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Thesseus 5 - Business as ussual

Started by Nosferatus, April 10, 2016, 02:21:23 PM

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Thesseus gasps for air, sitting up straight in a swift motion.
Sweat was dripping from his head as he tried to scream for help.
But no sensible words came out of his mouth.

He tried again but all he could do is bellow like the goats he worships.
He grasped for his mouth with both hands as if trying to stop the bellowing, yet, now muffled, the bellowing continued uncontrolably.
It appeared as if he woke up from a terrible nightmare, yet fell right into another one.
Pinching his side and slapping his cheeks to no avail.

The image of the massive Goat that haunted him ever since his revelation in Sniika seemed to be burned on his retina.
It was stomping and breezing where ever he looked.
For days he had nagged his superiors in a mad tirade to appoint him to a lordship in order to build a temple of the herd.
The Great Goat saved him from the rogues in Sniika and in a single stomp destroyed all of them in the vicinity.
But if his temple wasn't build, he would stomp on him and his men.

"Sir? is everything allright Sir?"
Captain Bert opened his tent worrying about his master.

Thesseues screamed, waving his arms around almost like a warning.

Captain Bert took a step backwards and excused him self.
Unaware of what was happening, he cautiously got away wondering what was wrong with his master this time.
However, it suprised him little to see his Master bellowing like a goat, sweating like a mad men.
Atleast it wasn't an assasin or some monster that got him.

"My apologies for disturbing you M'Lord. I will continue with business as usual."
He said finishing with a bow.

Theseus panicked and ran after his captain bellowing and waving his arms around wearing nothing but his under garnet in a desperate attempt to call for help.
His 80 men unit where roasting freshly hunted goose and preparing them selves for another 'freedom celebration' at the local town square, or, in other words, getting drunk and readying more ale to share with the locals and looked with amaze at their Master.
When a few started to laugh, they all joined in, no longer afraid of punishment.
They where used to their Masters episodes and thought he wouldnt remember any of it anyhow.

Thesseues desperately ran around bellowing for help, running in circles around the camp untill Captain Bert threw a blanket around his Master and directed him back inside.

"Get back to what ever your doing you lousy scum! and remember talk to no one about this, business as usual!"
The captain commanded his men, now much more worried.

"i will have to write Gotlands nobility again." he mumbled as he wondered what nonsense to make up this time for an excuse.
It appears his master has lost his ability to speak and therefore dictate their scribe, and so the command of Thesseues unit once again falls into the hands of its loyal Captain.
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


I think Thesseus has officially exceeded Usul on the crazy scale.

He did try to warn you about them goats, they are not right in the head you know  ;D
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


Yeah its getting a bit too ridiculous.
Thessues is becoming the embodiment of nearly every mental problem out there.
However i really enjoy playing him.

PS, Thesseus lost his tongue right in the middle of another heated discussion and right after being fined for it also.
Where Thesseus would normally defend him self, he cant respond to any letters for a while.
I have never handicapped a character that bad.
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


Quote from: Nosferatus on April 10, 2016, 09:44:21 PM
PS, Thesseus lost his tongue right in the middle of another heated discussion and right after being fined for it also.
Where Thesseus would normally defend him self, he cant respond to any letters for a while.
I have never handicapped a character that bad.

Lost his tongue? As in literally/physically?

I have never handicapped any character until recently. Usul has now only one eye, and Sharn has only one arm after it being bitten off my a monster; but I cannot see that as being a hinderance to my characters when compared to the effects of a missing tongue.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


he lost his tongue mentally, all he can do is bellow like a Goat. :)

Missing one eye halves your vision, i am sure you can make up some funny situations with that :p
His captain could always defend his eyeless flank and on an occasion he could have his other eye temporarily infected, disabling his entire vission.
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog