Author Topic: The thin line between a nasty character and harassing  (Read 7321 times)


  • Noble Lord
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I can confirm the Himoura character quoted the wiki explanations about this matter, and honestly I wouldn't have come with this matter if I'd have had the information Stabbity gives.

The other character complained to the rest of the realm about a personal vendetta that was supposedly started by the Himoura:

Letter from Raedwald Wuffingas   (3 days, 5 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients)
    Nobles of Eponllyn,

 I believe the lady Himoura has started a feud with my house. 'I will destroy your entire house. Root to stem.' As a result I feel I am now a threat to Eponllyn's deal with Sirion and I may be forced to leave you and Eponllyn behind.

Raedwald Wuffingas

Letter from Raedwald Wuffingas   (3 days, 4 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients)
    Nobles of Eponllyn,

 The Lady Himoura has also threatened to reveal my sisters location to the king of Perdan. she also mentioned she had connections to him and that she is willing to pass information to him about us as a realm. I believe this is the basis of a spy and 'spy's should be punished with death' as she clearly stated to me in a letter.


Raedwald Wuffingas

Maybe I'm wrong, but it didn't look like he had started "playing with fire" by these letters. In addition, as Stabbity says, one of my characters asked for an explanation to the Himoura, and in light of her attitude he informed the authorities in the realm she had joined ("failing miserably" on "trying to get her in trouble" with that realm, or warning it about a rather strange way of proceeding, read it as you prefer).

I will gladly quote the letters of the whole conversation if I'm asked to, in order to better understand the case. I didn't do that at first instance because I wasn't issuing a formal accusation, but pointing (in my opinion) an excessive IG harassment that had resulted into a noble less for a continent re-adjusted precisely due to their lack. If the player actually thanked you after all, which I thought impossible after reading what I read, there's little more to say then.