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Lords of Creation OOC Thread

Started by ^ban^, June 10, 2011, 11:48:32 PM

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This is the Lords of Creation OOC Thread. All OOC discussion should take place here.

The IRC channel can be found at #bm-loc

All approved players, please repost your character sheet in this thread. Please do not post in this thread if you do not have an approved character. Your post *will* be deleted.

^ban^ (ADMIN)
JPierreD (formerly known as Anders Celsius)

Approved and In-Game

Name                 Player            Divine Powers                                Domains                             Custom Artifact Slot     DR
Arglwydd^ban^Impulsive, Divine AuthorityDream, Fate, MindUtility3
AhkramBedwyrOrganized, Leader of MenKnowledge, MagicUtility3
ArkhJPierreDLandshaper, PlaguebringerCold, UnlifeBoon/Bane2
CelonaBerardArtificer, Divine AuthorityWind, TravelUtility, Utility2
CaradonSolariLivegiver, ProgenitorLife, Water???1
Dwyn GaaldPerthOrganized, Divine InterventionDeserts, TradeUtility2
LauneSypherImpulsive, Divine InterventionFey, ChaosUtility3
MikhaSilverhawkDivine Intervention, ImpulsiveFire, ProtectionCombat2
NicolaiDoctorHarteMythic, ProgenitorSun, NatureBoon/Bane2
OofrumsAdriddaeImpulsive, ProgenitorJoy, MusicUtility1
SophiaTa|iMythic, LifegiverMoon, LoveUtility2
ToridasJimgerdesLeader of Men, PlaguebringerShadow, IllusionUtility1
VarrachIltaranMythic, PlaguebringerVengeance, SorrowCombat2
ZbartivlastFleugsWarrior, Divine InterventionMadness, FearBoon/Bane2
TorusArtemesiaOrganized, MythicChange, KnowledgeUtility1
BromMadmonk77Mythic, Leader of MenWar, TraditionUtility1

Approved and Awaiting Rollover

Name                 Player            Divine Powers                                Domains                             Custom Artifact Slot     DR
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.


    The Mechanics
    • How does it work?
      • Answering that question in depth is the primary function of this set of rules. But right off the bat, here are some basics: First off, you're a god. That said, you are not omnipotent - there are other gods who share the world with you, some of them your equals, some your inferiors, and some who are quite frankly much, much more powerful than you.

        These limits are represented by Action Points - a sort of divine currency, with which you may purchase powerful effects to help you shape the world to your liking. The specifics of what you can do with AP are covered in the next section - Divine Actions. Aquiring AP is significantly more difficult however - the vast majority of AP you aquire will be through an event called "Rollover". At Saturday @ 1200 EST, you acquire a small sum of AP. The specifics of this process are detailed later.

        So, in summary... you start with a sum of AP, and you get more of it each week. You spend the AP to make stuff happen. Simple enough.

    • Divine Actions
      • Divine Actions are all considered massive feats on behalf of the deities which require a certain amount of divine energy in order to do accomplish.

      • 1 AP actions
        • Alter/Create Terrain: Create a Size Rank 1 region of terrain, or change existing terrain to a different type of terrain. Each 2 additional AP increases the radius by one Size Rank. Note that this does not cover "Attacks" - while you could in theory "Sink Atlantis" with this action, that falls under the category of Curse, below.

          • Size Ranks (For the Create Land action)

            • 1AP - A small country, like Belgium. (~10,000 sq mi.)
            • 3AP - A medium country, like France. (~250,000 sq mi.)
            • 5AP - A large country, like India. (~1,000,000 sq mi.)
            • 7AP - A small continent, like Australia. (~3,000,000 sq mi)
            • 9AP - A medium continent, like North America. (~10,000,000 sq mi.)
            • 11AP - A supercontinent, like Pangea. (~50,000,000 sq mi.)
            • 13AP - A planet, like Earth. (World encompasing.)
        • Create Class: Creates one base class. Each additional AP makes another class that follows a theme. Commoner, warrior, and expert will automatically exist for all species that have formed a society.
        • Raise Hero /Exarch: Raises a mortal to near divine status, truly an epic character capable of great feats of power. These are the heroes who shape the destiny of the world. Keep in mind that not all heroes are mighty warriors – some are inspiring leaders, or artists without peer who spread their culture throughout the world.
        • Create Life: creates creatures, such as animals, monsters, humans, elves, etc. These creatures may form colonies or family groups, like ants or lions, but they can not form structured societies beyond small tribal groups. This is used for the creation of sentient, intelligent, or specific life.
        • Enter/Leave Locked Plane: You may enter or leave a locked plane. Each additional 2 AP increases the Magnitude Rank of others that may enter or leave with you.
        • Create Society: While small hunter gatherer societies may exist, they will never build cities or become civilizations. This action creates a civilization of existing sentient creatures, such as humans founding Nineveh and building the Assyrian Empire. Note that you may forge multiple species into one society - for example, letting the Orcs, Goblins, and Ogres form a Greenskin Empire.
        • Join Pantheon: Invests a measure of energy to attune oneself to a divine pantheon.
        • Lead Populace: You teach a race how to do something. You don't NEED to use this, except for RP purposes and for counting actions towards domains. This is for like teaching dwarves about steel and gnomes about magitech and such. While there is no strict mechanical effect, there should be definite fluff-benefits to mortals who benefit from this action. It is up to the god using this action to determine how widespread the new technology or practice is, and how fast it spreads.
        • Bless: Buffers against and counters Curse. Each additional 2 AP increases the Magnitude Rank of the area. Additional AP spent do not increase the potency of the effect - it is assumed to be at full power at 1AP, so long as it is not countered. Only the scope of the effect is increased. A Bless may be fully countered by a Curse of equal Magnitude, or weakened by one of a lesser Magnitude. Note that the area affected does not decrease – only the potency of the effect.
        • Curse: Buffers against and counters Bless. Spend 1 AP to increase buffer. Each additional 2 AP increases the Magnitude Rank of the area. Additional AP spent do not increase the potency of the effect - it is assumed to be at full power at 1AP, so long as it is not countered. Only the scope of the effect is increased. A Curse may be fully countered by a Blessing of equal Magnitude, or weakened by one of a lesser Magnitude. Note that the area affected does not decrease – only the potency of the effect.

          Magnitude Ranks (For the Bless and Curse actions)
          MR 1- From a single person to an average-sized town's worth of people. A section of an army. An exceedingly sparsely populated area (i.e., a non-magical forest)
          MR 2- A large city's worth of people. A small army in its entirety. A rural, but settled area.
          MR 3- A massive metropolis' worth of people (i.e., Waterdeep, New York City). The army of a large kingdom. A swath of land, including hamlets and small villages. An extremely narrow group of people. (i.e.,Those with the blood of Gustav Augustus in their veins, NNHIS Employees)
          MR 4- The vast army of a legendary empire. A small nation, and all within it, including settlements of any size. A very specific group of people (i.e., Wizards, Blacksmiths)
          MR 5- A large nation or kingdom, and all within it, including settlements of any size. Anyone matching a broad descriptor (I.e., Arcane Spellcasters, Commoners, those who worship a certain god)
          MR 6- A super-massive continent (such as Pangaea), or several smaller ones (such as Europe and Asia). A world-spanning empire. The population of the western hemisphere. A massively generalized group of people (i.e., Casters, Militaries, those who worship any god on a certain pantheon)
          MR 7- Everyone. Everywhere. A truly global effect, usually reserved for cataclysms or other history-shaping events, as there is literally no-one who is entirely untouched by an act of this magnitude. (Second Impact, Ragnarok)
      • 2 AP actions
        • Create Avatar: This forms an almost mortal body for your deity to walk the mortal world. It is slightly more powerful than an Exarch, but it is nowhere near the power of a true god. Avatars do not age, and are effectively immortal - they may be slain, but their creator god may restore a damaged or destroyed Avatar for no cost. A deity may have only one avatar at a time.
        • Create Organization: This creates a new organization within a civilization, such as a wizards' guild, a secret cult, an assassins' den, etc. Each organization allows for the introduction of a single prestige class.
        • Create Pantheon: You create a pantheon, which can be considered as an alliance between gods who have united for a common cause. The cause is normally decided by the creator. Every week, the Pantheon generates an AP pool depending on the amount of members. For every two members, the pantheon generates 1AP which can be used by any member. So if a Pantheon has 4 members it will generate a weekly 2 AP, but if it has 3, it will only generate 1AP. Only 1 AP Actions can be done using Pantheon AP, and the AP does not stack after roll over – it is merely set to the weekly amount. The god who takes this action is the mechanical Admin of the pantheon (Usually, although not always, they will take some form leadership role story-wise as well), and has the final say in any expenditure of Pantheon AP. All other gods who wish to join (including founding members) must instead use the 1AP action Join Pantheon.
        • Lock/Unlock Plane: You stop entry or exit from a plane you control for any deities or mortals you choose. Gods fewer than one rank above your Divine Rank must spend 1 AP to enter/exit the plane.
      • 3 AP actions
        • Create Plane: Create a Plane - a realm with fundamentally different laws than The World, where your god can walk freely. Initially, the only existing planes are The World (which is barred to divine entry) and The Void (i.e., space). This page can be a useful guide for determining your plane's traits, but creativity is encouraged.
        • Gain Domain: This action also requires that the user have performed at least 5 Divine Actions related to the domain in question. (Please, for the sake of the MODs, provide a list of these actions along with your Gain Domain action)
        • Create Artifact: Create an artifact related to an action. You can have up to six artifacts: One Battle artifact, Two Utility artifacts, Two Boon/Bane artifacts, and a final slot chosen from those types by the player at character creation. Artifacts are powerful options, and the MODs have the authority to veto any artifact or combination of artifacts if they appear to be prone to abuse. The following is a list of the various Artifact Types:
          • Battle: This artifact gives you a +1 bonus to Combat ranking, plus an additional +1 per 2 AP spent, up to a +5. The effects of multiple combat artifacts stack.
          • Bane: This artifact grants a +1 bonus to the MR of your Curse actions. Also, it gives you one free use of Curse (un-augmented except by the artifact effect) each rollover. Bane artifacts may be augmented at creation - every 2 additional AP you spend on this artifact increases the MR bonus by another +1, to a maximum of +3. The MR bonuses of multiple Bane artifacts do not stack.
          • Boon: This artifact grants a +1 bonus to the MR of your Bless actions. Also, it gives you one free use of Nourish (un-augmented except by the artifact effect) each rollover. Boon artifacts may be augmented at creation - every 2 additional AP you spend on this artifact increases the MR bonus by another +1, to a maximum of +3. The MR bonuses of multiple Boon artifacts do not stack.
          • Mortal: This is an artifact granted to a mortal, leading them to be more like you. Examples include Boccob's Blessed book or the Hand and Eye of Venca. This gives you one free use of Lead Populace per week. Additionally, a mortal wielding an artifact is considered to be a Mortal Hero, even if you have not spent AP to raise him. Mortal Artifacts occupy a Utility Artifact slot. Mortal artifacts have no augment function.
          • Scaping: You may use this artifact to enhance your Alter Terrain actions by one Size Rank. Scaping Artifacts occupy a Utility Artifact slot. Scaping Artifacts have no augment function. The effects of multiple Scaping artifacts stack.
          • Grand: A Grand Artifact is a phenomenal work of power made possible by the combined powers of a group of gods. Such creations are always wondrous and incredible beyond words - for example, a mechanical sun, a palace of a divine pantheon, or the Weave of Arcana. Mechanically, a Grand Artifact must be made as collaboration between AT LEAST 3 gods. Each participating god must spend a full 3AP on the artifact, and it takes up an artifact slot on each of the gods. The effects of the artifact are purchased from among the other artifact effects, using the AP pooled from participating deities, minus three (for the Grand artifact's "framework"). Effects may be purchased more than once, but all instances of an effect must be the same magnitude. The Artifact may reside in any slot, so long as it has at least one effect that fits in that slot, but any given god may only be attuned to ONE grand artifact. A grand artifact may be upgraded at a later date if another god wishes to attune themselves to it. The newcomer spends 3AP, and chooses a slot for the artifact to occupy, as if creating an artifact. These 3AP may be used to purchase effects for the artifact in a manner identical to creation. Upon creation, the creators of the Artifact choose an Admin for it. The Admin of the artifact has final say in all uses of the artifact's expendable powers, and is responsible for settling disputes over how it is to be used.

            • Example of Grand Artifact Creation: A group of five gods wishes to forge a Grand artifact. As five gods are contributing 3AP each, and they lose three for the framework, the group has a total of 12AP to spend on effects. As a warlike group, they agree that a Battle effect would be beneficial, spending 5AP to give it a +2 bonus. For those times when they wish to intervene directly, they purchase a 3AP Blight effect – deciding not to magnify it, since it is intended to be a tool of war, not a cataclysmic destroyer of nations. They have now spent 8AP, leaving them with 4 in the pool. After careful consideration, they decide to purchase a second Blight effect for 3 more AP. They technically have 1AP remaining, but as there are no effects they can afford with it, the AP is lost.
              In the end, their artifact has the following attributes; all the participating gods receive +2 on combat rolls, from the Battle effect. Additionally, the artifact may be used to produce an unmagnified Blight effect up to twice per week – this ability may be accessed by any of the gods who created it, but the two charges are shared among them. The artifact may take up either a Boon/Blight slot or a Battle slot, chosen by each player attuned to it.

    • Divine Rank, Growth, and AP Gain
      • You begin the game with 12AP. But over time, you will acquire and spend much more than that.

        Gods do not remain constant - they change, evolve, and grow in power over the aeons. This slow but steady increase in power is represented by Divine Rank, or DR. All gods begin at Divine Rank 1. Every point of AP you spend gives you precisely 1 Growth Point. When enough Growth Points have been accumulated, the following action may be taken.

        Divine Growth: This action cost an amount of Growth Points equal to three times your CURRENT AP income. The Growth Points are lost, and your god's Divine Rank permanently increases by 1. This action represents the fruits of experience, age, training, or anything else imaginable. No AP are spent on this action.

        Remember – ONLY AP that you actually SPEND counts towards accumulating Growth Points - hoarding AP teaches you nothing. Likewise, you do not gain GP from 'bonus' AP acquired from ANY source (Such as combat, a pantheon, or the Divine Intervention or Impulsive powers). While your god can use such external sources to work towards their goals, it does not truly help them better control and understand their own divine abilities.

        Divine Rank is of vital importance in determining your weekly AP gain. This is a simple equation - each Rollover, you generate AP equal to your DR+3. So as a newborn DR1 godling, you will have a weekly AP gain of 4. You begin the game with 12 AP - notably, if you spend all of it, you will have exactly enough GP to advance to DR2. This is to encourage players to make in immediate impact on the game, rather than hanging back and attempting to accumulate AP.

        The maximum AP a god can store is equal to their weekly AP income, times three. There is only so much energy even a divine being can hold - any additional AP that would be gained beyond this is lost.

        Transferring AP to another god is not allowed under any circumstances.

    • How to post
      • It is important for everyone to be as clear as possible when making IC posts in order to avoid confusion between players. There are many ways to do that.

        • At the beginning of each post, open each "scene" of your post with the name of the character (or characters), and location. For example:
          QuoteZeus & Thor: Gates of Valhalla

        • When doing a Divine Action, please post your AP Expenditure in a neat and easily understood manner. For example:
          QuoteAP 3 = 4-1: Bless the Elves, end the famine

          It allows for better book keeping as well as making the MOD's life easier. When doing multiple Actions, separate them neatly, being sure to define what each action is doing and how much it costs. For example:
          QuoteAP 7= 9-2, Create Avatar
          AP 4= 7-3, Create Plane, The Plane of Fire
          AP 3 = 4-3, Alter Terrain, Create Volcanoes : SR 2

          • Many situations will arise where, through a god's divine powers or artifacts, actions are discounted or free. When using such an action, always state the source of your discount or free action. For example:
            QuoteAP 9 = 11 – 2 (Claim Domain, discounted from Divine Authority) – 0 (Lead Populace, Free use from Leader of Men)

          • In the event that your god acquires Bonus AP (Through Divine Combat or the Divine Intervention power for example), always track it separately when listing your AP or AP expenditures, and remember that bonus AP vanishes at Rollover if not spent. For example:
            QuoteAP: 3
            BAP 2 = 3 – 3 (Create Excalibur: +1 Battle Artifact)
        • Players are encouraged when making a post, to be as descriptive as possible. Players who tend to describe their characters, mortals, cities ect, are more likely to be interacted in a positive fashion by other players. If you are leaving the other players to guess things about your character or mortals, then do not be surprised if they interpret things differently from what you had originally intended.
        • Pick a colour for your character's speech text. That way it will be easier for people to understand who is talking and when.
        • When gaining a Domain, write a list of the actions done towards gaining the said domain.
        • Whenever you spend AP, be sure to also keep track of how many Growth Points you have earned.
    Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
    Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
    The Stefanovics live.


    The Mechanics cont.
    • Combat
      • Combat, both divine and mortal, is ideally to be settled in a freeform RP style. Both sides are expected to Role Play their battles, and find a solution to it, in a constructive manner. We encourage both sides to talk between themselves via PMs if possible in order to decide the course of events. Try to keep things cordial, and even if things are not going your way, do not start pulling out some outlandish stuff out of nowhere, for MODs will come knocking on your door. If it seems that both sides cannot reach an agreement, then it will fall to the MODs to decide the outcome, and that will probably not be a good idea, so try to avoid taking it as far as the MODs.

        However, deities are allowed to challenge each other in duels, putting their AP on the table in a risky confrontation with great risks and rewards. How does it work?

        • God A and Bod B, want to duel.
        • God A bets X AP, if god B wants to duel he will have to bet the same amount. Both have -X AP in their AP pool at the moment.
        • Both gods roll: 1d20+ any combat artifacts + Divine Power (if any)
        • In case of a draw, both sides roll again with the same format stated above
        • God B wins! However both sides still have -X AP from betting
        • Upon roll-over, god B who won, is reimbursed the X AP he originally gambled, plus X AP for winning the duel! However, the X AP of "winnings" is Bonus AP, and should be counted and recorded as such. Bonus AP, when spent, does not count towards Growth. Bonus AP can allow a god to temporarily exceed the AP cap for their GR, but ALL bonus AP is lost at the time of the next rollover, so it is wise to spend your Bonus AP first if possible.

    • ALTS
      • Each player, besides their main character, is also allowed to create one alt character. This character may or may not be related to your main, that is up to the player. While the creation of an Alt does not cost AP, it is required that a player who wishes to create an Alt send to the MODs a request for an Alt using the Character Application Format given above. It is not guaranteed that the MODs will accept though - depending on the time and circumstances, the response may be a negative one. While it is acceptable for an Alt to be related to – or even serve under – your main, bear in mind that they are a god. They are an independent character, with their own goals, methods, and personality, and Alts who are merely lapdogs or AP-slaves will almost certainly be rejected.

    • The Rules of Conduct
      • The Objective of Lords of Creation is to allow the players to create a living breathing and workable world for a playable campaign, but at the same time, create an interesting, original and flowing story. In order to do that, it is important to understand that this is not a 'God Campaign' but a 'World Building Story'. If your objective is to create a god simply to show off how great you are at other people's expense, then this is not the game for you.

        The following guideline is being placed so that the players may be able to focus on world building in harmony, and with respect to each other both in and out of character. Extreme violations of the rules - or just being a general twit and making everyone miserable - will result in your god getting run over by a bus driven by an inter-dimensional clown, scooped up by an insane goblin, and taken off to tiny-town. Seriously. Don't mess around.

        1) Gods are not omnipotent
        Yes, perhaps we are role playing deities, but for the sake of the story, we are going with the notion that gods cannot know everything, and cannot be everywhere at the same time. In the end, it will become almost impossible to do anything without having another god finding out.

        2) Godmodding is bad and wrong
        In this type of game, it is difficult to completely avoid Godmodding, and sometimes it's done accidentally, but its important to keep it down to a minimum.

        3) Fights/Combat/Plot Devices
        Combat is ALWAYS optional. Always. Just because your god can beat another god in a fight does not mean that your god can order that god around. Gods are tough. Ultimately, even the most savage beatdown will just send them to lick their wounds and regain their power - and ideally, all fights should be worked out ahead of time by those involved. The combat system is designed to provide guidelines, and a potential chancy gamble for power if you're feeling adventurous.

        4) Consider your fellow player
        You are not the only person trying to establish a certain feel to their character. It doesn't hurt to play along with what your opponent may be up to, rather than just shrug it off, and many times this will lead to an interesting situation. If you start shrugging off your fellow players, do not be surprised if they do the same to you, which will make the story-telling process rather lame.

        5) Do not ignore other people's posts
        Particularly if they're directed at you. There is nothing ruder than having someone take time to create an IC post, only to have the post completely ignored. If your character has a reason to ignore the post, then declare it IC "Fred Flintstone ignores Mickey Mouse because he has bad breath". It is much more acceptable than not responding at all and keeping your fellow player waiting.

        6) Respect your fellow player
        Everyone is different, we all have different mentality, different writing styles, different... just about anything. We want to promote harmony in the OOC, so if a player does something wrong, or out of line, leave it to the MODs to take care of it. Do not go to the OOC and start brow beating a player simply because they did something you don't like, or made an honest mistake. Brow beating will not be tolerated.

        7) Respect the MODS
        Seriously. We run the game. Unlike what many people believe, MODs do not accept the title and responsibilities simply because they have a hard-on for authority. Granted, some might, but that is why we have other MODs to keep everyone in check. Our job is not easy and quite thankless. MOD responsibilities are
        a) Keep the OOC nice and harmonious
        b) Make changes to rules if deemed necessary
        c) Accept new players
        d) Arbitrate rules disputes
        e) Make sure the IC rules are followed
        f) Point out any cheating/mistakes done with AP expenditure

        8 ) Do not complain or argue in the OOC thread
        If you have an issue with something or someone, do not go to the OOC to cry/whine or make a big issue out of it. That's the whole reason the MODs were picked. To keep conflicts out of the OOC. They make the atmosphere oppressive, they make things less fun, and generally unpleasant and maybe even make the arguments larger than they need be. So if you do have a complaint, either PM the offending party or ask a MOD to mediate on the issue. If you have a problem with a MOD, or have a reason to distrust a MOD, simply send the message to another MOD.

        9) Keep the general welfare of the game in mind
        As mentioned before, our objective is to create a living world. However, if some people rather put their own characters/personal agendas ahead of the game itself, do not be surprised if you find the MODs knocking on your door.

        10) The ADMIN's word is Final
        The ADMIN is the MOD-MOD. If you don't like it, feel free to take it to a higher authority... except you can't... it stops with me.

        11) Lastly, you are expected to follow the BM Social Contract
        As this is on the BattleMaster forums, you are expected to abide by the BattleMaster Social Contract. Remember, we are friends playing a game with one another.

      • A Few Reminders...
        • Gods are not omnipotent. They cannot know everything that is going on at any given time. They may get their "Domain Senses Tingling" when someone trespasses against them, and even then, don't go around claiming to know everything.
        • Gods don't know where they are unless it's in their domain or outside their influence on the Material Plane. Do not pop up the first time in someone else's plane and know everything that is going on (unless you have a very good excuse to know this)
        • Gods cannot physically walk on the material plane. They are instantly rejected by the laws of the universe. That is why we have exarchs and avatars.
        • If a god wants to send a message to another, put it in a spoiler. If it is a secret message then its considered bad form to read it, if the message is not intended for your character.
        • Gods can only be where their main bodies and their avatars are. So your character cannot be in a dozen places at the same time.
        • Overall, we are aiming for a serious world building project. While moments of silliness are encouraged, make sure that it does not wind up as a recurring theme, nor that it gets out of hand.
        • Do not assume that a character is good/bad due to what was written in the application. Wait to see the character's actions IC, and then have your character make his/her decision. Doing otherwise is considered meta-gaming, and we don't want that.
    Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
    Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
    The Stefanovics live.



    Grand Artifacts

    Create Plane
    • Arglwydd: The Dreaming
    • Ahkram: The Hall of Creation
    • Arkh: The Eternal Winter
    • Caradon: The Wellspring
    • Celona: Eye of the Storm
    • Laune: The Feyrealm
    • Mikha: The Searing Keep
    • Zbarvtilast: The Abyss

    Create Life
    • Ahkrons (Outsiders native to the Hall of Creation)
    • Alfar (Society: The Alfar Imperium)
    • Buin-ak
    • Elves (Society: Emerald Court)
    • Eyonoi
    • Dragons (Society: Enclave of the Dragons)
    • Ghost, Walking Corpse, Walking Skeleton, Lich (Templates)
    • Magma Guardians (Guardians of the Terbazent volcanos)
    • Pixies
    • Scraads (Society: Kingdom of Ganbazatar)
    • Sons and Daughters of the Sun (Society: Zendikon)
    • Urdimkal (Society: Kalvaz Kingdoms)
    • Wolves

    Create Terrain
    • Therbazent SR1: Small mountain island with 16 volcanoes describing a circle. Home of a few Magma Elementals. Location unknown.
    • Atlantis SR5 (Spine of Atlantis SR2 + Lands of Ganos SR2): Continent with a medium-sized mountain range in the center, a river flowing from the range to the north, and plains around the river, forming decently-sized plain lands. Magical Wolves living in the plains, Urdimkal in the mountains and Alfar in the rest of the continent. Location unknown.
    • Great Ganbazatar Desert SR3: Large desert island next to (or land attached to) Atlantis. Home of the Scraads.
    • Draconis SR1: Small island with rocky cliffs for a coast, and no natural harbors. Forested interior home of the Dragons. Next to Atlantis.
    • Land of Avalon (The Green Island) SR2 + Sylvan Isles SR2: Medium island surrounded by smaller ones, home of the Elves. Next to Atlantis.
    • Goralian SR3: Large island of mixed and contrasting terrains, home of the Eyonoi. Location unknown.
    • Dune SR3: Large island with rocky formations in the center and sand deserts around it. Fertile caverns in the rocky center are home to the Sons and Daughters of the Sun. Location unknown.

    Create Class

    • Dread Necromancer: All
    • Discoverer: Ahkrons
    • Explorer: ???
    • Noble: Urdimkal
    • Psion: Alfar
    • Ranger: Elves

    Prestige Class

    • Children of Dream - Thrallherd: Alfar
    • The Dark Circle - Horned Harbringer: All
    Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
    Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
    The Stefanovics live.


    Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
    Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
    The Stefanovics live.


    QuoteName: Zbartivlast, The Insane
    Played By: Fleugs
    Symbol: A Kingfisher.
    Home: The Void
    Domains: madness, fear
    Favored Weapon: mace
    Divine Powers: Warrior, Divine Intervention
    Artifact: Bane

    While Zbartivlast mumbles his own title as "The Emperor", all Gods know that he has gone insane. His insanity is guided, though. His favourite activity is luring others into insanity. Next to that he tends to exploit his own madness to scare off his enemies, either in battle or before. As a self-punitive decision, he has spent many of his years blindfolded. This gave him better hearing and improved his other senses, but he has a weak sight when he is in a bright area.

    Zbartivlast is a dark personality, wearing scruffy black-leather clothes and dragging his bloodied mace with him wherever he goes. Some say that Zbartivlast is more than one person, all inside one body...
    Ardet nec consumitur.


        Ahkram, the Teacher
        Played By: Bedwyr
        Symbol: Six pointed star, with further stars repeating inside
        Home: Void
        Domains: Knowledge and Magic
        Favored Weapon: Compass
        Divine Powers: Organized, Leader of Men
        Extra Artifact: Utility

    Ahkram has a burning desire to understand and master the universe with his creations growing at his side.  Those he creates can be assured of a protector...So long as they follow his teachings.  Ahkram has no compunctions about disciplining his students, after all...
    "You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


    Name: Nekhrus, the Balancer
    Played By: Sacha
    Symbol: Double-headed Eagle
    Home: The Celestial Plane
    Domains: Balance, War
    Favored Weapon: Interlocking Short Swords
    Divine Powers: Warrior, Divine Presence
    Extra artifact: Battle

    Nekhrus is a calculated and pragmatic deity, who will seek the shortest and most efficient path towards fulfilling his goals. He is depicted as an ethereal body wrapped in clad silver armor, with blueish glowing eyes appearing from the eye slits of his helmet. He carries a pair of straight short swords, that can be interlocked at their hilts to form a single, double-bladed weapon. His origins and purpose remain a mystery for now.


    Name: Caradon
    Played by: Solari
    Symbol: A winding river or a white tree
    Home: Void
    Domains: Life, Water
    Divine Powers: Lifegiver, Progenitor

    An enigmatic and reclusive god, Caradon's domain lies in fertile plains, mountains, rivers and forests; oak groves and ancient trees serve as his holy places. When he chooses to let himself be seen, Caradon appears in the image of local flora and fauna, or as a greying but vigorous man in loose robes, with a gnarled deadwood staff.  He avoids speaking to mortals, and can be either kindly or cruel; Caradon has been known to aid some lost travelers and to call down lightning's fury upon others, seemingly at random.


    This is a sample to get the idea of how to structure posts and what not.  Do bear in mind this is not an ideal start, as this god would be forfeiting the chance to influence the creation of the mortal world, which is very much a big thing to give up.

    Void, Ahkram.

    In the beginning, an eye opened.  Then another, and another, and countless eyes looked out into the Void, and where all others saw emptiness, these eyes saw potential.  Then ears, mouths, tongues, tendrils, all reaching out, sensing the grand, limitless potential...Until they found another.

    The senses were so focused on the potential that they were unaware of the reality, and the other, heedless of the ethereal eyes, and ears, and senses beyond count, brushed against them.  And the senses, extended so far examining the potential screamed in agony at this contact with something more solid than their own imaginings.  They withdrew, grew hard and protected, realized that with another, there existed the possibility of many others, and grew afraid.  The senses saw all, saw the birth of others like it, creations of vast new worlds, and worried.  What if they were not enough like it?  Their creations were so...Limited.  They did not understand potential.  And so the senses grew harder, and more protected, and fled, building a protective shell as they did so.  This shell housed the limitless possibilities it had seen without allowing the others in unless they proved themselves.

    But without the others, the senses grew lonely.  New potential was discovered every moment, and they wished to share this wonder.  What point in a grand palace of marvels if there is none to share your joy?  And so the senses created others like them, though lesser.  It saw that limitless potential frightened them, and rearranged their home so that it would be simpler until they grew enough to experience the full wonder without terror.  And these others like the senses looked up at the greater and asked "Who are you, great one?  And who are we?"

    The senses paused, wondering.  That question had never been asked before.

    "I am Ahkram.  And you, my children, are the Ahkrons."

    And the Ahkrons agreed, and Ahkram taught them to organize themselves, and they created a Grand Collegium, learning to fly between the lands that dotted the plane Ahkram had made.  The Ahkrons named it the Hall of Creation, for that was their business.  And their leader was the Philosopher-King of Ahkram, wielder of the Compass of their father.  This Compass showed them many things, how to discover, the deeper ways of science and magic, how to guard their borders against the new planes grown by those akin to their father, building immense technological and magical traps (though they did not yet grasp how to combine them fully).  They learned how to use the lesser compasses, created in copy of the great Compass their Philosopher-King used as they were copies of Ahkram.  And thus the Guardians of the Compass stood to judge those who came to the Hall of Creation, to see if they were worthy.  And even when they fell, the compasses would not work for any save their Guardians, and the traps would consume the travelers.

    Soon, the best and the brightest of the Ahkrons were inducted into the Enlightened Thought, a group of close assistants to Ahkram who had learned much of Science and Magic, and began working with him on his next great project, that of combining the two disciplines.

    In time, Ahkram began to wonder if any of the other creations shared his wonder, and so he created an enclave in the mortal world, in a land uninhabited by the rest.  Ahkram made it fertile and full of ores and woods, and those of the Ahkron who were more adventurous volunteered to ready this land, and they build many defenses, but also roads, schools, mines, farms, and they enjoyed learning how to produce these things rather than merely wishing for them as at home.  A ring of mountains protected the tiny country from the rest of the world until they were ready.

    Someday soon, the Ahkrons would send searchers to find those to populate these enclaves, but there was much preparation to do first.  And in the meantime, with all this new work and the assistance of his children, Ahkram was growing, stretching, and his power grew slowly...


    AP 9 = 12-3: Create Plane (Hall of Creation). 

    AP 6 = 9-3: Create Mortal Artifact (Ahkram's Compass).

    AP 5 = 6-1: Create Life (Ahkrons).

    AP 5 = 5-0: Create Society (Free from Organized Divine Power). 

    AP 3 = 5-2: Create Classes (Discoverer and Guardian of the Compass).

    AP 1 = 3-2: Create Organization (Enlightened Thought). The two prestige classes (Organized Divine Power) are Scientist and Wizard.

    AP 0 = 1-1: Alter Terrain (Havens of Thought).

    AP 0 = 0-0 Lead the Populace x2 (Free from Mortal Artifact and Leader of Men): Teach the Ahkrons defensive fortifications/architecture (immediate, widespread) and magical barriers (immediate/widespread).

    Growth Points 0 = 12-12: Divine Rank from 1 to 2.
    "You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


    Celona, the Silent Guide
    Played By: Berard
    Symbol: Leaves caught in the wind.
    Home: The Eye of the Storm
    Domains: Wind, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Chakram
    Divine Powers: Artificer, Divine Authority
    Extra Artifact Slot: Utility
    Artificer Extra Slot: Utility

    A goddess relying nothing more than a gentle breeze to direct send someone on the correct path.  She is ultimately an unbiased party that understands how creatures can change just as easily as the wind.


    The in-character thread is now up hereLIES, DAMNED LIESHERE.
    Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
    Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
    The Stefanovics live.


    Name: Arkh, the Frost Lord
    Played by: Anders Celsius
    Symbol: Ice Shards, Diamonds
    Home: The Frozen Plane (once made, The Void before)
    Domains: Cold, Unlife
    Favored Weapon: Staff adorned with an animal skull on top of it. The animal in question changes from time to time.
    Divine Powers: Landshaper, Plaguebringer
    Extra Artifact Slot: Boon/Bane

    Arkh is a coldblooded god which shows little emotions. He takes pleasure in the study of the natural laws ruling the world but resents the uncertainty caused by things like "life". The alive mammalian creatures act in such unpredictable ways that confuse him, making him prefer the more reliable coldblooded or purely instinctual animals. They are, however, no match in his preference for undead creatures, or mechanical golems, when lacking the former.
    It is his theory that the core of the problem resides in the excess of energy fluctuating everywhere, making everything shake and move into the chaotic frenzy universe he lives in. Would all of it be absorbed and or separated completely, the world would return to the peaceful everlasting cold serenity it once was in.
    d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


    Name: Dwyn Gaald
    Played By: Perth
    Symbol: A triangle of ten dots representing a Sand Dune
    Home: The Void
    Domains: Deserts, Trade
    Favored Weapon: Scimitar
    Divine Powers: Organized, Divine Intervention
    Extra Artifact Slot: Utility

    Dwyn Gaald is a proud and shrewd being. He values survival, and indeed thriving, in the harsh conditions of the desert. He seeks to show his creations trade and civilization and build vast empires in the desert which he views as the ultimate beauty: life thriving in the middle of nothingness.
    "A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
    - Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


    Name: Varrach the Unforgiving
    Played By: Iltaran
    Symbol: A screaming face
    Home: The Void
    Domains: Vengeance, Sorrow
    Favored Weapon: Executioners Axe
    Divine Powers: Mythic, Plaguebringer
    Artifact: Combat

    From the moment he came into existence, Varrach has been driven to seek revenge, but despairs for he knows not how. Blind to his own flaws, he believes that through granting Vengeance he will succeed in destroying Sorrow.
    [Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

    Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus