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Bug: Ban removed by ruler doesn't allow protesting after

Started by Noone you know, June 16, 2016, 02:13:56 AM

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Noone you know

Banned by rogue judge; ruler lifted the ban (this is correct everywhere)

Trying to protest rogue judge,

"In your current relation with the realm at large, nobody is going to give a damn whether you disagree with the current government."


Please provide the message from the ruler lifting the ban.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan

Noone you know

Quote from: Anaris on June 16, 2016, 02:15:46 AM
Please provide the message from the ruler lifting the ban.

yes, this may be something else - the ban never actually happened, and is still "ticking", so perhaps can't be removed yet. I'll ask the ruler (Sharpespeare family) what's up

Noone you know

QuoteI didn't record what it said when I removed them. But when I go to Command, Edit and Review Bans, and this is what it says now.

    Here you can review and lift the bans that you or your predecessors have spoken on nobles. No bans currently in effect.

from our ruler. maybe at turn it will clear up

EDIT: did not. judge was removed; hopefully new one can remove with affect.

Noone you know

and then to make things worse, the ban "you have 3 turns to..." but kicked in after 2 turns, so now I'll have to rejoin the realm and start all over rebuilding my honor (which has dropped an additional 6 points) & wait 30 days to be an infiltrator again.

Uhm....Unit testing, please? Please?

"Mistake vs. Failure: A mistake is something you learn from. A failure is a mistake that you double down and repeat. - Mary Robinette Kowal"


Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)

Noone you know

Quote from: Wimpie on June 17, 2016, 08:12:33 AM
That's one hell of a sucky situation.

No offense, Wimpie, but that's not really what I want to hear from a member of the Dev Team.


Heh, no offense taken.

However, I am just helping out where I can. I do not have knowledge about all aspects of the code at all and my skill is rather limited. So I can't really help you on this one unless Delvin and/or Vita take a look at it.

Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)

Noone you know

You don't have to be a coder. You are part of a team.

Insist your team starts to use higher standards.


Quote from: Noone you know on June 17, 2016, 11:35:57 AM
You don't have to be a coder. You are part of a team.

Insist your team starts to use higher standards.

If you could just ask for assistance on a bug without shin-kicking remarks about how inefficient the Dev Team would be, I'm sure everyone would be much happier helping you.

Also, nobody is working on BM 24/7. I currently don't have access to the Repo from where I am right now, otherwise I could look into it for you. And unfortunately, when I get home, there's plenty of other stuff waiting for me.

"Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting" ~ Probably some inspirational guru
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)

Noone you know

I don't care about the bug. It's already too late to do anything about the bug. My character already went rogue & rejoined and now has to wait 30 days.

I care about the "nothing I can do" attitude

Where are your Titans? Can you look into that?

Where are your new player follow-up surveys? Can you look into that?

You are part of the dev team. The dev team needs to lose this attitude that the only real problem is all the players keeps complaining.



I do not know who the Titans are or how to contact them. I agree that it is unacceptable. But again, I do not know who they are so you'll have to wait for either Vita or Delvin or even Tom to answer that.

This latest round I've tested & resolved 47 bugs. So there's in fact something I can do, and I'm doing it. But everyone has their own domains and I'm simply helping out with that, nothing more nothing less. This way, the more experienced people can focus on what they're good at, or on the more immediate issues.

I don't feel like everyone is complaining and that that's the real problem, not at all. But you seem to turn every thread you create or respond to, into a frenzie against they way the Devs work. And I'll let you in on a little secret: I doubt that is playing to your advantage.

I'm doing everything I can within my power and skill to help, but that is simply all I can do.

Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


Quote from: Noone you know on June 17, 2016, 12:45:56 PMThe dev team needs to lose this attitude that the only real problem is all the players keeps complaining.
Quit knocking down strawmen.

There are plenty of problems, yes, I do not think anyone denies that in BM. The issue is not one of people-complaining being a problem, but of not enough people-fixers for the people-complaining, and a growing paranoia and division between devs and players, as if they should be two separate bodies. I even had someone suggest to me that it was wrong that devs 'are allowed' to play regular accounts, as if we were devs before we started playing or that you shouldn't get to play if you volunteer. Either way, I'm not playing these days anymore from general discouragement...

But let us review this thread.

  • Problem reported
  • Inquiring question by dev
  • Clarifying information
  • More clarifying information
  • Update of ongoing problem; methodology insistence
  • Sympathetic statement by dev
  • Not happy instant fix not provided instead
  • Limited knowledge and experience, cannot really help, by dev
  • Exhortation towards standards
  • Reminder of civility and limited time by dev
  • Strawman
  • Defending contributions by dev

So, you shared your problem, didn't get it fixed before, and attacked those who might possibly look into it, resulting in them spending time to point out where they have been contributing to the game instead of continuing to contribute in defense of your accusations of doing-nothing and ignoring-complaints.

BattleMaster is a game in permanent beta, with active development and testing. We do not work for BattleMaster. We do not get paid. Tom does not profit. Sometimes, a dev likes to play their character. When we can, we contribute fixes and improvements. We do not sit around working on BattleMaster for hours at a time.

As I've said before, need more volunteers. Yes, yes, I know you've offered to return, but with the way you left, your recent issue with Tom's attitude, and dispute with Anaris, it does not seem likely. I could probably care less whether you do or not either way, so long as the drama was low. But I do not care for people-politics, especially right now in life when my OOC life has way too much stressful people-interaction as is. I'm just stating what is. I wish everyone could get along and we could just focus on improving BM instead of sniping at each other, but that doesn't seem likely. Anyway, having headed off your expected response, my point is you are not the only potential-volunteer. There are plenty of potential-volunteers within BM. There is only ever going to be so much responsiveness in fixes, refactoring, and features with fewer devs than with more. This is not saying that there aren't plenty of issues to be tackled. No, just stating we only have so many hands and so much motivation. Motivation that is not encouraged by belittling beration.

Titans. I'm as disappointed as you. New Titans were added earlier this year. Like many areas of BM, development volunteers, development projects, rulers and religious leaders keeping continents fun, Tom fixing the server email issue, et cetera, it just doesn't happen or happen fast-enough. They're volunteers in an online-game. We can't force anyone to do anything. How many times can you replace people before you run out of those who understand the rules, are willing, trusted, have time etc.? Which has probably contributed to my own melancholy the last few weeks, and subsequent withdrawal, jadedness, demotivation, and exhaustion.


Anaris, you've warned Noone you know MANY times that you would do something if he kept up this antagonism towards the devs. Please follow through.

Blue Star

I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)