soap (2x)
    Battered Armour (2x)
    Blackwood Cane
    Boar Tusks (4x)
    Bottle of Wine
    Broken Sword (2x)
    Bronze Bracelet
    Bubbling Potion (2x)
    Ceremonial Dagger (2x)
    Coloured Feather (5x)
    Combat Gear (76x)
    Cracked Sapphire (2x)
    Crystal Globe (3x)
    Eagle Claws (4x)
    Empty Keg (3x)
    Empty Scroll Case (3x)
    Expensive Toy
    Fine Silk
    Fool's Gold (4x)
    Giant Eagle's Feather (3x)
    Golden Idol
    Hair of a Maiden (4x)
    Heretic's Staff
    Iron Ore Pellets (2x)
    Junk (9x)
    Lump of Wax (3x)
    Monster Claw
    Monster Skull
    Moonstone (3x)
    Mysterious Item (2x)
    Old Coins
    Old Horn (3x)
    Ornate Amulet
    Piece of Amber (2x)
    Quality Leather
    Quartz (3x)
    Silver Goblet
    Small Diamond
    Strange Skull
    Thief's Hand (7x)
    Unicorn Horn (5x)
    Wolf's Hide (3x)
    Wooden Statuette (5x)
    Wootz (3x)
    Wyvern Scales

Useable Items

    Ancient Documents (2x)
    Bandages and Alcohol
    Bedroll (4x)
    Honey (3x)
    Keg of Beer (2x)
    Lamp (6x)
    Portal Stone
    Rope (7x)
    Small Tent (2x)


You are awesome Artemesia. Even transitioning from your more restrictive playing to allowing the rest of adventurer actions you have great roleplay reasoning for the event. (A random thought to share: For some reason I thought of Pokemon when reading your transition.)
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

Thanks Penchant. Would you please explain the Pokemon? Perhaps Alan is getting in the mood to "be the very best" and defeat the Champion of the Undead League and the Alpha Four of the Monsters Conference. ;D

Back to story:

Nobember 11

Is that how you spell this month? I can't remember anymore. I think the latest hit from an undead soldier's mace left a few things shaken and stirred to perfection. Funny though I've beaten so many tough guy undeads and big guy monsters that I should have gotten one of those special items by now. But no, nothing. Weird how do I get them? Where am I again? I need some help getting home before the market closes here in Cjelegy. That's where I am, right? (He's in Tsamn)


Quote from: Artemesia on November 11, 2013, 11:59:49 AM
Thanks Penchant. Would you please explain the Pokemon? Perhaps Alan is getting in the mood to "be the very best" and defeat the Champion of the Undead League and the Alpha Four of the Monsters Conference. ;D
Haha, not quite that specific. The whole leaving home to fight monsters thing is what I was thinking.
Back to story:

QuoteNobember 11

Is that how you spell this month? I can't remember anymore. I think the latest hit from an undead soldier's mace left a few things shaken and stirred to perfection. Funny though I've beaten so many tough guy undeads and big guy monsters that I should have gotten one of those special items by now. But no, nothing. Weird how do I get them? Where am I again? I need some help getting home before the market closes here in Cjelegy. That's where I am, right? (He's in Tsamn)
Gareth had retired to blending in with the rest of the peasants after needing to leave Atamara when the Penchant family started making threats against his life if he continued to claim to be of their line. Currently he was residing in Tsamn of Beluterra, walking through the markets to purchase food for the day when he say a man that looked a little beat up quite confused, looking around at his surroundings with bewilderment. He decides to see what the stranger is up to, simply starting with, "Sir, are you lost?"

P.S. Gareth is my paused adventurer from Atamara.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

November 12

I saw a peasant yesterday in Tsamn who actually talked to me first. That's a...first. I also learned at the same time that I wasn't in Cjelegy. I'll fill in what I think happened back there. My memory's still foggy.

(What might have happened)

An average-sized, dark-haired man whose eyes look around without focus spins suddenly to face the new speaker. He has heavy armor on, with several swords at his belt, and two crossbows with many quivers attached to several parts of his body. On his back is a gigantic backpack that seems to be bursting with various items. It is a wonder he can move at all with everything he carries.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Lead me to Nath's store I need some sea salts to clear my head." He says that as if Nath of Cjelegy was a name that was familiar to the other commoner.


Gareth glances over to the man saying,

"Nath's store, eh?"

Then continuing on without waiting for an answer he states,

"This way."

Walking through the streets he continues on,

"You know if you some extra items to sell, like myself, you could sell them there for some silver or gold if they are worth enough. As well he has maps and better weapons and armor if you interested in hunting down the undead or the local variety of monsters. I gave up on that long ago, I much prefer fighting undead or whatever monsters the region has that I am in. In their caves or other hideouts they usually have a collection of silver and gold, and if they have been there long enough, common items as well. On rare occasions you can even find an undead alpha or monster leader with magical items for the taking, which sell well to the nobility."

Gareth stops outside a small building at the intersection of a busy path.

"Here we are, Nath's store."


Feel free to critique my writing if you want.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

"Nath!" A walking suit of armor carrying an assortment of things, including random "junk", walks into the building. It seems a bit off to Alan, even in his confused post-concussion state. "Hey Nath, since when did you get a store?" But no one is there. "Nath?"

He goes back to the door to find the stranger who led him there. "Hey, where's Nath? Where's all the fish?"

November 18

I wonder what happened to that peasant who led me to not-Nath's warehouse? He doesn't even have a warehouse so the joke is on him! Well, me, I suppose, for falling for that.

Recently I have seen a bunch of strange people who call themselves wizards. They wear robes and always smoke something that smells most foul. They say that they need a few things to help with their research and in return they will give me a scroll. I tried that once a couple of months ago when I actually had everything they wanted. He didn't even say anything to me, just took them and left! I am not even joking when I say that, unlike those sages who at least have the courtesy to shake their heads and apologize for failing to repair items, that wizard had the nerve to take my items and just go without a word! That makes me think that these are just a bunch of scam artists trying to trick me into giving them rare and expensive items for the promise of some "great magic power". As if magic actually existed in this world. Stupid wizards. If they need those items so badly why can't they just conjure them out of some magical world? See if I ever help any of them again...


Sorry, I have been really busy and still don't have time to respond with a RP, maybe tomorrow though.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

December 2

Ouch. Right now my neck is still broken and my limbs feel like iron weights. Once again I have been wounded, although this time it is less severe than when the alpha monster days before chewed my back in half. I applied three bandages with alcohol, only one of which helped. How I managed to do that and how it helped at all I cannot begin to think. In fact it's hard to think much at all nowadays. At least the stinky wizards are not bothering me anymore.

All things come to an end.

((By the way I thoroughly think that I am cursed never to create scrolls. Every time I have the right ingredients (3 times now), I click to make, the wizard takes the stuff and nothing. No message. Just a blank black screen. Well, I guess wizards are the ultimate BM con artists.))

Real stuff as follows:

Alan has come a long way. He began his journey as a young and foolish fisherman's son, who had ambitions of becoming a city shopkeeper, but he had not an ounce of business sense. His travels led him far from his homeland, and out of necessity and survival, he learned to fight. Now, he has what appears to be the best equipment for adventuring and combat, consisting of several maps, tools, lamps, rope, and fighting gear of high quality plate armor and a really sharp sword. It is a vast improvement over his beginning equipment of a walking stick, simple peasant clothing, and a rusty butter knife.

Now Alan's journey comes to a close. Too many times have the wizards given him the big slip, taking away rare items without even saying a word as to their scrolls' whereabouts. Having enough of the adventurer's lifestyle, Alan prepares to return to Cjelegy and start a family with a local village girl. He hopes she is not ugly.

((Alan's story should conclude by April at the latest. I will post his final stats, including relative fame, at the end.))










Who knew that pressing buttons twice a day could lead to 100% gear and enough gold to set bounties as a commoner. Good stuff.

Miriam Ics

"Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces."

He's alive. Nothing to report for him because he's just sitting around doing nothing now that monster and undead hunting has given him enough gold to buy all his equipment to 100%.


Quote from: Artemesia on June 24, 2014, 12:06:11 PM
He's alive. Nothing to report for him because he's just sitting around doing nothing now that monster and undead hunting has given him enough gold to buy all his equipment to 100%.
Go become a wizard?
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton