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It Was Fun

Started by Blue Star, July 27, 2014, 06:05:26 PM

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Blue Star

It's been fun since 03 but I've gotta final bow out and take my leave. Had fun playing, not raging just not into it anymore. It been a long time coming as a few of you know.

Best of luck friends and family that includes everyone, we made a good run of it back from when we stormed Isadril to when we finished of Fasland and even when Fontan finally fell. I cannot forget the time we went and smacked RedSpan around or when BT first got invaded. Toren. Butter Rebellion. Darka o I won't forget you my first true love in this game, CE my second and truer love and Perdan my mistress through out the years ;).

I'm sad to go but in every book you have to eventually move onto the next chapter

Take care and have fun, Don't be to hard on Tim and Tom they've made this game great.

Catch ya on League of Legends
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Oh noes!

Dont hesitate to do comeback when you feel so :)
~Violence is always an option!~