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New Realm

Started by Zakilevo, September 04, 2014, 06:40:22 AM

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Jens Namtrah

Quote from: Indirik on September 04, 2014, 02:43:35 PM
This. There are already large, underpopulated spaces. Join one of the boring realms, and turn it into something.

Indirik has the memory of a goldfish.   ;D  He can't even remember other threads he's involved in.

You don't " turn it into something". You can go make lots of effort to entertain them for nothing back, or you can go sit silently and collect gold each week. You don't change them.

Jens Namtrah

Quote from: Lapallanch on September 04, 2014, 06:40:22 AM
Anyone interested in starting a new realm with me? :D

If I'm not wrong, you need to be assigned a Duchy in order to secede & form a new realm now. You can't just take a city & break away.

So - you can't start a new realm, unless you're already friends with a Ruler.  You could "OOC clan" a group to go rebel in a realm, and piss everyone off, I think is your only option.

Have I missed some way of making a realm?


It's always been the plan to split Ete City off. Used to be it'd be a Rio-Thal joint venture... :)


We could definitely make some space in regions which was formerly known as Thalmarkin. Name it something pretty badass!
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Quote from: De-Legro on September 05, 2014, 04:36:43 AM
Nothing in this thread implied it was aimed only at those who already had nobles on BT.

Except for the fact it was created in the Beluaterra forums, as opposed to the general forums, you mean?
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Quote from: Miskel Hemmings on September 05, 2014, 09:49:50 AM
You don't " turn it into something". You can go make lots of effort to entertain them for nothing back, or you can go sit silently and collect gold each week. You don't change them.
No, you don't change them. When you waltz into a realm unsupported with an air of entitlement, "in your face" aggression, and generally insulting behavior, expect to get locked out and ridiculed.

Plenty of people have gone into realms and changed them. Ask Glaumring about how he changed Asylon. Or ask Tanos how he took over, revived, and completely overhauled the Church of Humanity into a huge political force on EC. Or whoever it was that turned Melhed away from its endless navel-gazing into an active realm.

Just because you failed miserably doesn't mean it can't be done. It *has* been done, and it will be done again.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Miskel Hemmings on September 05, 2014, 09:59:41 AM
If I'm not wrong, you need to be assigned a Duchy in order to secede & form a new realm now. You can't just take a city & break away.
This is correct. Only a Duke has the option to secede. The duke has to have a duchy that has a city/stronghold, and it *cannot* contain the capital city/stronghold.

QuoteSo - you can't start a new realm, unless you're already friends with a Ruler.
Or you know how to make friends with a ruler. Try suggesting credible ways that you can carve your new realm out of his enemy's lands. That usually works much better than convincing them to give up their own lands to make a new realm.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


There is definitely still the Ete City option - Rio wants a colony but doesn't have enough nobles to make one. And when the big war ends there's bound to be enough landless nobles from either Ar Agyr or Melhed for them to populate the colony.

So if you really want to create a new active realm then my advice would be to get stuck into things now so you can be a part of it when it happens.


You guys do know that Lapallanch is the margrave of Ete City right?  ::)
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"Darka would like to thank CE and co for their generous offerings, the Holy Volcano will be filled up for days with all these offerings!"-Jaret Jaron's last words


If he's not also a duke, then he can't secede to form a new realm. Unless he convinces a duke the secede, and then joins the new realm.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Ete, that city that belongs to Rio's biggest duchy (Grehk, which obviously won't secede), and who is three regions away from the nearest region of its duchy and two from any other duchy's region of the same realm?

Sounds like a great place to start a realm...
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Why does everyone discuss this as if "how to form a new realm" was an issue? It's not, and it's handled IC.

What Lappallanch asked was "who wants to join a new realm".
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Could be a great place, if it was a friendly secession. But then, what would they do? Can't fight Rio. Go after IVF? But they're too big, unless they had Rios support. That could be interesting, since Rio off otherwise occupied right now and couldn't got at IVF full force.

I can't see it surviving as a hostile secession. Unless maybe they had IVF support. Might work, since Rio is busy. But it still requires some way for the secession to happen. Ete could swap to IVF, have their ruler make it a duchy, then secede from IVF. Sounds awful gamey, though.

There are some options, i guess. Depends on how much support you can garner beforehand.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Tan dSerrai

Actually, forming a new realm in Ete City is officially planned by Riombara - we just lack the nobles to actually do it.

So yes, it would have Rios support, it would be a friendly secession and it would have the freedom to choose realm type and their own politics...still leaves the question of what they could actually _do_. In that geographical spot, going against Riombara is only possible with considerable - and dependable - outside support. Going against IVF? Not currently likely as IVF has the support of Rio. Going against Nothoi? Also not terribly promising. Allying with Rio, marching to some far off war...possible...but of interest for how long?

Once some time has gone down the river and Ete, IVF and Rio have gone their own ways for some time, more political friction may develop...but that will take some time.

All in all it would be a realm that would mainly need to keep things interesting by internal stuff....which is difficult.


Quote from: Tan_Serrai on September 06, 2014, 03:26:16 PM
Actually, forming a new realm in Ete City is officially planned by Riombara - we just lack the nobles to actually do it.

So yes, it would have Rios support, it would be a friendly secession and it would have the freedom to choose realm type and their own politics...still leaves the question of what they could actually _do_. In that geographical spot, going against Riombara is only possible with considerable - and dependable - outside support. Going against IVF? Not currently likely as IVF has the support of Rio. Going against Nothoi? Also not terribly promising. Allying with Rio, marching to some far off war...possible...but of interest for how long?

Once some time has gone down the river and Ete, IVF and Rio have gone their own ways for some time, more political friction may develop...but that will take some time.

All in all it would be a realm that would mainly need to keep things interesting by internal stuff....which is difficult.

I'll reiterate my original position: BT already feels like it has too many realms. A new entity in Ete would not create any additional fun, it would just further fragment the player base. Ete is an incredibly poor location to start a new realm at this time. A more promising option would be for Ete to join Fheuvemen, perhaps establishing some sort of swiss confederacy deal. Or, quite simply, for the active players to migrate elsewhere to make things fun there. When I set out to secede Iato and form Fheuv'n, I was telling myself it'd be awesome to concentrate active players together into a small realm unbounded by history and that could think and act outside of the box.

The results were greatly disappointing.
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