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Started by Tom, May 18, 2011, 02:44:03 AM

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We still have a few people unavailable should we wait a day or two and try again?


Its up to you guys.

I saw that my coalition joined another group, so I decided to join a town.. But it would be good to join on the weekend if possible, when we can get a group right after the zombie attack and (hopefully) gather some evidence to further support my theory that the most obsessive/best people join right after the attack ;)


I'll just sit and wait for others to join a town and then follow  8)


I'm home, lets see how the coalitions look after this attack.


We joined a town so we won't be available for a bit.  Lets try again for after Monday when Bal will be back.


Great. Our new town is kind of filled with angry people though, it seems.

I'm beginning to think Strange Chasm of Bees will always be the best town I've ever been in...


Quote from: Shizzle on June 18, 2011, 01:23:06 PM
Great. Our new town is kind of filled with angry people though, it seems.

I'm beginning to think Strange Chasm of Bees will always be the best town I've ever been in...

Hehe, if they are angry it at least means that they are playing, and that they care. Which is more than I can say about some towns :)

Take today, for example. We are between 80 and 100 defense short. And not a single defensive building was built. GO TEAM! Needless to say, I am camping out.

Ps, if a town gets devastated, do all the items and the water from the well get lost?

Pps: If you are camping out, and take time to improve your campsite and install some items, do they still count if you find a tomb, or must you "find a place to hide"?



PPS I don't know


It looks like the items remain, but one can no longer get water from the well. Town got owned last night as expected, and I was camping out. Tonight shall be my second night under the stars. Got lots of water, so things are looking good. Apparently your chances of surviving each subsequent day decrease, so we shall see!


I can be found in game as "Fleugs", but I have absolutely no idea how to join you guys. If anyone can help me out.

Died once already. My arm was ripped off and, well... things went band from there.
Ardet nec consumitur.


Haha, yes fleugs, the game is very unforgiving of mistakes.

I'm thinking of perhaps leaving my coalition, because nothing whatsoever is going on in it (two people are always playing random towns and getting owned within 2-3 days, while the other two seem mostly afk...).

On "Your soul", bottom right, you can "Search for another Soul". We currently have two full coalitions, so unfortunately you couldn't join either. But as said above, I may leave mine, then we can go together :)


I am the last survivor lol. I've been outside of the town for 3 days. I am out of water and probably gonna die from thirst soon. Damn.


Quote from: Tony J on June 19, 2011, 11:47:13 PM
I am the last survivor lol. I've been outside of the town for 3 days. I am out of water and probably gonna die from thirst soon. Damn.

Yep, today is also my third day outside of town (day 5), last survivor, just I still have two bottles of water  :P heheh ::)


I'm outside too. I don't have water, but I do have some food. And a battery launcher that helped me killing 3 zombies :) yay!


Quote from: Shizzle on June 20, 2011, 11:47:17 AM
I'm outside too. I don't have water, but I do have some food. And a battery launcher that helped me killing 3 zombies :) yay!

I presume that you are able to load it outside then (seems logical)? I ask an obvious question because I know that one cannot purify water outside with a container and tablets.

My town is about to be overrun by the advancing wave of zombies (it's interesting -  they seem to come from side and advance in a wide front - in the image below they are advancing from the bottom left), so I've removed further east. Used to be just four blocks north of the town. I had to kill some zombies with a waterbomb 2 blocks north of the town, and get injured 1 block north (which was fine because I knew there was bandage in town. Then the car door got me back out :)).

And yes, its very lonely being the last survivor lol :)) So I'm posting here instead of the d2n forums!

PS, anyone know how to make the posted picture a thumbnail?