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Xavax - Judge, Jury, and Executioner

Started by BarticaBoat, June 02, 2016, 08:53:13 AM

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Roleplay from Torxanib Godric Tórrarin ka Habb
all nobles of Greater Xavax
At a makeshift gallows in Tota the Arbiter prepares himself for the small crowd assembled. They are mostly peasants, with some soldiers mixed in. The first prisoner is brought out, Arrow of Perdan. He clears his throat and addresses the onlookers as his captain places the noose around her neck.

"Arrow of Perdan. You have been charged with subversion of the Xerarch and inciting treason. You are found guilty. Further, a case regarding a direct insult against Ser Lionel Kinsey, Strategos of the Xerarch's Court has been heard and you are again found guilty. You are to be hung until you are dead. This is binding arbitration and cannot be appealed." Godric looks back at Arrow. He is struck by how young she is, beautiful in a way peasant girls should not be. She does not look at him, instead gazing at the fields beyond. He looks away before his mind wanders. The second prisoner is brought out and placed in the noose.

"Krelian of Perleone. You have been charged with subversion of the Xerarch and inciting treason. You are found guilty. You are to be blinded and then hung until you are dead. This is binding arbitration and cannot be appealed." Before Krelian can begin to protest, a hot poker has been jabbed into his eye sending him into howls of pain. The crowd gasps as his other eye is gouged out. He struggles and screams in pain but is helpless against his bindings. Again Godric looks towards Arrow, tears beginning to form in her eyes as she ignores the screams, still looking at the fields and forests. He looks away and shakes his head.

"Arrow of Perdan has requested to not be hooded for the execution." Godric swallows before continuing, "under authority of the Xerarch her request is granted." The Arbiter then nods at his captain who places a hood over Krelian, whose bellowing has not ceased, and tightens the nooses for both prisoners.

The Arbiter allows a solemn moment. "Gods have mercy on you." In an instant the floor is removed and both fall with sickening snaps. Krelian struggles for a few minutes before finally expiring.

Godric walks down from the gallows and looks back at Arrow. Her eyes are fixated on the fields and forests she professed to love. He pauses a moment.

Blue Star

Did you send this in game on the judges channel? I might have missed it, but this is fitting for a good execution.  ;)
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)

Roleplay from Aramon Abjur
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax

Aramon stood at the back of the people gathered in front of the makeshift gallows. He had ridden ahead of his troops and baggage when he heard that the execution was to take place today. He stood cross armed and watched as the prisoners are brought out and the Arbiter reads the charges, his tattooed face placid even while within he howled with fury at this manifestation of the enemy. He fought the instinct to charge the gallows, leap upon the platform, and sink his filed teeth in the flesh of their yielding throats, to lap up their still warm life's blood like a hungry wolf, to suck the marrow from their bones.
He forced back the impulse in a herculean struggle that he didn't outwardly show, despite the effort it took. It is my Tilogian birthright manifest, that drives me to thoughts of such inhuman savagery, he thought to himself, I WILL have serenity, I WILL have honor! He clinched his hands until blood trickled from the palms when the man (Krelian was it?) started screaming. By the Abyss, why do I wish it was I that was putting his eyes out?

"Gods have mercy on you," spake Arbiter Torxanib Godric Tórrarin, followed by the near simultaneous sounds of vertebrae snapping, like two thunderclaps one after the other.

"Death to the enemies of the Imperium! Huzzah! Huzzah!" Shouted a nearby soldier, and the gathering joined in the cheering.

No, thought Aramon as he turned from the scene, may the Gods have mercy on us all.