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Coming back, but... Where?

Started by D'Espana, March 02, 2016, 01:08:34 AM

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Heya there, BM! Damn, it *HAS* been a lot of time since I last played this game. Mind you, I left before that Ice Age stuff... But I'll go straight to the point: say, if you were an old player coming back after like eons of RL madness, where would you go? I'd like some of that sweet, tasty realm atmosphere and interaction that made me stick back in the day and has made me to come back after so long I doubt many people I used to play with are still around. Or, you know, at least a realm that has a moderate level of activity and engagement, I'm not that picky. I'm considering to create new characters instead of those oldies I now have in the freezer, and will consider any proposal no matter which island it comes from. Any thoughts or comments about this?

P.D: My apologies if this doesn't belong here, just say so and I'll make it right ASAP.
D'Espana Family


If you like fighting against Daimon, come Dwilight, join Morek ;)
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Quote from: Ketchum on March 02, 2016, 02:29:37 AM
If you like fighting against Daimon, come Dwilight, join Morek ;)

Hah. Hahahahaha. Hahahahahahahaha.

You think you've got Daimons.

No; if you like fighting against Daimons, join Riombara, Fronen or Nothoi on Beluaterra.

(Or Thalmarkin, since they're likely to end up being the only viable realm standing against the Daimon hordes. Again. ;D )
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Should join a new realm on EC called Vix Tiramora :D

Or you can join the mighty kingdom of Perdan. Always a nice place to be.


Or you can join Spearhold on BT and be a dastardly Daimon worshiper. Another choice is Xavax on EC, we're currently at war with Alara.

For Dwilight, I'd join D'hara or Madina, Westgard is a bunch of boring white knights.


Ar Agyr @ Beluaterra, we are rolling on the gold and spanking rogue hordes left and right! Join us!

~Violence is always an option!~

Noone you know

better idea is to tell us which old realms you were in, so we can tell you something similar. Everyone here will just say "come join my realm", which doesn't help you much.

I kind of remember your name, but not your family.


Quote from: Noone you know on March 02, 2016, 08:41:25 AM
better idea is to tell us which old realms you were in, so we can tell you something similar. Everyone here will just say "come join my realm", which doesn't help you much.

I kind of remember your name, but not your family.

That's what I'd call an excellent idea. I used to play in Dwi (D'Hara), FEI (underdog life in Cathay and later OW)  and Rio in BT. I liked them all for different reasons, but I'm totally open to try different stuff in different continents and realms.
D'Espana Family

Gabanus family

Quote from: D'Espana on March 02, 2016, 12:41:56 PM
That's what I'd call an excellent idea. I used to play in Dwi (D'Hara), FEI (underdog life in Cathay and later OW)  and Rio in BT. I liked them all for different reasons, but I'm totally open to try different stuff in different continents and realms.

On BT, from what I hear (am not in the realm myself) Rio has changed a lot, so that may not be the best choice as it will ruin your good memmory of the realm prob. Nothoi is currently getting their asses kicked by the daimons and actually has a few active chars, so you could join there. For daimon worshipping you could go to Spearhold (no idea about the activity level there). Thalmarkin will be interesting in the future I think, but once realms are destroyed you can always move up there.

On EC, there are actually a few options from what I gather. Based on what I've seen on the chat, Perdan seems to be the realm with the highest activity and conversation level (just typing it already hurts) and it has enough (potential) enemies left to ensure enough wars. Vix as a democracy should be active also, but I'm hearing mixed stories about the realm being fun and boring. So I'm not sure about that realm. In the far south you have Xavax as biggest realm, but so far the most fun and action seems to be expected in Perdan/Vix/Oligarch based on current behavior. I play the ruler of Oligarch myself and activity levels there are decent, with a few very active chars and a few decently active ones and it has more than enough enemies to ensure war for a very long time. The idea is to create a more fluent diplomacy there, without the long lasting alliances. But I might of course be slightly biased towards my own realm.

On Dwilight, I would advise not going to Swordfell or Arnor tbh. From what I've seen they're not the best of ralms. I hear that D'hara has some RP'ers left that are still active, which could make it fun. Luria Nova is in the process of reclaiming lands, but some of its most active chars have left. Still there are enough opportunities there and some active chars left (Aldrakar just returned which I always enjoy greatly). Westgard is fighting constantly against the monsters, but I've got no idea how the realm is internally. But at least your char will see a lot of action.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Quote from: Gabanus family on March 02, 2016, 02:14:32 PM
On BT, from what I hear (am not in the realm myself) Rio has changed a lot, so that may not be the best choice as it will ruin your good memmory of the realm prob. Nothoi is currently getting their asses kicked by the daimons and actually has a few active chars, so you could join there. For daimon worshipping you could go to Spearhold (no idea about the activity level there). Thalmarkin will be interesting in the future I think, but once realms are destroyed you can always move up there.

On EC, there are actually a few options from what I gather. Based on what I've seen on the chat, Perdan seems to be the realm with the highest activity and conversation level (just typing it already hurts) and it has enough (potential) enemies left to ensure enough wars. Vix as a democracy should be active also, but I'm hearing mixed stories about the realm being fun and boring. So I'm not sure about that realm. In the far south you have Xavax as biggest realm, but so far the most fun and action seems to be expected in Perdan/Vix/Oligarch based on current behavior. I play the ruler of Oligarch myself and activity levels there are decent, with a few very active chars and a few decently active ones and it has more than enough enemies to ensure war for a very long time. The idea is to create a more fluent diplomacy there, without the long lasting alliances. But I might of course be slightly biased towards my own realm.

On Dwilight, I would advise not going to Swordfell or Arnor tbh. From what I've seen they're not the best of ralms. I hear that D'hara has some RP'ers left that are still active, which could make it fun. Luria Nova is in the process of reclaiming lands, but some of its most active chars have left. Still there are enough opportunities there and some active chars left (Aldrakar just returned which I always enjoy greatly). Westgard is fighting constantly against the monsters, but I've got no idea how the realm is internally. But at least your char will see a lot of action.

For EC, Xavax has been having a lot of internal turmoil. Currently we're warring Alara because they've sent an assassin against my character (who I captured), and have given shelter to a second one who targeted our ruler. Well, our current ruler. You see there was this huge internal fight going on because the King of Alara banned me and called me a spy. When I joined Xavax with my region, he began whispering into the Xavax ruler's ears, turning the Xerarch against loyal nobles and causing him to claim that there were spies everywhere in the realm. The sad thing was it worked, and many of the nobles believed him, and thus a rebellion form but did not gain enough support to overthrow him. However, some quick thinking by the Duchess of Xavax convinced him to step down, and she took his place. And now we're at war.

As for Westgard on Dwilight, if you like being surrounded by white knights with no opportunity for intrigue or even a dissenting opinion, then yes, it's a fine place. However, if you want to do anything interesting whatsoever, Madina or D'Hara are better bets, and you can still fight monsters trying to colonize the west.


Join Luria Nova. We're WAAAAAAYYYYY overdue for a new civil war.

Gabanus family

Quote from: GundamMerc on March 02, 2016, 03:32:18 PM
For EC, Xavax has been having a lot of internal turmoil. Currently we're warring Alara because they've sent an assassin against my character (who I captured), and have given shelter to a second one who targeted our ruler. Well, our current ruler. You see there was this huge internal fight going on because the King of Alara banned me and called me a spy. When I joined Xavax with my region, he began whispering into the Xavax ruler's ears, turning the Xerarch against loyal nobles and causing him to claim that there were spies everywhere in the realm. The sad thing was it worked, and many of the nobles believed him, and thus a rebellion form but did not gain enough support to overthrow him. However, some quick thinking by the Duchess of Xavax convinced him to step down, and she took his place. And now we're at war.

As for Westgard on Dwilight, if you like being surrounded by white knights with no opportunity for intrigue or even a dissenting opinion, then yes, it's a fine place. However, if you want to do anything interesting whatsoever, Madina or D'Hara are better bets, and you can still fight monsters trying to colonize the west.

I know all of this, but still I remain with my original statements. From what I've seen and also know on the way the realms operate (although the war against Alara seems to be an improvement already) I still think one of the other 3 realms would be better. Although if you're a huge fan of internal struggle etc, which I can also imagine, perhaps Xavax would be the place.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


EC: Oligarch, Vix, Perdan, Xavax. They seem the most interesting/lively realms at the moment. Personal preference though. It might be equally interesting to join a smaller realm (Alara? Minas Nova? Shadowdale? Eponllyn?) and see it kick to life.

BT: Thalmarkin, Nothoi, Fronen. They look the most promising realms in the onslaught, though I agree with the notion of Delvin that Thal might ultimately be the last realm standing up to the invasion.

Dwi: I'm in LN. It caved in on itself after it caved in the world. The cards are so reshuffled on Dwi, I don't really know anymore. Plenty of options.
Ardet nec consumitur.


Hrmph, you all keep forgetting AA who will be last realm standing, if some other realm looks like it will survive, i will kill it just to get King of Kings title by killing the Daemons :P
~Violence is always an option!~


Quote from: Sacha on March 02, 2016, 04:37:13 PM
Join Luria Nova. We're WAAAAAAYYYYY overdue for a new civil war.

In a world completely turned over in my absence it's nice to see there are things that remain the same. You guys will never change  ;D

Seriously now, I can't thank you all enough for taking the time and consideration to answer so extensively to my question. Amongst those things that have not changed is the unbelievably awesome community this game has, and no wonder that's the main reason I'm back here once again. I will give it a thought for the next couple days, search a little bit about those realms you mentioned and come back to tell you where will you see me next week. Thank you, people!  :D
D'Espana Family