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New Themes are Available

Started by Andrew, September 12, 2016, 12:52:45 PM

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Thanks to some poking by Wimpie, I've added a few themes to the forum, that you can select in your own profile's "Look and Layout" option. The default is Chocolate Curvaceous, but there are a few others, like Ambassador2.0 as used on M&F's forum, or AlphaCentauri if you like a starry background and white post backgrounds (I'm using that now, fwiw.)

If you would like to make some suggestions, you can find a large list of SMF themes available here:

I'll take a look at any suggestions, and unless they break something, add them for your enjoyment.
Like my programming? Become my patron!


Ha, forgot to add the link to the SMF themes directory. Go me!
Like my programming? Become my patron!


*Poke poke*

Try them out, they look refreshing!

Thanks Andrew.
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)

Victor C

"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things." - Ronald Reagan