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Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO)

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After playing LOTRO for a long time, and Champions Online for a shorter, and trying out various MMORPGs such as Mortal Online, Darkfall, etc. my girlfriend and I have currently settled on DDO.

Don't really know why I'm posting this, for some reason people seem to want to know what I'm playing. :-)

I remember DDO and played it up until a point. The leveling system is pretty interesting but it didn't appeal to me. I've played a few MMORPGs, but their aren't exactly my thing. I think the one I liked the most was Perfect World International and even then I only got to level 30 and then quit. Same with WoW at level 40.

But I heard they did some updates since I played it (big ones) a year or so ago. Why'd you pick it over all others, Tom?

Oh yeah, and I used to play the actual paper-and-dice D&D, so I've already had my fair share of the game for years before this :P


--- Quote from: DoctorHarte on March 01, 2011, 05:16:05 PM ---But I heard they did some updates since I played it (big ones) a year or so ago. Why'd you pick it over all others, Tom?

--- End quote ---

It's acceptably well done and fun, which puts it on par with a selection of other games, but the F2P/Shop/VIP combo means that it satisfies our needs best. We have times of playing intensely, where we don't mind paying a monthly fee because we easily get it out in fun. But we have other periods where we don't play much, and most games offer either no option or a full pause. With DDO we can switch to F2P and continue playing on a less active level (once a week or only every few weeks). Then, when we have more time again, switch back to VIP, or if it's a short period, buy an adventure pack and play that through.

The second deciding factor is that we like the pace. We're not much into PvP (though LOTROs was a lot of fun and very well done) and we prefer a slightly slower pace, e.g. during combat I don't want to hammer on keys, I prefer having a few seconds to think things through.

Champions online has moved to a similar F2P model. However you are limited to pre-designed characters unless you are paying the monthly fee, and really the strength of the game for me was the ability to mix and match powers to create my hero.

Noble family:
DDO... interesting.  I've been playing LOTRO for about 3 years now and I keep hopping over to DDO once in a while but can't seem to get settled in with it.  What pulled you both away from LOTRO and over to DDO?


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