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Character limit changes

Started by feyeleanor, October 28, 2015, 10:29:22 AM

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Quote from: Lapallanch on November 03, 2015, 04:34:26 AM
People who will leave from this change would have left in a year or two anyway. The dev team is clearly hoping to keep what little new players we get. If we get 0 new players, the game will die by the end of next year anyway at this rate. People will always complain about changes. Why do you actually need multiple characters to achieve something? Why can't you just do it with one character?

To add more depth to the game by having more interesting characters around; normally done when there'd actually be more than a few other players per realm? I mean if you want your second character on an island to be a flat 2D piece of plywood then by my bloody guest; but I've been characterizing and working up my second character to be an invested and interesting member of my realm. If you don't like RP that's fine and all but keep in mind that some people actually give a crud about what they write and they are not just trying to game a system that is full of holes to begin with.

People keep saying this will mean less characters per island, as if all the doubles are going to go up in smoke. I would think that if you could no longer play two nobles on one island, you'd play two nobles on two islands. You might get a few less characters in the end because of dissatisfied players leaving, but you would still end up with more players per island than before. Players, not characters. Which can only benefit the current state of stagnation.

In fact, I'd drop down to 1 character on 1 island because I still have no interest in the other islands. At this time they are null and void to me and thus I will stick to the FEI. And if people decide the FEI isn't good enough to keep around and she's left homeless? Dunno, might just retire her on her fictional island that isn't in the game cuz I made it for her backstory anyway.

Furthermore, I agree with Medron's stance. In my case the character will be paused and turn into a RP NPC supporting character for my ruler character on the Far East.

And as for jaune's argument; I'm sure there will be alot of changes, but they're not what I'm invested in. I'm invested in my 1 island where I've been researching the history and lore of to write adequate RP and get myself into the 'vibe' of. Maybe I'm just crazy, but I like the Far East; it's an interesting island and is rich with opportunities. The problem is that most people seem to have irrational hatred for the place and thus refuse to come on over for a cup of tea and some roleplay.

And with the degree of investment that I have to put into stuff, I'm not inclined to go to say Atamara, Belthingymejiggum or wherever. Maybe East Continent.. but bleh; I mainly use that as a place to antagonize in my character's storyline so that'd not make any sense at all. *shrugs~ I'm stubborn so I know nobody will sway my opinion anyway and I know my opinion isn't appreciated but I will voice it nontheless because I'm actually rather frustrated about this suicidal character purge.

Gabanus family

I think you're making several very dangerous and flawed assumptions. First of all, I'm pretty sure that people do appreciate all the (positively placed) input like yours. With positive, I mean the non inflamatory kind. Just as you may not agree with others however, some may not agree with you. This doesn't mean they don't appreciate input.

Secondly, I think you're doing Lapallanch short if you say that he doesn't like RP. In fact, I've found him one of the most creative, RP'ing and fun players to play with. None of his chars are the same for instance. There are different ways of RP'ing of course and people take fun out of different aspects of the game. Personally I've tried almost all continents, but didn't find FEI to be particularly more RP'ing strong than any other continent. In fact, Dwilight for me holds much more RP, although EC also does well these days. I'm also losing a char which I RP'd entirely separate from the other on the same continent, but I do see the reason behind this change. I might not entirely like it, but I also see the problem of most players who have 2 chars, who RP a lot less like that.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Maybe so, and I do apologize if I actually offended someone with my choice of words.

In my increasing frustration I may have utilized some more heated phrases than I normally would. But it doesn't change my outlook on the situation, with the feedback I've been getting from people I've talked to in the Far East I think I can safely say that this is generally considered to be a change for the worse; at least on the FEI. And while appearantly a fair number/most people here seem to want FEI to be closed down, as one of the people who enjoys playing on the FEI and has enjoyed doing so for some time; I cannot help but feel strongly against this change which feels like it'll cause significant damage to the efforts to make the experience on FEI better for those less invested in the background lore of the place.


Quote from: Sovari on November 03, 2015, 03:00:24 PM
Maybe so, and I do apologize if I actually offended someone with my choice of words.

In my increasing frustration I may have utilized some more heated phrases than I normally would. But it doesn't change my outlook on the situation, with the feedback I've been getting from people I've talked to in the Far East I think I can safely say that this is generally considered to be a change for the worse; at least on the FEI. And while appearantly a fair number/most people here seem to want FEI to be closed down, as one of the people who enjoys playing on the FEI and has enjoyed doing so for some time; I cannot help but feel strongly against this change which feels like it'll cause significant damage to the efforts to make the experience on FEI better for those less invested in the background lore of the place.

We have all invested in a certain island. I know it is terrible to lose islands you've played on but the game just can't maintain so many islands any longer. Surprisingly we still get new players here and there and due to low density and silent characters - most of them being people's second on the continent people don't really care much about, new people just don't stick around. Only 1 out of 10 people who try the game actually stick around and imagine if we can keep 1 more or 2 more out of 10.

Reducing characters will 'force' people to focus on one character per continent. This has been proven on dwilight for the past 5 years. I know people are finally starting to do something interesting on other continents as well but some places need to be closed and some can't.


Quote from: Lapallanch on November 03, 2015, 06:33:03 PM
We have all invested in a certain island. I know it is terrible to lose islands you've played on but the game just can't maintain so many islands any longer. Surprisingly we still get new players here and there and due to low density and silent characters - most of them being people's second on the continent people don't really care much about, new people just don't stick around. Only 1 out of 10 people who try the game actually stick around and imagine if we can keep 1 more or 2 more out of 10.

Reducing characters will 'force' people to focus on one character per continent. This has been proven on dwilight for the past 5 years. I know people are finally starting to do something interesting on other continents as well but some places need to be closed and some can't.

I'm aware, I've tried to get my friends to play it but well... they got turned off by the lack of random RP banter, the flash game attached to the RPG part of the game and various other reasons. That and stagnation made a few of my friends who invited me to play this game with them quit so yeah; I've stuck around biting down into my character and having her try and be more of a living breathing person than just Doombot2.0. And the same goes for her adopted cousin (the second character) which went from NPC to PC through a few interesting ordeals involving a royal, a head of church and the main character who at the time was a lord. So losing her as a character will hurt; but she'll stick around as NPC anyway I suppose. Setting that up just in case atm, having the island plop from under them is going to be... traumatizing to say the least.

Also, I may be slightly annoyed by the fact that I was this close to reviving the Church of Ibladesh over in the Far East to start a war with the Church of Sartan! Grrrr, so close yet so far away! Would've been a fun way to set FEI ablaze though if I do say so myself...


Quote from: Sovari on November 03, 2015, 06:55:30 PM
I'm aware, I've tried to get my friends to play it but well... they got turned off by the lack of random RP banter, the flash game attached to the RPG part of the game and various other reasons. That and stagnation made a few of my friends who invited me to play this game with them quit so yeah; I've stuck around biting down into my character and having her try and be more of a living breathing person than just Doombot2.0. And the same goes for her adopted cousin (the second character) which went from NPC to PC through a few interesting ordeals involving a royal, a head of church and the main character who at the time was a lord. So losing her as a character will hurt; but she'll stick around as NPC anyway I suppose. Setting that up just in case atm, having the island plop from under them is going to be... traumatizing to say the least.

Also, I may be slightly annoyed by the fact that I was this close to reviving the Church of Ibladesh over in the Far East to start a war with the Church of Sartan! Grrrr, so close yet so far away! Would've been a fun way to set FEI ablaze though if I do say so myself...

You will have a better chance at recreating that on EC soon. Not yet but soon.


Quote from: Lapallanch on November 03, 2015, 07:18:24 PM
You will have a better chance at recreating that on EC soon. Not yet but soon.

Maybe, but the point is to have it revive in the main character's realm... but since the only 2 faithful atm are my characters... and I need the ruler to set things in motion using her diplomatic skills so this will complicate things. Ah well, I'll find a way...


The church of Sartan is essentially dead. Again. It's just a name anymore.

Look at it this way: if your second character died (executed, killed in battle, deported, etc.) would you quit the game? Or would you carry on? Essentially, that's all that changing the character limit will do. It will have one of your characters end their story line.

And again: if you haven't been on an island recently, you haven't been on that island.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on November 03, 2015, 08:10:40 PM
Essentially, that's all that changing the character limit will do. It will have one of your characters end their story line.

Will it? Characters don't have to be nailed to a particular island, do they? Take a ship, explore new lands, and see if you can rise to power someplace where your family influence means little or nothing.

Gabanus family

Quote from: Indirik on November 03, 2015, 08:10:40 PM
The church of Sartan is essentially dead. Again. It's just a name anymore.

Look at it this way: if your second character died (executed, killed in battle, deported, etc.) would you quit the game? Or would you carry on? Essentially, that's all that changing the character limit will do. It will have one of your characters end their story line.

And again: if you haven't been on an island recently, you haven't been on that island.

Too bad, I had fond recollections of the CoS as well as the CoI. I had to leave though because I didn't have enough time to play the religious part properly enough anymore.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela

Medron Pryde

If this is the same as having a character executed, why not simply allow such executions?

If you want to limit people to one character per island, allow nations to execute multi-characters.

Or stop people from being able to create second characters, allow executions, and wait for the players to thin out the ranks on their own.

That would certainly be less disruptive than suddenly forcing so many nobles to move or pause on some random day...


It would also strongly encourage exactly the behaviour we are seeking to eliminate: having a second character be nothing but a drone, contributing nothing of real meaning. Players who didn't want to lose their second character would keep them safe behind walls, never putting them in a situation where they could be captured and executed.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Also, people with a second duke on the same continent... I am sorry but there has way too many cases of the same family holding two ducal or two vital lordship positions over the years.


Re: executions

Universal death has its own problems. And allowing universal death only for specific people is pretty exploitable, and fundamentally unfair.

We can't have different limits for different people. We can't grandfather multi characters, it gives older accounts access to the very advantages were trying to get rid of. Everyone needs to play by the same rules.

Increased character mortality is something that would be good, as it can promote change, which we want. Enforcing too much mortality is counterproductive, as it penalizes active characters, which we don't want to do.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Lapallanch on November 03, 2015, 10:01:33 PM
Also, people with a second duke on the same continent... I am sorry but there has way too many cases of the same family holding two ducal or two vital lordship positions over the years.

That's what we wanted to prevent in our realm on FEI at least; until we spent a few weeks without a banker and thus my second character was more or less forced into the role to prevent the realm from taking damage from the lack of willingness from other players to take responsibility. Said character is the banker of the realm and holds a second city region in my realm. Both are technically against the law in the realm but until more people show up who are willing to take such positions of power and responsibility we've been forced to utilize it. We've been actively trying to grant our newer nobles positions of lordship but they lack the mandatory honor/prestige requirements at this time. (That and the city my second character holds is notoriously annoying to keep in check, I have the secondary character doing extensive maintainance on a daily basis or the city destabilizes and causes trouble in the space of 2-3 days while she does her bankery business in her study....) Oh well, it'd be nice if people'd come on over and live with us in FEI... it's fun and my character still have cake and tea on offer. >_>; And Lordships; we got plenty of those as well. :p