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The Phoenix's Firstborn

Started by JeVondair, October 29, 2016, 09:42:29 PM

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Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair   (5 hours, 27 minutes ago) [size=80%]Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (12 recipients)[/size]

The night was deepening as the Xerarch's entourage was rushed through the city's western gate. Despite the lateness of the hour, the air rang with the sounds of work in preparation for the celebration Margrave Eoin had ordered to commemorate the peace with Perdan and the subsequent wedding announcement.

All the noise served nicely to muffle Selenia's sudden cries as her child made it's impatience to be born known, as though it too desired to attend the festivities. She was in labor...

...and struggling.

The Xerarch's physicians had forced her to accept a carriage, much to her chagrin, during this final phase of her pregnancy. It thundered down the cobblestone streets, comfort sacrificed for haste. In it's wake, knights of Xavax swept behind and spread out before, loudly clearing a path. The ride was jarring. Selenia's world narrowed down to herself, quietly humming to her child to please be patient. So focused was she that she hardly knew who was around her at the time, and barely registered when the carriage finally halted in the Palace courtyard.

Knights dismounted, some running ahead to prepare the way while others stood guard. The door to the carriage was opened and her physicians were gently guiding her towards the door when a particularly strong contraction doubled her over and her water broke. She would have fallen from the carriage had strong arms not caught her and swept her up. More hands joined, her loyal knights, carrying her to the Eerie as she cried out in pain. The spoke words of comfort, strength, and encouragement to their Xerarch as they started the long journey to the Royal Apartments in the Eerie...the tallest spire in all of Greater Xavax...

It was going to be a long night.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre   (1 day, 8 hours ago)[size=80%]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size]

Gia had stayed in Xavax after her refitting to be on hand for the birth. It was Gia who cleared the pathway for the carriage and Gia was one of the first to catch and hold the Xerarch on her feet when her water broke. Gia held Seleina's hand during the climb to her rooms. It was all she could really do. Gia didn't fear births, but she had no skill for it either. Her training had been concentrated in the arts of war. Not of bringing life into the world. She was confined to emotional and physical support. Urging the Xerarch on.

Once the Xerarch was safely enclosed in her apartments with her various nurse staff, midwives and nobles with more experience at births. Gia withdrew to the outside door. She was never out of ear shot and if there were not a swirl of activity inside from her position she could have seen the Xerarch.  She figured as she had little skills to offer in the business at hand she could make herself useful in another way. Gia brought with her Lupa and Lupa's 8 pups. The Pups were now some weeks old. Lupa always seemed to understand exactly what was going in the human world. The big dire wolf planted herself next to Gia as she stood guard outside the door. All who came and went had to pass a gauntlet of fur and teeth and steel. The pups although still young were larger then one would expect and at least for now seemed to share their mother's innate understanding of human affairs.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Cadewyn Thunderborn   (1 day, 11 hours ago)[size=80%]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size]

Cadewyn was on the road waiting for the Xerarch to arrive. Her esteemed physicians would take lead of course but she was there. She whispered words of peace and strength. She helped carry, her strong back taking on the weight with pride. She knew the climb to to the top would only be the beginning. And yet she was energized, ready to do anything that was needed.

Other women, who had grown up as highborn ladies may not have been so steady, calm, and quietly joyful. But Cadewyn had helped, as all the neighborhood girls did, with births. Birthing was their job, one they trained for, and like those of her birth station she had witnessed many. Some were easy, others were not. But calm, steady nerves and serene patience was what was needed. And Cadewyn always strove to be useful
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Tharan van Belhanka   (1 day, 11 hours ago)[size=80%]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size]

Xavax, Location Nursery.

Many nobles were standing around The Xerarchs bed.
The Xerarch was sitting on the bed, her big belly showed that the unborn baby was growing.
A servant offered some wine but the Xerarch declined  and took some water instead.

The baby immediately became very active ... you could see it kicking.

Nurse : ............ very active baby, it is kicking a lot.
Tharan : ......... is that normal ?

Nurse : ............ as far as I know yes, but this is very active and look..... with some fantasy, you can even detect a pattern in the kicking
Head-Nurse : ......... mmmmhhh.. more like a kind of Morse-code

Nurse : ............  indeed ... its like "dot dot dot pieeeeep pieeeeep pieeeeep dot dot dot"
Tharan : ......... What does that mean ? Anyone  in the room .... what does that mean ???

Head-Nurse : .......... Eeuuuhhh..... someting like "alarm" I thought .....

That had been the moment Tharan woke up in his own bed, at Camp Cornelius,  his body shaking from cold and all  covered with sweat .....
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair   (1 day, 11 hours ago)
(Personal message to Lyanna Perry)

A servant bearing the Phoenix Mark of the Xearch finds you and tells you that you are to be given the honor of attending the birth of the Xerarch's child.
You are instructed to make for the Eeyrie immediately with all of your prayers and invocations
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"



Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (11 recipients)

The birthing was not going well.

Selenia labored through the night and unto dawn without success. Servants streamed to and from the Royal Suite with hot water, towels, anything the physicians requested. Some left with tears in their eyes and buries on their hands and forearms as the Xerarchs gasping struggles, audible even through the doors, kept her knights pacing. Gia, with her wolves, never left her self-appointed place as guardian on the door that separated the Royal Apartment's foyer from the private inner chambers. Lupa growled and anyone who tarried too long at the threshold and the servants were far too fearful to request the beasts removal without a Royal order. Worse than the wolf, however, was Champion Kin who prowled avidly, the deadly warrior woman fiercely seeking out any potential threats to the Xerarch in this, Selenia's most vulnerable time.

As Gia and Kin stood sentinel, more of the Xerarch's Favored arrived to lend their support. Lords Uthred and Roose, Selenia's oldest Lieutenants and friends, had arrived. What drew eyes,however, were two younger knights, Dames Cadewyn and Lyanna, who proffered the Xerarchs invitation when questioned as to what they were doing in the Eerie.

At dawn, as Margrave Eoin's festival bells rang out over the Imperium's Capital, the exhausted Chief Physician exited from the private chambers, passed Gia, and fell upon a tray of refreshments that had been arrayed for the Birthing's attendants. Knight's surrounded him, peppering him with questions. Through mouthfuls, he explained that Selenia was struggling mightily. Simply put, a lifetime of hardship and training had left her muscles as unyielding as iron. The child might not have the strength to pass. Worse, Selenia herself was twice as old as she should be for delivering a babe. On top of that, Selenia was...neither a gentle nor compliant patient. She wasn't a very patient patient either, for that matter...He chose, wisely, not to expand on that point in front of the Xerarchs chiefest servants, but he did follow up an admit that It was a question for the gods as to which one, child or mother, would loose the will to fight first.

He did not know what else to do but to wait.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Cadewyn Thunderborn   (6 minutes ago)[size=80%]Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (11 recipients)[/size]

Cadewyn had followed the Chief Physician out and approached softly. "Excuse me sir, but... " she lowered her voice and hesitantly spoke. "Have you... considered taking the babe out... directly? I've... seen it done. It is risky but with the Xerarch, her attendants and health... it might not be a folly to consider it. Healing from such a thing requires strong muscles. And as much as a will to fight is needed in a birth, such a fight of wills... could be devastating... to them both."

So far she had kept herself quiet. A pair of hands to be used when needed. She felt so awkward but when asked she firmly repeated her own right to be here upon the Xerarch's word. This was the first time she had done anything direct, to insert herself into the proceedings. She hoped she had not misspoke.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre   (just in)[size=80%]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size]

Gia had not moved from her spot beside the door  whan the Chief Physician emerged. But he had her full attention. Upon hearing Cadewyn's soft voice and seeing his scowl Gia spoke before he could " Let Cadewyn see the Xerarch" Lupa stood up, as always seemingly to know what was going on. Maybe she could read the slight shift in Gia's shoulders......  the Chief Physician turned on her glaring he opened his mouth to protest. But Gia snapped " Let her see the Xerarch! Selenia should know what ALL her options are. Let her decide what is to be done" Lupa growled low in her chest and the Physician closed his mouth..... Gia beckoned Cadewyn forward while looking to Kin for her assent.... Lupa stopped growling and the pups moved toward Cadewyn with wagging tails and cold noses.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair
Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (12 recipients)

"Look," the physician said in answer after he drained a small tankard of water, droplets dribbling down his winter beard, "I know the method of which you speak. Hell, I've performed it. At best, you are lucky to save the life of the child, much less the mother. And with all do respect, miladies, I'll not go down as the man who killed the Xerarch of Greater Xavax. No way. I do not care how much your pet growls."

He swung his gaze to Cadewyn. "And the Xerarch's been up all night fighting. I worked for hours  to help that woman find some small measure of peace in sleep. She needs to recover her strength, no matter what we do. So I'll be doubly damned if I'm going to let you swan on in there and wake her up. No chance. No chance of that at all.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Lyanna Perry   (just in)
Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (12 recipients)

Upon seeing Cadewyn speaking to the physician Lannan moved closer to hear what was being said.

'Lord Cadewyn I have been in prayer and I believe The Healer can help the Queen. She has in her possession a magical item with healing properties. This is what The Healer has shown me... there is a faint glow about her. I know not what the item is, but I can sense it's presence. You need to find out what it is.'

She bowed her head and began mumbling what sounded like more prayers
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Cadewyn Thunderborn   (33 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (14 recipients)

Gia speaking emboldened Cadewyn. "Have you not marked how long this pregnancy has been? Have you  no thought to who, or more importantly, what the father is? I care not his name, but only speak of such to point out to you that perhaps the Xerarch could shed light on the best thing to do here. This baby is special, not just because of who the mother is, but the manner in which it was brought about..." Cadewyn stopped and blushed. "She did disappear after my song..." She mumbled to herself.

Lyanna mentioning The Healer made her blush deepen. Soldiers were a superstitious lot and often there were no ungodly on the battle field. She felt the same in praying with Lyanna. If it meant keeping the Xerarch and the babe whole and healthy Cadewyn would have sacrificed her own self for it. But the mention of a glow and the hope that the Xerarch might just have one more lesson to teach them in planning made Cadewyn press harder.

"Let me see her. I can soothe her back to sleep quicker than you can anyways. She has always liked my voice. But Lady Gia is right. You make choices for her, when we all know that even now, she would choose for herself, and her babe."
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair
Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (14 recipients)
The Physician squinted up at Cadewyn through his spectacles. "Young Lady," he began "I don't know what you're talking about, all this rubbish about singing and what not won't help the baby come any faster and I'll be thrice damned if I have to tell the Xerarch that her rest was disturbed because one of her Ladies-in-waiting wanted to sing to her."

Moving his head to look over her shoulder, he addressed Lyanna who had wandered off to mumble prayers to herself. "I've been a medicine man since before the lot of you were born and I'VE never heard of this "Healer" that one speaks of. So I'll be quadruple damned before I risk my head for that nonsense. But I've seen magic could work IF she's right, and I'll take that over a song any day. Dame...?"

"Lyanna," Cadewyn supplied helpfully, a spark of hope in her eyes.

"Dame Lyanna," the physician continued. "Like I said, I won't stick my neck out. Not unless you convince these other Knights of your "Healer" That way, if you're wrong, the blame falls squarely on you all. NOT me.

Huffing, the physician crossed his bony arms. Clearly adamant.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Kanchelsis   (7 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (15 recipients)
A tall, heavily armored soldier approached the guards protecting the gates of the Eyrie during this delicate time. Stopping before them, he tosses his hood back from a strangely familiar and handsome face framed by close cut black hair, then passes the elder of the two a small box. "A gift for the mother and her babe," he says, winking a bright blue eye, before turning on his heel and quickly disappearing into the nearby crowd.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Kin Hyral   (just in)
Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (15 recipients)
If death finds you in some place where I cannot beat it senseless first - She really did have a knack for saying the most inauspicious things. But it would be a cold day in hell before "some place" was the next room.

"If you let the Xerarch die while you try to avoid the blame you are going to experience how damned you are," Kin growled at the physician. "You or you," she pointed at Lyanna and Cadewyn, not caring how rude she was being "Tell me more about this Healer, and be quick." She looked between the two dames and felt compelled to add, "Sound confident about it. Either you believe or you don't. It will work or it won't. And if it won't I am going to go in there and cut the child out myself, because one of them is going to live."

She flicked a glance at Gia, whose steady presence she had appreciated these past hours. Then down to Lupa. Wolf was the enemy of man, but man was not in need right now. "Send the wolf in," she said, gesturing over her shoulder at Selenia's room. "They are strong mothers."
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Lyanna Perry   (1 hour, 47 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (15 recipients)
Turning to look at Kin, Lyanna addressed her...

"Lady Kin, The Healer is but one of the 9 aspects or avatars of War, residing in the Golden Hall.   They will each affect us in their own way and if we are worthy we will spend eternity feasting in the Golden Hall upon our deaths.  Through their guidance I was able to see that there is an item of healing magic upon the Queen's person.  Most likely it is a scroll of some sort.  They are quite rare and quite powerful.  Use it, rather than cutting her open like some mare in the stables..." 

She let the last part trail off as she realized it may not have been the best tone to take in the current circumstances.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"