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The Wedding

Started by Chamberlain, August 01, 2015, 12:09:04 AM

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Roleplay from Catherine Chamberlain 

She had not expected something quite so... theatrical. Even after all these years the prime minister could surprise her. She was warmed by his words and found herself smiling despite herself. The absence of Garas from his words was apparent but she found solace too. He would not hurt her and he must know that any action taken against her love would damage her. She had read the missives from Durion but now felt reassured that her proposals may yet be accepted.

The platters had been bedecked with sweets and desserts for the past hour and now slowed to the occasional tidbits. She had given up counting the courses as the music had taken up in earnest. As the applause began to fade from Ecthelions speech she saw Garas, a black look to his face, he angrily gestured and the music resumed. She stood intending to take him to the floor, she found the way blocked.

"My Queen. .."

She smiled in recognition taking the man's hands: "Robert, I have had an eye out for you, have you just arrived? " The man looked troubled."What is it?" He glanced around his eyes alighting meaningfully on Garas and Ecthelion. "Dance with me."

Even before they reached the main area of the dance floor she had to politely decline the attempts of many a noble to cut in. As the joined the floor Robert pressed a folded parchment in her hand. With an intense look he guided her once around the floor then off to one side.

She unfolded the paper feeling the sickening drop in her stomach. Celine had been executed... She pushed the paper into the waistband of her gown feeling overly exposed in the dress of a sudden. She smiled briefly.

"Thank you Robert..." She kissed his cheek giving him a smile to reassure herself as well as him. "Might I impose on you to take my sister and collect Wulfric and have them join you at your lodgings. It would be good for them to see a little of what is outside the Palace.

Presenting her most serene face she moved at speed to find Garas.


Roleplay from Garas Gabanus   

Meanwhile as the Garas was holding his speech, his captain Gawin saw one of the spies in the city approach and asked him what was so important to interrupt their Lord. The spy answered that the city had been filled with leaflets, of which he showed one to Gawin as he attempted to move on. Without hesitation Gawin pulled him back my force and removed him from the room, hopefully without being seen he had hoped. "Are you insane," he said as he threw the spy on the floor, "You know what he will do, fool! Who spread these?" Gawin continued. "I...I...I don't know," the man replied, fearing the Captain. "Then make sure you find out, and don't you tell Lord Garas. I will take care of this myself. Find me who is responsible, I'll have these damned things removed," Gawin said clearly frustrated.

Gawin had summoned a small army of militia men and had them sweep the city for the leaflets and remove them all. "Arrest anyone caught holding or distributing one. Private possession is considered treasonous. We will take care of them later!" were the orders he had given the militia.

- 2 hours later-

The militia had removed all leaflets as far as they could see and 30 peasants were arrested found having a leaflet in their homes or holding/spreading them throughout the city. However Gawin had no idea who was responsible, or better said no proof. He knew well this could only be the work of Sirionite spies, but he could not even suggest it without proof. He knew well the diplomatic implications of this incident, so when asked he said nothing.

The spy also returned at this time and informed Gawin of what he had learned. "Captain Gawin, several hours ago a Sirionite priestess was seen moving throughout the city, speaking of the Flow of Balance and trying to win over peasants with bribes and charity. Several man recall her and proclaimed to have scolded at her so she would move on. Perhaps not everyone has..." the man said. "I need this sorted quickly. I will give you 10 of my finest men and you will arrest 5 individuals who have received her in better doing than these man. No more, no less. Speak not of the Priestess with anyone, anyone! Sirion has nothing to do with this, not unless we have proof do you understand me?!" Gawin replied. "What do I arrest them for then?" the spy replied. "Disturbance of public order for all I care, just get it done and get me the right people, I wish to have a good conversation with them. Now go!"

- Another 2 hours later -

The man and the 10 soldiers returned with 5 men in custody. "As you requested, according to my information these 5 welcomed the words and embrace of the priestess. Nobody knew however that this was the reason for their capture as I did not mingle with the guards myself, I merely pointed them in the right direction," he said. It was clear this was an experienced individual, which was the reason Gawin gave him the order to execute this delicate matter. "Good, bring them to the dungeons beneath the palace, I will find out who placed these leaflets, or better yet, he will." Gawin said as he pointed to the man standing next to him. Now bring them down" he continued.


Roleplay from Ecthelion Tezokian  

The Fall of Ecthelion

Waiting for the wedding, he continued to participate in the festivities, having several more glasses of wine since his speech. 'Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad', he thought to himself. 'Catherine is strong of will and mind... she will see through the veil Garas has put around her.' Nodding to himself in agreement, he takes another sip of wine. He wants to look at the scowl of Garas's face that several in his party have mentioned to him throughout the night, but the satisfaction of not giving him an ounce of attention was far too great to submit to lesser desires.

But all of that was interrupted suddenly... as the most subtle of coughs escaped his lungs. At least half of the Sirion entourage went dead silent and turned to it's leader, the other half probably being unable to hear it over everything else going on. The panic in Ecthelion himself began to rise internally. He told himself 'Perhaps something polluted the air...' but he couldn't fool himself. In all of his days, the only time he had ever coughed was when he did so to mock other people or deliver a subtle point across in his youth, and rarely as Prime Minister. The only other reason an Elf would cough was smoking too much of the fabled Adrian's Leaves from Rollbar, but he never partook in such disobedience. Suddenly, another cough escaped his mouth, slightly louder, and then another... he rubbed his throat to try to stop but it only began to tingle and then burn. While he was breathing normally, it began to feel like he wasn't getting any air. In an effort to still maintain manners and not alert others, he stood and strained to say, "Please excuse me..." and he quickly headed for the door. The hall seemed larger than when he entered... and it didn't seem like he was getting any closer to leaving even though he was still walking... the lights began to dim in his eyes as his face began to take on a deeper hue unknown to him of course. He sensed he was suddenly walking down stairs even though the floor was clearly straight. To an outside observer, it was clear he was simply falling. He continued to crawl to the door as the Sirion party was now visible panicked and rushing to him.

One last reach of his arm was the final effort he could expend until he collapsed to the floor entirely. By this time, his people were surrounding him, and one of the many healers in his employ shoved through the crowd to start assessing him. Captain Gerber of Ecthelion's own Death Riders breached the crowd shortly after the healer, seeming to wait a few moments for instruction on what to do from the medical professional.

Healer: "He's been poisoned! We have to get him back to the inn immediately if he's to have any hope!"

Without hesitation, Captain Gerber ordered a dozen of his men that had also shown up by now to carry Ecthelion outside to the carriage he had made his entrance to the dinner in earlier. Placing the elf into the carriage, the Captain entered as well, and ordered his men to return to the inn with all haste. The other men got on their horses as well and formed a line behind the carriage as it took off into the streets of Oligarch.

Back in the hall... a lone minstrel speaks... "Uhh... Prime Minister Ecthelion departs for the night!" He was supposed to announce when the Prime Minister arrived and departed per his job, and staying on the side of caution, decided to continue to do so. He was an idiot.


Roleplay from Nicholas Cameneus  

Nicholas was in balcony, enjoying the good weather. He just arrived Oligarch to participate queens weddings. So far, he wasnt disapointed. So many famous names, good food and friendly atmosphere. "Surely Ora has blessed this event, for I have never been in such a heartwarming and splendid party."
Nicholas taked sip from his glass and looked inside towards the party. So many happy faces. He wished that this could last forever.

Only time will show.


Roleplay from Robert Stonefist 

He never wanted his chance to dance with the Queen to be so uncomfortable, but there hadn't been a choice. Now Baron Stonefist was under orders to gather the Queen's sister and Wulfric, and that pit in his stomach, which had caused him to write to his sister grew larger. He weaved his way over to them, using code that only those in the Queen's council knew, to gather them together. Each would leave separately, in timed fashion, to avoid creating a scene or exciting the attention of the spies doubtless surrounding them. Baron Stonefist might not be as smart as his sister, but he still knew when it was time to be crafty. 

Stonefist was the last to leave. Excusing himself by holding his stomach and asking to use the privy, he slipped down a long hallway.

As he was reaching the end, his instincts, honed on a battlefield, made him turn, just as he was about to press on into the night. He pulled his frame into a doorway and peered at the man coming down the hall, looking very unwell.

It was Ecthelion!

Before the Baron could process this information, the leader had fallen to the ground. Stonefist's first instinct was to rush to his aid, but then realized this could be a problem for Nivemus. And should it be an attack against all of the leaders, anyone rushing down this hallway would feel his dagger, still stuck inside his boot. His tensed, and soon realized he could see nothing in the throng.

What to do now? Try to go back, warn Catherine? Or press on with the meeting. Either way, they were going to head for him, and being seen was a bad idea. He pressed on the door, and found it unbolted. Stonefist rushed inside, hoping no one was inside, or it would be a very difficult explanation. In the dark, he heard the tumult of  voices and concerns and oaths, as Ecthelion was rushed outside. The general sense was that he was dead or dying.

When there were no more voices to be heard, he carefully opened the door again.

Planned meeting be damned. He must see to the Queen!


Roleplay from Garas Gabanus   

Garas listened to Ecthelion's speech, it was clear that the Prime Minister had lost his love for Garas alltogether. "It doesn't matter," he thought, "It'll change little now." Then Ecthelion finished his speech with a soft 'and Garas'. Garas stood up and joined the Prime Minister in raising the glass " Long live the Kronagos, long live Catherine!" then he continued "Your grace is most flattering" before he sat down again. 'How long will this old skeleton live anyway' he caught himself thinking.

Then after some time Ecthelion began to cough, and again...and again, until he stood up and excused himself. Before he managed to get out well enough, he fell down. "What is the matter?" Garas asked, to which he heard the healer say those words "He's been poisoned! We have to get him back to the inn immediately if he's to have any hope!" Garas did not hesitate for a moment and turned to Catherine "Love, put down that glass! Who knows who else they're trying to poison." As he said this, Garas stood up.

"Guards, lock the palace down! Nobody leaves except the Prime Minister and his personal guard." he shouted, "Gawin, rally all personnel in the next room, leave out none!" he continued still shouting. Then one of his personal guard approached him, "Milord, Captain Gawin is not present here, shall we execute the order nonetheless?" Garas looked at the men, one of the more veteran of his men "Yes, send some men. Also make sure the palace is locked down, nobody leaves or enters, and where is Gawin?" The man looked at his Lord, not certain what was going on "I am not sure my lord, I think he left for the basement with the... your interrogator my lord. I will rally all personnel."

Then Garas turned his attention to the rest of the people in the room, most of whom were of nobility. "Honored guests, I know as little as you, but if the Prime Minister truly has been poisoned, it is prudent we find and interrogate the culprit. Of course one could not suspect a fellow noblemen to commit such a low action, however until we learn more it is best that we all remain inside for our own safety."

"Guards, ensure the safety of King Garin. Stratarchos Brock, I entrust you to ensure the safety of my wife to be and your Kronagos. If someone intents to assasinate the Rulers in the north, we will not allow them another opportunity!"


Roleplay from Robert Stonefist   

Baron Stonefist moved quickly to get back to the celebration room, his mind racing more quickly than he could form thought. As he neared, the sounds of gaiety and laughter were replaced by commotion. Some flunky of the palace moved towards him.

"Halt!" called the guard.

"Out of my way," raged the Baron. "I must see my Queen immediately!"  He shoved the startled man aside, and burst through the door.

"Queen Catherine, are you all right?" Stonefist rushed to her side, a bit concerned that Garas was not already there. What kind of a person leaves the one they love most at a time like this?

"I am fine, Robert," she said, her voice calmer than his. Of course.

"I was on my way to, um, the facilities, when I was made aware of what happened. I rushed back as soon as I could." In a lower voice he added, "I saw Ecthelion fall. It looks bad, my Queen."

"Were you seen?" she whispered.


Brock came over to them. Loudly, he said, "Baron Stonefist, I am glad to have you here." Then he hissed in the Baron's ear, "There will be trouble. Be ready."

"I have my dagger," said Stonefist, raising an eyebrow. "And my men are on high alert, if we can get word to them."

"What of the others?" asked Catherine.

"I don't know. I told them to meet me, but I am unsure if they got outside or not."

"If they did," grimaced Brock, "then we are even fewer in number."

"But united in purpose," said the Queen. "Never forget that."

"What now?" asked Stonefist. He stared into the eyes of his Queen.


Roleplay from Brigdha Dubhaine  

10 days before the wedding

"What do you mean she was killed? I'd know if she were dead Leopold - or do you take me for some dull-witted country dame!" Brigdha's usual cool demeanour had turned to a raging inferno of rage, Leopold staggering backwards as the full fury engulfed the room. He'd served as his cousin Aednadh's captain long enough to have some inkling of the power contained in the Flow but that had done little to stand before a Balancewalker unveiled. The air all about crackled with liminal energy and the very stones of the keep seemed to press outwards as if to flee the Margravine's wrath.

"She was killed by Cymak Fireborn ma'am, with a sword," it took every ounce of courage he possessed to stand there and say those words, true though they were.

Brigdha took a slow breath and centred herself, reaching out into the High Firmament in search of answers. There were none. It was as if her grandniece had never lived.

"That ill-born duellist?" she said after what seemed a lifetime, though was probably no more than a few heartbeats, "How on earth could a non-entity like him kill the most experienced special forces commander in Sirion?"

"I do not know ma'am. It all happened so quickly," Leopold struggled to organise his memories of that awful encounter when but the emotional charge was too much to bear and they tumbled at him as they had during his forced ride across the leagues of Sirion.

"Forgive me Leopold, you've ridden hard to bring me this news and now I must ride you harder if I'm to make sense of it," the Priestess fixed him with her marksman's eye and he was once more in the aftermath of Slimbar's fall, in the camp of Sirion's victorious army. There was an unsettling queasiness as he sensed the priestess inside his thoughts, building to an intense synaesthaesia as a flood of repressed emotions and sensory data screamed for attention.

  "Stand down Captain, your master's had this coming for quite some time," Aednadh flexed the fresh-cut birch stave, her green eyes sparkling in the firelight as Cymak's second-in-command sought to block her path.

    "My Master's currently indisposed your Ladyship," he seemed a reasonably stout fellow, brave no doubt in his own way, but this was no battle line with a dozen equally desperate lads to watch his back and the woman before him openly displayed scars no man should bear and live to tell the tale.

    "Indisposed you say? Hmm... I think not Captain. Leopald?"

    "Yes Ma'am?" a smartly dressed officer in the muddy-grey livery of the Ghost Watch stepped from her shadow.

    "Have you the writ of challenge?"

    "I have indeed Ma'am," he handed the parchment to her, its seal indisputably that of Count Cymak.

    "Do you recognise this? And its purpose?" she passed it to the now squirming officer stood in front of her.

    "Ye-yes your Ladyship," he backed slightly away from her, scanning the encampment for possible assistance. There was none. Everywhere he turned his eyes the feared veterans of the Ghost Watch seemed to study him in perfect silence, blades and shafts at the ready.

    "This is a breach of military discipline in time of war, Captain. I'm sure I don't have to remind you what the punishment is likely to be for a commoner complicit in such a crime. Now as I'm quite determined to impose on the Count's hospitality and you clearly wouldn't be so stupid as to aid and abet your Master's folly, might I suggest you retire for the evening?" Aednadh smiled wryly as she idly slapped the birch stave in her leather-clad palm.

    "I... erm...," he stammered for words as the blood drained from his face. A moment later he was gone and the Count's tent stood unguarded.

    "Oh Cymak...! Are you ready to honour me with your company young Lordling?"

    The tent flap moved aside and a surly young nobleman with straggly hair and beard emerged, barely more than a boy, in his hands matched duelling sword and dagger. Without a word he struck, steel moving with inhuman speed barely blocked by trained reflexes as he effortlessly spun and struck again at Aednadh's back with the main gauche. The blade barely pierced her leather jerkin.

The scene hung motionless in Leopold's mind's eye as Brigdha studied every detail, matching facies with factum to form a single transfluence. This moment. This was the death blow. The colour of it was sharp and discordant. Pulsing with derision.

"I've felt this presence before," Cymak seemed to fill Leopold's senses as every detail was analysed. Fireborn. How apt. Brimstone suckled it like a mother's milk.

"We're done here."

Leopold's anger and pain evaporated as his senses crashed back into the waking world.

"I'm sorry Mistress, it was all over before I could do anything," a deep sigh shook his body.

"There are many powers in this world Leopold. Powers beyond the principalities of men or even the judgements of the Balance. Powers whom the Balance serves, and powers who would see it destroyed. The transfluence makes it clear that Cymak is a pawn of such power, though I doubt he realises it. And if they can place poisoned steel in the hand of one man, they can do much more. We must be swift if we're to avert a much greater tragedy than that which has befallen our House. The fate of the north is at stake."

"I can have the Ghost Watch here in 24 hours Ma'am," Leopold snapped to attention, military training overriding all else.

"No. If I take up the sword again then these powers win. Send word that A company are to guard Lady Aednadh's body and take fresh orders only from myself or the new Duke when he's appointed. B company are to disperse and join us in Krimml one week from now. Rollo will provide travel documents and cover stories so they can pass unnoticed on the road."


Roleplay from Brigdha Dubhaine   

Ducal Palace
The day of the Wedding

Leopold watched the commotion as Prime Minister Ecthelion's guard carried his prostrate form to the waiting carriage. From his vantage point on a nearby rooftop it was clear that the Prime Minister was barely conscious, but he was too far away to make out the orders hurriedly barked to the waiting outriders as the carriage lurched under the sudden weight. Within moments it was speeding into the warren of streets, doubtless heading to a pre-arranged rendezvous.

Leopold wondered if he should follow but his orders were clear: keep watch and be prepared to effect an extraction. A brief exchange of birdcalls followed, confirming that his confederates were in place.

* * *

Inside Brigdha was taking advantage of the confusion amongst the wedding guests to slip unseen behind a certain statue she'd had cause to use many years before, and from there into the network of service passages allowing servants to attend the public rooms. It'd be several minutes before Garas's guards could lock these down, giving her ample time to navigate the corridors.

She regretted not being closer to Ecthelion during the festivities but the Prime Minister had always been a cautious man and with so many of his personal guard at hand it seemed impossible that an attempt could be made on his life. Rarely had she miscalculated so disastrously. Still, that boat had sailed and her duty was clear: get to Kronagos Catherine and Stratarchos Brock, then ensure their safety. Sirion could ill afford to lose her Prime Minister, but to lose her two closest allies as well?

* * *

With all eyes turned towards the Queen and Sir Robert, no one noticed Brigdha slip from the concealed door at the far end of the room.

"What should we do Sir Robert? We should get the Queen to safety," she said, "that's what. Clearly security in this palace leaves much to be desired."


Roleplay from Brock Ketchum 

Two of Brock best men are looking at Kronagos Catherine about a few feet away. Their eyes have not left Kronagos as they keep watch. They have been tasked to protect Kronagos and they are not supposed to appear unless the need arises.

First man: This is quite a crowd.

Second man: Yes, it is. Too many important guests here.

First man: Is security good enough?

Second man: I do not think so. What you think?

First man: For us, it is easy. We are the best men chosen from Stratarchos Brock men.

Second man: Keep watching Kronagos Catherine. We cannot afford to have anything happen to her.

As both men keep a tight watch on Kronagos Catherine, they both see Sirion Prime Minister Ecthelion coughs. They both look at each other warily.

First man: Is that a signal?

Second man: Other than Stratarchos Brock signal earlier about his Captain watching outside, this is interesting.

First man: Keep one eye on him and one eye on Kronagos.

As Sirion Prime Minister Ecthelion falls down and tend to by a Healer.

Second man: This is not good at all. Should we appear now?

First man: Yes, we should. Stand besides Kronagos Catherine and protect her at all costs. Tell her we are sent by Stratarchos Brock.

Both men appear to Kronagos Catherine and stand beside her watching the guests all.


Roleplay from Brock Ketchum 

As Brock looks sadly at his wine glass, he thinks to himself. Lady Aednadh was killed in the duel according to the note he receives. And he was just contacting her not long ago before the feast. Before his arrival at Oligarch city.

He has difficulty times to bring himself to drink the wine. Putting the wine glass on the table, Brock looks towards his Captain who nods back to him. He know everything is safe. His sadness over Lady Aednadh death somehow makes him misses out on a cough at the table.

Until Sirion Prime Minister Ecthelion suddenly collapses to the floor and his trusted Healer moves toward him. Brock stands up as all guests do.

As if by cue, two of Brock best men make a sudden appearance beside Kronagos Catherine and keep a close guard flanking her from left and right. All they can say to Kronagos is they are sent by Brock to protect her silently unless the need arises.

Brock looks at Kronagos Catherine who is suddenly flanked by two of his best men and he nods approvingly. He turns to look at his brother Gary who also stands up.

He replies to Baron Robert and Kronagos Catherine "Do not worry. Earlier on I have ordered two of my best men to protect Kronagos Catherine silently. Even if my Captain and his men standing outside cannot enter this celebration room, we are not easily defeated. We shall fight to the end."

His brother Gary speaks "I am around. My sword skill should come in handy."

As Healer says "He's been poisoned!", Brock looks on cautiously and warns all "Do not drink the wine and the food now." His two best men eyes are not off Kronagos Catherine all the times. He looks at Garas guards locking the palace down and standing guard over all the guests. This will be a long day.

Moving closer to Lady Brigdha, Brock says quietly to her "This is dangerous situation we are in. If assassins can get to Sirion Prime Minister like that, there is no knowing how many of us important guests here at risk." As he looks around, he whispers quietly "I am afraid our meeting has to be put on hold. Perhaps we can meet at Oligarch city where it is much safer."


Roleplay from Robert Stonefist   

There was now a small party around the Queen. The Baron felt slightly better, at least about immediate safety.

"Look around," he says to the Nivemus party. "It doesn't look like any others are feeling ill-effects. Unless that changes..."

"...this was a targeted attack." Brock finishes.

"I'm no quick wit," says Stonefist, "But I think it's clear we need to ask: Who gains by the Prime Minister's death?"


Roleplay from Catherine Chamberlain 

Nobody gains... she kept the thought to herself, in the days to come this would be blamed on a faction.  That blame would undermine Garas.  Sirion would use the excuse to raise arms against the man who allowed their prime minister to be poisoned in such a manner.  The fact that he yet lived made her contemplate that it was an act perpetrated by the man himself.  If poison was the means you would surely add enough to prevent the healers touch helping.

They had all drank from the same jugs all been served by the same plate and cup bearers.  She tried to think who had been attending Ecthelion drawing a blank more often than not.  The room was now in tumult and it was difficult to tell who was there and who not.  Her own Lords of Nivemus were all present, excepting her sister.  She hoped that Kristina had managed to get Wulfric from the palace before Garas had locked down the exits.  The factions were grouping, eyeing each other suspiciously.  Understandably Garin's retinue from Eponllyn were quick to secure their King and the Princess Siana, they had experienced the poisoned blade so recently they were on high alert to any risk to the monarch.  The majority of Sirion had followed in the wake of the healer, Gara's seemed to be allowing them a little more leeway, or perhaps he was corralling them in another part of the keep.

Garas looking ashen faced had taken charge of the situation personally.  Having told her to avoid the wine he had simply left her.  The men were armored, albeit ceremonial it offered some protection.  She was unarmed and exposed, and he had left her... whats more as she attempted to reach Ecthelion she was swiftly turned back by Garas guardsmen.  She was relieved to find the young Baron Stonefist once more at her elbow.  The Ketchums soon joined her too.  She took one of the sharper knives from the table and backed to the wall trying to find some space. The tension in the room was tangible though all were studiously trying to fool themselves and one another this was not the case. 

Garas was nowhere in sight, indeed all of the nobles of Primus were absent.  Something felt very wrong and she thought to herself that a prison was simply a room where the doors were locked and one could not escape.

"We need to get out of here," she commented to the men.


Roleplay from Joshua Kenwood 

Joshua and his men stood by. His order were quite simple.

"Everyone keep an eye out for anything."

His eyes scanned the crowd. He was new to Nivemus, but would give his life for his Queen without question or hesitation. Something was wrong; very wrong...and he was ready to act upon anything.


Roleplay from Robert Stonefist 

Baron Stonefist cracked his knuckles and smiled, his first genuine smile in some time.

"Ready when the rest of you are."