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A BattleMaster Fan Site?

Started by Andrew, October 07, 2016, 07:36:20 PM

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So, as some of you may know, I run the M&F Fan Site & Wiki, and I'm expanding my hosting plan to allow accomodating a M&F Test Server. That said, I want to actually use most of this hosting plan, so I'm expanding the plans a bit.

It'll include:

  • A primary LemuriaCommunity site that will aggregate associated sites and offer some central services
  • A survey tool that will be used at least for M&F, possibly BM as well (it's under review)
  • The MightAndFealtyFans Main Site
  • The M&F Wiki
  • And any other neat thing.
Ideally, it'll also feature single sign on for the various sites, and a part of me would like to bring back the old metabets system that ran for BM way back in the day, and potentially even reopen the BM War Islands game (potentially even expand it, and turn it into a thing of it's own, if Tom will let me).

That said, the main site for BM that will run a blog of it's own for news and updates and dev commentary and interviews or whatever, does not yet have a name.

So, if you'd all submit whatever name you think is coolest, we can do a vote on them once I have a list.

Thank you!
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