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The execution of Pale Whiteblood, of Nothoi

Started by Logar, July 09, 2016, 02:07:58 PM

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The infiltrator Pale Whiteblood had been causing a headache to Spearhold for some time. He was very elusive and difficult to keep in the dungeons, having escaped on many occasions.
Already after escaping one execution, Usul finally had the chance of executing him again for his numerous crimes. This time he succeeded:

QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

Pale Whiteblood, infiltrator of Nothoi was presented to Arbiter Usul, still staked upon the wooden x-beam, within the chambers deep within the prisons. When Usul entered the chamber, the air crawled upon his skin-- damp, with a odour of death to its pungent smell. Uncontrollably the hairs on Usul's arms instantly stood erect. Erasmus had performed his work.

Erasmus approached the 'Pale Rat' and gently slapped the blood-stained cheeks of the prisoner, bringing him to conciousness from his dream-like state, punishing him again with the simple awareness of his reality.
"Excellent work my friend" Usul congratulated his prison guard, "Now let us prepare him for his next journey-- The teaching of Truth and abolishment of Lies"

Usul left the chamber to retrieve an item for the planned ritual. Whilst alone with the prisoner, Erasmus clasped Pales's hair and tugged forcing the prisoner to look directly at him.
"Filthy rat!" Erasmus whispered evily "You men of lies fear Akkan...let me tell you that you know nothing of fear. Akkan is merely a demi-god with aspirations too big for him to handle. You will never understand fear until you know the wrath of Zraath!"
The prisoner Pale was barely concious of the words spoken to him... but lucidity then struck suddenly! He attained the realisation that the face looking down upon him was not the face of the Erasmus he remembered. The sunken cheek bones, red firery eyes and the line of ridges across his forehead indicated to Pale that this was no man after all. The imposing stare alone from this...un-human was enough to instill fear, and he began to shiver uncontrollably, still bound upon the x-beam.

Usul was heard returning. Erasmus turned around sharply-- facial features returned as they had always been. "Ahh Usul, you have the head from the cold store"
"Indeed my friend, please bring me the book" Usul requested.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

Usul brough forth the head of the alpha monster Erasmus had retrieved during a monster spawn a few weeks earlier. The top of the skull had been severed exposing the black fleshy brain within. He proceded to read from a page of the huge bulking book which now lay upon a pedestal Erasmus had put in place.
Blood oozed from the self-inscribed tatoo upon Usul's chest, leaving the floor stained at his feet.

"...For you my children will be gifted with the harvest of my body and blood.
My beastly cattle will plague the lands. Those who tame and consume, shall find their place in my temple; Those who deny, shalt succumb to the devastation of their sins...."
They chanted.
"May the Lord Zraath show no mercy to the sinful!"

At that moment, Erasmus placed his hand within the monster skull and tore a clump from the soft fleshy brain. He forced open Pale's toothless mouth and thrust the ghastly mush into it, forcing the prisoner to feast and choke, dark blood overflowing.

When the ritual was complete, the public execution was announced and the Pale Rat escorted to his final place of redemption.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

The Central Square in the heart of the Capital Firbalt was bustling with activity. An atmosphere of excitement could be felt by all present. crowds gathered around the permanent solid stone stage structure-- low-born rubbing shoulders with nobles. This was a rare moment in time when class differentiation was clearly non-existant among the populace. Everyone shared one thing in common on this day, to witness the abolishment of a liar who was to be cleansed with the truth.

Pale Whiteblood of Nothoi, unable to stand under his own weight was dragged to the centre of the stage and dropped into a clump on the floor in front of the crowds. Erasmus lifted him by his hair without effort and rested the prisoners head into the block. Kneeling, his arms were spread out and bound to more blocks.
The crowd began to roar with pleasurable anticipation.
Erasmus turned and left the stage.

Usul stepped up and approached the prisoner, casually with his black robe gently swaying in the breeze as he walked. He stood beside the Pale Rat and released open a scroll. The lengthy scroll; listed with the charges brought forward; unrolled from his fingertips until it touched the ground. Usul began to read:

"Pale Whiteblood of Nothoi, you are charged with the attempted assasination of Harbinger Vasik, attempted assasination of Conquerer Josep, attempted assasination of......"
"Assasination of militia guards in Heen, assasination of militia guards in....."
"Burning of food stores in the region of....
"Creeping upon and frightening the young children of the orphanage...."
The crowd became bored and aggitated. Boos and hissing ensued.
With that, Usul announced "May you find redemption beyond the portal", and tossed the scroll aside. He knodded toward Gustav, Priest of the Portal; Inviting him to the stage.
Stood confidently beside Usul, Gustav began to preach the words of the portal to the crowd whilst Usul initiated the start of the execution. At that moment, Usul caught sight of Erasmus forcing his way through the crowds leaving the scene. 'You and I need words', Usul thought to himself whilst expressing a curious frown.

Usul unsheathed his silver ceremonial dagger, wrenched out Pale's tongue and began to slice through. The prisoner heaved and writhed, expelling gurgling sounds of half-screams. When the first cut was complete, Usul yelled to the crowds "I make claim of tongue!". The crowd cheers echoed throughout the sqaure as Usul raised his trophy into the air.

"Harbinger Josep of Spearhold, former Conquerer of Spearhold! Pale Whiteblood bested you in combat. For that; although he attempted your life; he gained your respect. You asked for his swordarm....I pronounce, come make your claim"

Each in turn the victims made there claims.
The final claim was finally announced-- Usul handed the dagger to Priest Gustav. Gustav approached the dismembered head of the Pale Rat beside the block. He scribed out and retrieved the eyes; not for himself-- but for Akkan!
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


we could be having so much rp fun in westfold  :(

excellent read as always. looking forward to whatever conflict is brewing between Usul and Erasmus...
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


You know I love a good RP :) I am not entirely sure yet the direction to take dengar. I am still toying with him at the moment. I tend to find that with limited OOC time I seem to focus mainly on one character at a time. Usul is my main character at present, but I am sure it'll shift around at some point, then shift again.

I am always open to RP suggestions :)
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


we started up the logars journal thing and it died out... we must solve the mysteries of zraath before its too late!
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.