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Trials of Love

Started by Cren, April 09, 2014, 09:31:10 AM

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This will be an OOC record of the relationship between Angela Windblack and Bofeng Liew, their faithful love, the admiration they feel for each other, the strains that threaten to tear them apart and the continuous hardships they face that test the strength of their bond.

Just a small intro, Bofeng and Angela started their careers in Ohnar West within a few days of each others arrival. Angela got a crush on him as soon as she first met him in the Taikun's palace and it slowly developed into a one sided love. She tried to inform him of her true feelings subtly but he mostly ignored her advances, either purposefully or because of Bofeng's rather inexperience with women. Nevertheless they had developed a strong bond of friendship even though Angela wanted much more than that.
When OW surrendered to the Empire, they joined High Marshal Optimus's small band of followers and joined Cathay to continue fighting the Empire. Soon they had both landed lordships but the Cathay Queen suddenly decide to ban all Ohnarian refugees except the duo despite much resistance inside the realm. With only them left in foreign lands among unknown people, they would come even closer and this is what sparked the feeling of love in Bofeng.

The rest is off topic as this thread shall deal with their personal life and not political dramas. Hope that it'll be an interesting read for you all! Don't forget to post feedback! ;D
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Although Usul has his own thread for the RP's he writes, you are still welcome to copy and paste any that he writes, which may relate to Angela's RP's, into here if you see it as fitting for the scene.

I look forward to the ongoing saga :)
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


It does seem that much is lost to time and corrupted hard drives so this is what remains. But aptly, he first trial of their lives.

QuoteRoleplay from Angela Windblack   (xx days, xx hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (15 recipients)
As the whale oil lamps began to compromise for the fading daylight, Angela was seen talking with the maids desperately. She might have just invited the King for dinner but there wasn't any preparation done. All the people running around the mansion seemed as if a war is underway. Some superficial decoration was carried on in a hurry and the banquet hall was getting all shiny again.

"I'm sure it'll be a complete mess!", she wondered to herself before ordering the servants, "Make sure the auxiliary bedrooms are locked away and the mansion is shining. I don't want to see a single speckle of dust.... Oh and double check the stables, I don't want that incident to repeat itself again!"

In the meanwhile her personal maids have just brought her evening dress. Waving the servants away she strolled to her room, rainbows filling up her mind.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


QuoteRoleplay from Angela Windblack   (20 days, 2 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (13 recipients)
"Food and drinks?"

"The best chefs of Cathay have been recruited for this mega event. The preparations are underway!"

"Decoration and safety procedures?"

"We are currently busy to make the mansion and the surrounding district beautiful. Archers with lethal accuracy are stationed on most rooftops and are keeping tabs on all activity. A 4 kilometer radius around this mansion is secured and only people with the correct passes are allowed."

"King Bofeng?"

The scribe goes silent on this and gave Angela a letter instead. Waving him away she went back to her room and started reading it. . . .

Bofeng's RP reply was lost :'(
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Those are good stories that should not be lost. I have collected some.  ;D


QuoteRoleplay from Angela Windblack    (138 days ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (21 recipients)
"How soon can he regain consciousness?", an eerie voice elapsed after a long pause. The troubled lady gently fondled her lover's hair, yet no one there knew how much a storm had been brewing inside her waiting to pour out in a warm gush of tears. Her eyes were sore and red, she haven't slept in a while and her mind was screaming to let out her emotions. Yet somewhere inside her the never breaking willpower fired her spirits high.

She was always taught that tears never solved anything and would only darken her pretty face. Emotions are her own and would only be dedicated to her soul mate, but cruel fate have bound him to the bed, leaving her no one to share with.

But however long a storm may wreak havoc the sun always bathes the land with his cleansing rays, bringing hope and faith in mortals. "He would awaken soon, the internal bleeding have been taken care of and his wounds are healing fast. Your prayers have been answered."

The light from the lamps found a smile on the face they were desperately waiting for. She planted a small kiss on his lips and whispered, "I know, death can't ever touch you while I'm beside you. Wake up fast my hero!"


WOW, I didn't think I'd be seeing it again. Many thanks for keeping a secure copy! :)
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


It was going all well when suddenly one day while defending a region against undead, she was bitten by one of the zombies in the neck. Though the zombie was taken out fairly quickly, she fell into a living death or coma as we call it. It sparked some interesting events in the realm and further strengthened their bonds.

QuoteRoleplay from Angela Windblack   (xx days, xx hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (14 recipients)
**2 days ago**

Angela's scream at the last moment had paid its mark. Before the zombie could tear apart her neck, her men came inside shouting and banging their shields. They knew that pulling away the zombie would be deadly since it still had its teeth deep inside her. . .

Instead Captain Aeragon took a nice slice off its head although he knew that it doesn't feel pain. It stood up dripping her noble blood from its mouth, its rotten brain hanging from the sliced away portion. Not waiting for another moment, some swift slashes from Aeragon's sabre put it back to dead.

Someone had pressed her wound with clean cloth to stop bleeding. The entire place was in dismay and her unit was disorriented, not sure what to do.

Angela shuddered for some time, her body convulsing a few times before it came to a still. Rest, finally...
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Roleplay from Garamonde Bendix    (138 days ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (21 recipients)
In the corner of the recovery room sat a man who appeared to be sleeping soundly, his feet propped up on the patient's end-table, wide-brimmed hat pulled low over his face. He had been there all afternoon, as the healers and scribes and various factotums doted upon the wounded noble in the bed. By the style of his clothing, they had assumed he was merely some sort of guard or soldier set to watch over the patient. But in truth, the man was no mere peasant, nor was he asleep- he was listening intently to the words of the woman who sat beside him:

"...death can't ever touch you while I'm beside you. Wake up fast my hero!"
Upon hearing those words, the man in the corner shifted, raising his head just a bit to reveal the curled ends of a familiar-looking mustache...


QuoteRoleplay from Angela Windblack    (137 days ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (20 recipients)
The faint sound from the corner of the room was familiar to Angela, yet at the time she seemed to be so lost in thoughts that her own voice would seem alien to her. Still her eyes wandered to the source of the sound. . . Her eyes widened at the sight of the man, her viking blood began to boil as a thundering roar came out of her.

"YOU!!! What are you doing here? Gu...!

The man seemed to be unaffected by the commotion as he stretched himself. Angela's eyes burned with purest fire, and see seemed to be capable of doing the most unexpected at any moment. Still the Goddess of fate smiled upon the people in the room as the healer shouted in joy.

"Lord Bofeng is regaining consciousness! Quick, bring some water!"

The poor woman rushed to the bed, for the vent she had been waiting for finally came.


QuoteRoleplay from Garamonde Bendix    (136 days ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (20 recipients)
(Two days ago)

Duke Garamonde Bendix rose from his chair in the corner of the room, his ever-present disapproving scowl glowering out from beneath his mustache. He stepped toward the bed with the cautious purposefulness of a predator, but his eyes met the noblewoman's, ignoring the man just recovering from his wounds.

"Yes. Me." He muttered, as though disgusted by some bad phantom odor. "I'm not here to cause any trouble, if that's what you think. I'm sure you assume that I meant to wound him like this. You may even believe I meant to kill him. That would be a false assumption."

Though his words were congenial enough, his voice was full of menace: "If I wanted him dead, he would be dead. And nothing, no feelings you have in your heart or thoughts you have in your mind would protect him. You may think the Gods favor prayer and devotion, but that, too, is a false assumption. The Gods favor only the strong of mind and body; the only true prayer is to prepare oneself for conflict and hardship."

With sudden military rigidity, Duke Garamonde saluted the wounded General as he regained consciousness, then turned to leave the room at a brisk pace, his bootfalls clunking on the wood with the echo of finality.


I still have most roleplay for the zombie event. Let me know if you need. I just realize we had a lot of good roleplay in Cathay. Unfortunately I never contributed much.   :P


Quote from: bofeng on May 14, 2014, 09:41:08 AM
I still have most roleplay for the zombie event. Let me know if you need. I just realize we had a lot of good roleplay in Cathay. Unfortunately I never contributed much.   :P

Thanks for keeping so many good ones intact. Will be posting the zombie event soon so if you have any RPs saved before that please post them. I don't have access to any RPs before that event unfortunately cause my OS crashed and wiped out everything stored.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


There were a lot of stuff in between but as I said its lost. But Bofeng still has many of them secure so he'll probably post those before this one.

QuoteRoleplay from Angela Windblack
Message sent to everyone in your realm (14 recipients)

The battle against the zombies was swift, their heads fell to the earth with swift flashes of the blade. With the menace taken care of and the hard day taking a toll on her body, Angela decided for a hot spa.

"Anyone here?"

*faint moans and scratching sounds*

She unsheathed her sword sensing a possible problem. But she couldn't have pre emtively countered the zombie that burst out of the locker and soon took a chunk out of her neck. Then it was all dark . . . . . . .
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Then came the hallowed revelation but you have already read it :P

Quote from: Cren on May 14, 2014, 09:21:55 AM
It was going all well when suddenly one day while defending a region against undead, she was bitten by one of the zombies in the neck. Though the zombie was taken out fairly quickly, she fell into a living death or coma as we call it. It sparked some interesting events in the realm and further strengthened their bonds.

QuoteRoleplay from Angela Windblack   (xx days, xx hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (14 recipients)
**2 days ago**

Angela's scream at the last moment had paid its mark. Before the zombie could tear apart her neck, her men came inside shouting and banging their shields. They knew that pulling away the zombie would be deadly since it still had its teeth deep inside her. . .

Instead Captain Aeragon took a nice slice off its head although he knew that it doesn't feel pain. It stood up dripping her noble blood from its mouth, its rotten brain hanging from the sliced away portion. Not waiting for another moment, some swift slashes from Aeragon's sabre put it back to dead.

Someone had pressed her wound with clean cloth to stop bleeding. The entire place was in dismay and her unit was disorriented, not sure what to do.

Angela shuddered for some time, her body convulsing a few times before it came to a still. Rest, finally...
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.