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Changing taxes and granting access to region granary for regions without lord

Started by T0mislav, October 07, 2015, 12:08:53 AM

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As duke I faced two great problems:

1. My character has badlands region in his duchy and it starved for many months  just because access to the region granary was not granted to Banker and there was no other option to send food to the region. My character had to wait for new player to joined the realm to appoint him for the lord of the region so he can grant access to region granary to Banker.

2. My character is duke in realm where there are more nobles then regions. One of lords in his duchy stepped down from lord position in one of farmland regions to take better region. The lord held high level of taxes maintaining order by daily holding courts. He forgot to lower taxes in the region before he stepped down and he forgot to grant access to the region granary to Banker while leaving the region with high level of taxes and granary full of food. With such tax level region would go rogue within several days. There was no other option to lower taxes and distribute region food to other regions but to reappointed him to the position so he can reduce taxes and grant access to the region granary to banker.

In 2nd problem the lord lost honor point twice for stepping down twice just because there was no other option to change what he forgot to change.
I know that I could handle 1st problem by stepping down from the position of region lord with my duke character and then use his duke position to appoint himself to the lord position of the region that has issues just to lower taxes and grant access to the granary to banker and then step down again and reappoint my character back to lordship over his initial region - but that is not solution of the problem because that way my character would lose lot of honor if he would continuously stepping down just to fix such trivialities.

The game need:
1. Option that will allow the duke to change taxes in regions in his duchy that are out of lord.
2. Mechanism that will automatically grant access to region granary to banker in regions that are without lord.


Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


If such mechanism exist it obviously doesn't work.

My duke character I was talking about is also banker and he did not have access to region granary of region without lord and the region starved for very long time.
My character got the access after he appointed lord who granted him the access - till then he was unable to do anything to feed the region.


In my recent personal experience on both BT and Dwilight, banker access for regions without a lord does work. However, if youre absolutely sure, file a bug report. Make sure you include details of island, realm, and region.

I wouldn't be against an automatic tax drop to 10% when a region loses its lord. I would not support a duke's direct control of taxes.
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