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Modifying TMP Training Reductions

Started by Phellan, July 05, 2011, 07:01:05 PM

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Quote from: Anaris on September 19, 2011, 02:56:53 PM
Sorry, but that's just not true.  If you were to head east, you'd find plenty of them very quickly.  You're just used to thinking of the Lighthouse as being a dead end.

Just like the Palm Sea, the Desert of Silhouettes probably attracts rogues all the time.


Quote from: Anaris on September 19, 2011, 02:56:53 PM
Sorry, but that's just not true.  If you were to head east, you'd find plenty of them very quickly.  You're just used to thinking of the Lighthouse as being a dead end.

Paisly is the capital. It's a rather long way to the lighthouse from Paisly. These intra-realm sea routes aren't particularly short, you know? And on the rare occasions I do see scout reports from Sallowtown, Sallowwild, and the Desert, rogue forces are rather small if there are any at all.

Further, a few small battles with the rogues isn't enough to stave it off significantly. One needs huge battles. However, one can't muster huge battles if TMP halves your units' training by the time you reach a fight.

On BT, I haven't seen much rogues either, and even if we went out of our way to fight some in rogue regions, it still wasn't enough, in combination with actual battles against humans, to stave off TMP. Not every realm has access to a large body of rogues to entertain them like Astrum does. Being very large indeed allows them to border many wild lands, and gives them a sizable mobile force. Many smaller realms have a much smaller % of their fewer nobles that are actually part of the mobile army, and aren't traders, courtiers, priests, and/or ambassadors.
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mate... d'hara has been sitting around for a month doing squat. it doesn't take that long to get to the lighthouse really.


Quote from: fodder on September 19, 2011, 07:41:37 PM
mate... d'hara has been sitting around for a month doing squat. it doesn't take that long to get to the lighthouse really.

Quoteit would take you 52 hours to cover the total distance of 643 miles, assuming no travel delays.

That's for the lighthouse only. Then you got another sea route, 'cause the Lighthouse rarely has anything in it. Then the fun roads in rogue regions... Sallowtown to Desert of Silouhettes is incredibly long, if I remember correctly.
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"Oh no, long travel times, what ever will we do now? I know, let's just suffer more TMP!"


it's still less than 30 days though, isn't it. i know about long travel, madina->paisly was long.


Quote from: Sacha on September 19, 2011, 08:12:50 PM
"Oh no, long travel times, what ever will we do now? I know, let's just suffer more TMP!"

The point is that it is so far away, that even if D'Hara sent all of her mobile forces continuously to fight these rogues, it wouldn't make TMP go away as battles would be too far apart from each other.

Thank you for your constructive comments, though.
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What's your alternative? Zero battles a week instead of one or two? That doesn't seem to be working out well for you at the moment. You could rotate armies, so you have a more continuous presence to fight rogues. You could move capitals, to shorten your travel times. Adapt or perish.

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Sacha on September 20, 2011, 01:13:19 AM
What's your alternative? Zero battles a week instead of one or two? That doesn't seem to be working out well for you at the moment. You could rotate armies, so you have a more continuous presence to fight rogues. You could move capitals, to shorten your travel times. Adapt or perish.

It seems you ignored Tom and Indirik's comments when they said there were problems with TMP and are discussing it.


True... but we don't know when it will be changed, or how. Maybe it will just make things worse. Anticipation is the key to ultimate victory!


Quote from: Sacha on September 20, 2011, 01:13:19 AM
What's your alternative? Zero battles a week instead of one or two? That doesn't seem to be working out well for you at the moment. You could rotate armies, so you have a more continuous presence to fight rogues. You could move capitals, to shorten your travel times. Adapt or perish.

So BM should not be about PvP anymore, it should be about figuring out the most optimal way to fight the few scattered rogues about here and there?

Rotating armies = Small army even smaller. Tiny armies fighting = no meaningful effect at all on TMP.

Try again.

D'Hara isn't bothering much to go fight rogues abroad, because it'd be a tonload of trouble and wouldn't change !@#$.

There are so many variables that TMP doesn't take into consideration, it's not even funny. And yet you speak as if all realms were identical, and that if some realms have more trouble with TMP with others its because they suck. This is not only exceedingly arrogant, it's stupid. Not all realms are identical. Not all realms focus on the same aspects of BM. Not all realms have 95% of their mobiles part of the mobile army. Not all realms have massive rogue spawns at their border.
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What kind of PvP has D'Hara done in the last year? If you don't have realms to fight, then go find some hordes. And scattered rogues here and there? There's around 10,000 CS on PeLs border at all times.

It's simple, really. Until TMP is tweaked, you're stuck with it the way it is. Sounds to me you should be exploring every possible way to reduce its effect, since it's !@#$ing your !@#$ up rather badly from what I read here. Not all realms are identical, but TMP is identical for all of them. You've known about it for ages. You've known for ages that if you don't fight battles, you're gonna get warned.

I'm not privy to D'Hara's inner workings, but I know they haven't fought other realms in forever. So, that leaves you with little choice besides fighting rogues. And you're telling me that you're not wanting to do that either. Well, sorry to have to inform you that you brought it upon yourself. And then I'm the arrogant one? Crudely spoken, what /you/ want to do in BM doesn't matter as much as you think it does. If Tom says 'fight more' then you should fight more.

Jens Namtrah

On a "by the by" note:

Jens just offered to your ruler (Marche) to basically join D'Hara and go off and fix your TMP problem, and was told to "get lost" and that he'd "done enough damage".


Because he happened to pass through D'Hara on his way to passing through Barca on his way to attacking Auvrendil from the rear.

Auvrendil - a realm two realms away, with zero allies, and absolutely no threat to you. Still scratching my head about how this messes up your diplomacy, but whatever.

So, even after someone says, "I'll come join your realm, use my own troops and go fix your TMP problem fighting rogues" - Your realm isn't interested.

So quit the effing whining already.


Quote from: Jens Namtrah on September 20, 2011, 05:35:07 AM

Auvrendil - a realm two realms away, with zero allies, and absolutely no threat to you. Still scratching my head about how this messes up your diplomacy, but whatever.

So quit the effing whining already.

Do you even pay attention to the diplomacy aspect of this game?

Barca supports Aurvandil.
Barca is part of the triumverate of D'Hara and Terran.
Barca wants to fight on the side of Aurvandil, but can't because D'Hara and Terran want the food from Madina.

You violated Barcan lands to attack their friends in Aurvandil, pissing off Barca which is now trying even harder to get Terran and D'Hara to support Aurvandil.
Then you pissed off D'Hara by doing the same thing to their lands, which they could put off about Barca, but not themselves (because they couldn't prove you went through their lands to start with).

Then you offer to join D'Hara, after pissing off their colony and stirring up diplomatic troubles between them and one of their major food suppliers?

. . . and you expect them to welcome you why?

Jens Namtrah

Quote from: Phellan on September 20, 2011, 06:19:25 AM

Do you even pay attention to the diplomacy aspect of this game?

No. In Game, most of us have absolutely no idea what the "diplomacy aspect of this game" is.

Everything you just told me was a complete and honest OOC surprise. I don't sit here hour after hour reading every single thread.

if you want people to know these things, you need to start roleplaying them to the general nobility