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Tenets, Tenacity, and Thunderborn; or, Tsubhia Handles Her S***

Started by Faraya, September 11, 2016, 06:13:22 PM

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(OOC: This RP takes place after the Black Swan)

"My Lady! My Lady Tsubhia, wake up, it is... fairly urgent!"

Tsubhia's first thought was that she didn't want to be awake. Her second thought was that she had a bit of a headache. After opening her eyes and
seeing the small pile of missives laid directly next to her head (as requested,) she immediately straightened from her bedding.

"Time?! Time, what time?"

"Well before noon, Lady. I make my guess only by the sun, but you have not slept so late as you think."

Late enough, though, hm? Didn't we lay off further mead for this reason?

Yes. Shut up, please. I have work to do. "How urgent, Ranald? Do I have time to dress?"

"I would recommend you do, my lady."

"I'd come out looking however I wish regardless of your recommendations, Captain... but thank you."

She quickly pulled on light training clothes and put over them a simple robe. She splashed some uncomfortably lukewarm water from
the basin over her face, messily pulled her hair back, grabbed the small pile of missives, and left her tent.

"What's the urgent matter, my Captain?"

"The men have brought in a scout. They've already begun questioning, but I presumed you'd like to be involved."

"You presume rightly, Captain." She scanned the missives. "Enemy forces are light in Leibo... Grain raids in Betholm, tch, not much to be done
about that immediately but handling the Vix would possibly kill that bird as well..." She paused. "Haha, speak of the devil. We march on Leibo.
If Perdan and Vix Tira haven't heard about the Call to Arms, they're about to get an enormous surprise."

Ranald chortled. "They'll be taking a worse beating than this scout, that's for certain." Tsubhia grabbed his arm.

"They're beating him? Already?" Ranald seemed taken aback.

"I mean... of course, my lady... we need the information!" Tsubhia glared at him fiercely.

"That may well be, Captain, but if there's going to be any violence done, it will be done at my command, not idly by men who have not yet
checked with their lady."

"Milady, we knew you'd want to rest, and we felt we could get a start - " Her shoulders straightened, and she fixed him with a piercing stare.

Oh, my. Are you ACTUALLY going to take charge of something?

"This time, you presumed INcorrectly, Ranald. I will not have anyone suffer at our hands unnecessarily. You capture a man, you tie him down and
guard him. No one lays a HAND on him until I have given the word. Do I make myself absolutely clear?" Ranald just stared, shocked. She pressed
him, leaning in. "Captain. Have. I. Made. Myself. Clear?" He shook himself.

"Yes. Yes, my lady."

"Good. If we are close enough, I have no need for an escort. Please direct me to the tent where we are keeping him, and then gather the rest of
the men and tell them to prepare for the taking of Leibo." He nodded, then hesitated. She sighed. "There will be no disciplinary action today,
Ranald. None of you knew yet. Make me regret not doing so, however, and it will go twice as poorly for any man who breaks this rule. Is that also
clear?" The Captain relaxed slightly, nodded, then set about his duties.

Was it really wise to berate the Captain who almost single-handedly won over your new unit? Who gave it its NAME?

If they are to have any faith in me... if I am to have any in MYSELF... I have to lead. If that means making my esteemed Captain a bit nervous for
a couple of minutes, so be it.

Hmm. You might ACTUALLY survive all of this.

Shut up again, please. Headache. She made her way quickly to the prison tent, angry yelling and the thudding of body blows rising over the rest
of the nearby camp noise. Two guards stood outside. She motioned one of them to follow her, then entered.

"Stop! Stop this instant, stop." A couple more kicks, thrown before her orders, were just barely pulled but still tapped the prisoner lightly on
his shins. Tsubhia assessed the prisoner. There was a slight trickle of blood from his nose and a split lip, but thankfully they'd done him no
further serious injury. He'd need a day or two, but he'd be well. The four men who had been delivering the beating stood, nervously.

"Ah, milady -"

"Silence!" She rose from assessing the prisoner and stared at them for a moment, thinking. She gestured. "You three, out. You will be debriefed
by Captain Ranald, who will explain that laying hands on a prisoner without my direct orders is not to be repeated. If he does not explain this to
you, you will report back to me, and I will have it explained to HIM clearly in much the same way you have been 'explaining' to the prisoner here.
Dismissed. You-" she nodded to the fourth - "will stay here and tell me what you've learned."

As the other three men shuffled hastily from the tent, he began. "Grabbed him snooping about several hours ago. 'e nicked one of ours with his
little knife there" - motioning to a pile of belongings in the corner of the tent - "wouldn't be nice to say where, though, milady, our man had
just stepped out of the Black Swan to, er, relieve himself - "

"If you mean to tell me he was cut on his cock because he discovered the prisoner while he was going to take a piss, then say so. We're in the
field, and I am a Knight. Flowery language is for missives and banquets. I couldn't give any less of a !@#$ out here. Go on."

My, my, my, who are you and what have you DONE with Tsubhia Faraya? You should lead hungover ALL the time. "Quiet," she said. Her men
looked at her for a moment. She sighed. "No, go on. I just needed to think and my head hurts."

"O' course, milady. At any rate we got 'im back here and had him held up for a while. We've only been taggin' 'im for maybe half an hour, the
Captain ordered us to start so that we'd have information when 'e got you roused."

"And what information did you get?" The guard gestured at the prisoner.

"Go on, mate, tell 'er." He turned back to Tsubhia. "Been sayin' the same dozen or so words the whole time. Gotta admire him, really. Terrible
scout, but strong-willed.

The prisoner looked up at Tsubhia. He was trying - and failing - to look grim and impressive. "I am a scout of Daxion House Thunderborn, and
the enemy will learn no more from me..." The strain of looking up overcame him, and he coughed and slumped back over. Tsubhia groaned.

(OOC: Scout Captured   (1 hour, 9 minutes ago)
personal message
Your men bring you an enemy scout who was captured while trying to gather information about the region. You can beat out of him that he was
sent by Daxion House Thunderborn, Knight of Xavax.)

"Daxion House Thunderborn... of Xavax? Daxion House Thunderborn... of the SAME GODSDAMNED IMPERIUM?!" She buried her face in her hands. "Mercy,
I didn't know there would be DRAWBACKS to having so much fresh blood in the ranks." She knelt next to the prisoner. "We're your allies, son.
You were spying on friends." The prisoner spat.

"Some godsdamned friends." Tsubhia slapped him.


"I am a Knight of the Imperium, and while I am not directly your superior, you will present yourself respectably. I WAS going to have you unbound
permanently." She rose and looked at her men. "Wait here. I will send several men to you. You will unbind him and take him under armed guard to
be washed and reclothed. Afterwards, his hands are to be rebound, and you will bring him to me. I will give him a missive, and then two of you
will return him, with NO further damage, to Lord Daxion. Repeat that back to me." They repeated her orders to her - not perfectly, but anything
the one forgot, the other remembered. She was satisfied. She whirled and stalked out of the tent, and kept moving until she was several yards

Then, she sobbed once. Once is all she would allow herself.

Swallowing the rest, she made for her tent. Time to move for Leibo. It wasn't Alaran scum, but about now she'd settle for taking out her
frustrations on Perdan and Vix Tiramoran alike.


"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"

I have to say I've enjoyed reading your RPs since you joined, Faraya. Wish I had the time to write more of my own.


Thanks! It really does help to hear you say that, because my worry was overposting and being an attention whore. I had to be reminded by people that involved players usually make things MORE fun, not the other way around.

I figure if I get out of hand people will rein me in.

I'm looking forward to it if/when the time comes back around for you to do more RPs again. Even the little report note about sending the dogs home was great and added flavor to what would otherwise have been just another report.


It can also help to try out other realms and islands with new characters, to find other groups of people to roleplay with.