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What's Right with BM

Started by byrdcr9, August 04, 2016, 10:11:21 PM

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Hello Folks,

I would just like to say that I've noticed a lot of griping and complaining recently. I realize that the forums are probably created for the sole purpose of expressing one's complaints, but I want to point something out...

Complaining about the Status Quo in BM is just plain silly. This game is absolutely amazing in so many ways with so much potential for change and interaction. Realms are constantly rising and falling, rulers being deposed, duke fighting with rulers, judges banning nutjobs, stupid roleplays, amazing roleplays, religious fanaticism, and onward the list goes. What is there not to love? The Status Quo in Dwilight is freaking awesome! SA is falling apart, Zuma just picked a war with Avernus, Monsters are everywhere, and in my particular realm there is tons of internal turmoil. That's what we should want to happen. We should want to create empires of man and metal without the expectations of success and permanence. Things are supposed to change and reform over time.

Now I know that there are those of you who will exclaim "silly new guy, we sunk Atamara because it never changed" or "Sirion has been on the map forever!" so on and so forth. And I agree things can become stagnant and slow, but just like everything else in life things will change in due time. There will be periods of silence, entrenched classes of old families will emerge, and speech will be suppressed. In cases like these there are still things that you, the player, can do to make it exciting again. Plot treason! Kill someone for no reason! Duel folks for honor's sake! Roleplay about literally everything! BM is a world with limitless chances for fun and entertainment, but there must be effort on your part to make it happen because the world is driven by you, not the guy next to you.

In closing, no matter what has happened with our characters, we as players need to better appreciate how wonderful and unique BM is and treat it like the faithful old lady it is.
"There are two rules for success: 1. Don't tell everything you know" - Roger H. Lincoln


People tend to complain a lot. When nothing happens they complain because nothing happens. When something finally happens they complain because that something is not favouring them. One thing I learned from playing this game for a long time is that people are very hard to please and they tend to complain rather than suggesting something more productive. Also, people don't appreciate volunteers who put hours of their leisure time into this game to improve it just out of their love for the game.

I remember when Tom asked people to help him with his new game, not many people bothered.

As for what is right with BM, I think it imitates power struggles pretty well. Many games try to do the same but I don't believe many games do it successfully. For a game this old, it is pretty impressive.


When I first started to play and some advertisement on another site was created quotes were asked from players. One of them, who I had often played with, came up with something along the lines of: "Battlemaster, where the only limit is your imagination."
That sums up nicely why I haven't gotten bored playing this game after more than a decade. Though it's incomplete. It's not only my imagination but everybody else's as well.
And from time to time it is amazing to see players who play by this creed run into the concrete wall that are the game mechanics or drown in the ocean of everyone else's imaginations. :)


Quote from: Lorgan on August 04, 2016, 11:30:26 PM
When I first started to play and some advertisement on another site was created quotes were asked from players. One of them, who I had often played with, came up with something along the lines of this: "Battlemaster, where the only limit is your imagination."
That sums up nicely why I haven't gotten bored playing this game after more than a decade. Though it's incomplete. It's not only my imagination but everybody else's as well.
And from time to time it is amazing to see players who play by this creed run into the concrete wall that are the game mechanics or drown in the ocean of everyone else's imaginations. :)

Heh. I think people start out thinking they can do anything. Only to realize that other people got their own plans and your plan is getting in the way of theirs.


Quote from: Zakky on August 04, 2016, 11:32:24 PM
Heh. I think people start out thinking they can do anything. Only to realize that other people got their own plans and your plan is getting in the way of theirs.

I suppose it's one of the main reasons for the many complaints... :)

Victor C

Quote from: Zakky on August 04, 2016, 11:32:24 PM
Heh. I think people start out thinking they can do anything. Only to realize that other people got their own plans and your plan is getting in the way of theirs.

Oh so true  :'(, but this game applies a lot of real reaction. I enjoy this game so much because I can test theory's I've always questioned with real life test subjects. I'm fascinated by human nature and this is like a playground for me.

Plus ya know, the politics in this game is crazy. I've never seen such a well constructed digital society.
"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things." - Ronald Reagan


Quote from: Zakky on August 04, 2016, 11:32:24 PM
Heh. I think people start out thinking they can do anything. Only to realize that other people got their own plans and your plan is getting in the way of theirs.

Please tell me this thread isn't going to turn into cliches. We already have a thread like this, please find it and post in there. No need to have redundant threads.


That's exactly how I felt when I started playing. Let's talk again after one of your characters gets to be a mover and shaker in some quagmire and frustration kicks in. :)

Seriously though, I agree that complaints are rarely productive. But its fine to discuss status quo if only to maintain awareness that it can be problematic in the long run.
What's right with BM? Players who care about the overall health of the game instead of just hoarding gold and power.


I would say there is a significant difference between constructive criticism and complaining/attacking others.


if we didnt enjoy the game on some level, we wouldn't be playing. then again, it has even more aspects of variable ratio reinforcement than most video games, so maybe we're all just addicted
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.

Victor C

Quote from: JDodger on August 05, 2016, 09:25:01 PM
if we didnt enjoy the game on some level, we wouldn't be playing. then again, it has even more aspects of variable ratio reinforcement than most video games, so maybe we're all just addicted

It is the only conclusion, we're all addicted and can't stop. That would explain the several years of quitting and coming back of so many.
"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things." - Ronald Reagan


Well,maybe I am bringing some life into Caligus by criticising my lord.
Warchief family

Victor C

Quote from: Zaros on September 08, 2016, 03:06:16 PM
Well,maybe I am bringing some life into Caligus by criticising my lord.

When disagreements occur, bigger conflicts can be formed from it. All you need is someone to bring the match and make a small flame while another to douse the fire with gasoline.

The remaining are like firemen, they at first have several options (that slowly fade away as the fire grows ever larger until finally they have no options.)

Either the fire grows out of control or the fire slowly dies.

The reason I call it a fire is for two reasons:
These conflicts can be destructive, like any forest fire, the fire makes long term damage and requires much time to repair.
The second is because you need to be careful with fire, because you'll get some pretty bad burns if you don't plan it out well  ;D (causing you to suffer far more than any other.)

Another thing I enjoy about bm.
"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things." - Ronald Reagan