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The Lich King - Adventures form the Future Ends

Started by Eduardo Almighty, April 25, 2015, 01:01:41 AM

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Eduardo Almighty

The Lich King
Adventures from the Future Ends

The world had changed. Over the ruins of countless worlds, the men had evolved and changed. Horseless carriages levitated on bright highways, a new type of dragon tore the heavens apart and the 'mankind,' the last descendants of Sirion, colonized planets in their own solar system and planned to plant their seeds in the infinite and beyond. Restless, they had tamed the stars just to realize the loneliness of their life, alone in a cold world in natural decay traveling to a new singularity. Alone they tried to listen in outer space the voices of other people, other creatures, a breath of hope. Alone and in silence, they returned to their own past to understand their origins.

EES 15-B insisted in his painful mission, trying to find funds to continue his researches. Men were no longer interested in the gods of the past, in a lost world of superstition and mysticism of the ancients ones. Their own past had been rewritten a thousand times after countless wars, after the age of steam, coal, atomic power and so many other technologies that drove to the future of cold reason and impersonal science that could not waste the future looking to the past. Out there, the stars darkened, the heat lost in the immensity and the cold seemed imperative, destructive and inevitable. So, instead of looking at the opaque stars, ESS 15-B drove his apparatus to the ruins, layers under layers of earth, digging and searching for the first wonders of Sirion, the colonizer of both Sirius and another worlds. If there was still some pleasure in the world, he found it at the ruins of Avamar. At the huge feet of a fallen statue he identified the strange hieroglyphics of a lost past. His robot worked on the immense calculations required for a quick translation:

My name is Aienheint, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

Deciphering the imperial cartridge was more difficult, but infinitely more pleasurable:

Your Sacred Majesty, Aienheint, Lord of the Silver Fountain, Ruler of the Marble Castle and Guardian of the Ivory Tower.
Sovereign of the House of Serpentis,
Sultan es-Selatin,
King of kings,
Khan of khans,
Ambassador of the Elven Republic,
War Judge and Silver Dragon of Sirion,
High Commander of the Silver Legion and Arch Priest of the Sacred Grove,
Protector of the Temples of Avamar, Krimml, Trinbar, Dolmbar and Akesh,
Duke of the vast duchy of Avamar, Princeps of Krimml, Oligarch, Akesh and of all the neighbouring regions, Margrave of the Holy City of Avamar, Margrave of Trinbar and Akesh Temple, Count of Dolmbar and conqueror of many foreign lands.

ESS 15-B cried, probably the only and last tears in a thousand years of a cold and rational species. Following the clues, he had discovered a new world, preserved as magically (although it seemed impossible to his rational mind) by the ages. A world built of stone, marble and at the cost of the workforce of thousands of men. Below of what had once been a mountain range, he found the immense temple complex and then the labyrinths populated by skeletons of hundreds of other adventurers from different eras who tried to decipher those mysteries and rescue a lost treasure that in many different times would made a man rich and famous with a name immortalized by the discover. The robot scanned the walls of the entire structure and guided him by the corridors where so many had failed. What he found was a huge chamber guarded by a thousand female skeletons, with a solar vessel and tons of gold and jewelry, the greatest treasury ever founded. Preserved by a special combination of factors, a lot of papyri and books, a stuffed elephant and the grandiose sepulcher. There was a magic moment when he found himself how to activate the complex device that opened the ancient coffin. In the midst of a inebriating smoke the lid moved after a few moments and a naked man coughed and got up from his eternal sleep. Erik stood and watched the man in front of him, strangely familiar -- like one of his sons.

Erik Eyolf: "For how long did I sleep?"

The robot quickly processed the information and, in an electronic voice, translated the ancient language:

EES 15-B: "For thousands of years... I fear..."

Erik Eyolf: "Who rule your world now?"

EES 15-B: "Thelion 15-A, Prime Minister of the Galactic Republic..."

Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!