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Who are the best writers in BM?

Started by Buffalkill, April 22, 2014, 05:50:47 AM

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I was thinking about organizing a fun competition to judge who are the best writers in BM. I'm thinking players can submit their best roleplays, orders, inspiring battle speeches, drunken ramblings, sermons, insults, wiki pages, zingers, famous last words, etc. I'll appoint a panel of 3 distinguished judges (or 1 jester and 2 illiterates) to painstakingly evaluate the entries (with or without set criteria), then count the bribe money and declare with unquestionable authority which written pieces they hate the least in each category. We'll talk about prizes in due time. Right now all I can think of is a nice wiki trophy crafted by the finest wiki artisan in the land. Submissions can come from the writer him/herself, or from an admirer of their work (as long as it doesn't run afoul of the rules). If anyone thinks this is an interesting idea, please post your support below, and feel free to include an entry. If anyone thinks this is a !@#$e idea, please post your expressing of utter contempt, and feel free to include an entry. If anyone what like to be involved in organizing excitement, as a judge or the guy who holds the judge's puke bucket, please say so below or in a private msg including your CV with at least 3 references. N.B fake CVs and references must be entertaining.

The entries don't have to be strictly roleplays. It can be any RP, letter, marching orders, some graffiti you painted around your neighbourhood (as long as it's BM graffiti), and whatever else you think is worthy of judgement.

Be mindful of the forum code of conduct, namely part 2 about posting in-game messages.,5071.msg119080.html#msg119080


Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Famous last words go, without a doubt, to the duke of Cteduul who swore to seek vengeance upon Jean-Olivier until the day he died, and then he died 5 minutes later when the daimons sieged Cteduul.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on April 22, 2014, 01:22:29 PM
Famous last words go, without a doubt, to the duke of Cteduul who swore to seek vengeance upon Jean-Olivier until the day he died, and then he died 5 minutes later when the daimons sieged Cteduul.
Do you, or do you think anyone else might have a copy of the text?


If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.



I enjoy writing up RP's, and I've gotten a couple medals for them, so allow me to share one of my "inspiring" speeches.

Background: Astrum was (still is) going through some difficult times, and we were starting to fight amongst each other as people will do when times are difficult. So this was my plea for unity in the face of dark times...

Honored and Noble members of Sanguis Astroism,

Let this be a warning to all: The maddening is bright. The cataclysm our world is going through, as well as the recent trauma from the false prophet (now utterly revealed to be a permanent enemy of the Church and all the true theocracies) has left us all vulnerable. Do not let your fears overwhelm you, nor prevent you from no longer being able to tell friend from foe.

We are only as strong as we STAND STRONG TOGETHER.

Paranoia, antipathy, discord, division, these are the fruits of our enemies and those forces that reject the Blood Stars. Bite into them at your PERIL.

We will fight this invasion with every last drop of blood, but have NO ILLUSIONS. We are not as strong as we were.

Astrum survived a war waged on it by 3 enemies, the betrayal of the traitorous Duke Karibash, and starvation and the hordes have reduced our kingdom by HALF. Yet still we fight on. Because the light of the Blood Stars flow through our veins, and their light shines brightly still!

Before you raise your voice to slander or defame your brothers or sisters, examine your own heart and the source from which your darkness originates. Let the light of the Blood Stars shine brightly in that darkness, and then you will see that we are all one FAMILY. A pain you suffer, is a pain I suffer.

Let our ties of light and love bind us together despite these tests and challenges set before us. We will come out on the other side of this a stronger, healthier, and more united Church than this land has seen in far too long.

Do not fail in this ultimate test of your faith, or we will all fall forever into darkness.

Abek Ji'Ardan
Strategos of Astrum
Count of Ammando
Marshal of the Austere Order
Knight Crusader of Sanguis Astroism

Some of my best RP's (the ones I managed to save before being lost to time) are on my family's wiki.

House le Drake

Well, um... not to toot my own horn, but I've only been playing a few months and I've had quite a few medals thrown at me...  :o

I really want to find a realm where RPing is big.  I'm so tired of putting in the time and effort to give someone a lot of material to work with and then just not getting anything in return.  A little, I could work with.  Nothing, I don't even bother.  It hasn't helped that in the past 2 months (about 2/3 of my time playing this game) I've been a "nomadic noble", part of one of those realms that got uprooted and had to migrate on Dwilight.  I keep trying to find someone I can RP with regularly (whether that's as a traveling companion, a romantic interest, a rival, etc.) but then events force us apart (and then there's no conclusion or farewell --or reciprocation of my farewell-- from them: just radio silence).
"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."


Jocelinus, give Sirion a shot if you don't mind elves. It consistently has the most RPs out of any realm I've had a character in by a lot. I'm sure being a large realm has something to do with it, but it also has many players who focus on RP often and continue their characters' storylines.


I might check it out too. Is it on Beluaterra?

House le Drake

"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."


Oops, sorry guys. Yeah, Sirion is on East Continent and is the only realm where you can RP as a non-human character (elves, and only as long as your character stays in Sirion) if you chose. Big island-wide war going on right now too on East Continent.

House le Drake

I'm so in: creating a character.  Look for Óskdís.
"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."


If anyone likes collaborative RPs you can join Cathay on Far East. We have two regular RPers, myself and logar and 4-5 players who write RPs often. The thing with RPing is that the more people do it in a realm, the more players are encouraged to do the same. You can see my thread as well as that of logar for some inside info! Cheers!
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Luria usually has roleplays flying around, especially with the new visitors.