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Courtiers, traders, infiltrators

Started by MTYL, December 13, 2016, 11:29:04 PM

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Why are there so few courtiers, traders and infiltrators? Are those classes for one reason or another useless? Does this alleged uselessness apply only to some continents or to all of them? Is it possible to become courtier/trader and get filthy rich? Is that playstyle, like, uhm, possible?

Also, side question - can nobles buy (and use) scrolls from adventurers? Does spellcasting and adventuring do anything for a noble?
New family - Arnickles Renodin: Maura(OS), Myr(LN)
Old family - The (dead) Bennets: Max(SF), Joran(VT), Jarra(OS)


Courtiers traders and infiltrators have (some) different mechanics and my not appeal to all players. They also have h/p requirements.

For example, infiltrators are literally assassins and saboteurs. You need 40 Honor to become one and will never get h/p while they have this class. If an infiltrator is spotted, they lose h/p, lose enough and the enemy judge doesn't need to ban you to execute you.

Traders need to pay their units more because of the automatic mercenary designation.

Courtiers fill the role of, essentially, politicians. While they do not have access to Diplomat political options, they can improve realm control and use police type soldiers to capture insurrectionists. However, police units perform very bad in combat.

The adventuring skill is only useful (or even used) by adventurers. Nobles can (and usually do) buy and use scrolls from them, as (apart from an IG event while a lord) this is their only way of obtaining them.

Hope this helps.
Once the Daleborn family, now the Attano family.


Quote from: MTYL on December 13, 2016, 11:29:04 PM
Why are there so few courtiers, traders and infiltrators? Are those classes for one reason or another useless? Does this alleged uselessness apply only to some continents or to all of them? Is it possible to become courtier/trader and get filthy rich? Is that playstyle, like, uhm, possible?

Also, side question - can nobles buy (and use) scrolls from adventurers? Does spellcasting and adventuring do anything for a noble?

There used to be more of other classes. But now that we no longer have over 1000 characters, you just don't see as many. Also some classes were changed like Trader for example mainly due to changes in how food trading works. So traders are not as needed anymore since bankers can do most food related stuff.

Courtiers, even in the golden days, were mainly for people who couldn't stay active or paid attention some other islands. These days most people are engaged in wars so you just don't see as many. Courtiers can't lead any sizable unit so it is a huge disadvantage to be a courtier when your realm needs a warrior.


Quote from: MTYL on December 13, 2016, 11:29:04 PM
Why are there so few courtiers, traders and infiltrators? Are those classes for one reason or another useless? Does this alleged uselessness apply only to some continents or to all of them? Is it possible to become courtier/trader and get filthy rich? Is that playstyle, like, uhm, possible?

Also, side question - can nobles buy (and use) scrolls from adventurers? Does spellcasting and adventuring do anything for a noble?
Well,all of these classes aren't as good at battles as the warrior.On certain continents that are constantly warring,u rarely see any courtiers,traders or infiltrators.
Warchief family


Traders get increased trade range and that is it so you will often see people switch back and forth.

You need to work hard as a courtier and probably drop some decent gold to be any better than a full unit doing civil.

Diplomats same thing except they are a lot cooler for being able to directly target loyalty.

Infils same thing except stabby and can get killed
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


Courtiers and traders have severe limitations that limit their gameplay potential. Traders can only have mercenary troops and courtiers police troops, for example. So anyone else can have their troops as police or mercenaries whenever they want to, but these guys are stuck with nothing but that.

They were way more common when people had two characters per realm, one of them being more of a secondary character that could do more support actions  without the player completely missing out on all the major events.
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Quote from: Chenier on February 19, 2017, 02:57:42 PM
They were way more common when people had two characters per realm, one of them being more of a secondary character that could do more support actions  without the player completely missing out on all the major events.

Just recently started (with just one noble), and was wondering about this. Your post implies that it's not kosher to have two nobles in the same realm?


Quote from: McTang on April 05, 2017, 11:18:27 PM
Just recently started (with just one noble), and was wondering about this. Your post implies that it's not kosher to have two nobles in the same realm?
It used to be allowed. The option was disabled to encourage characters to spread out and discourage quiet, inactive characters supporting their fellow character in the same realm.


Quote from: McTang on April 05, 2017, 11:18:27 PM
Just recently started (with just one noble), and was wondering about this. Your post implies that it's not kosher to have two nobles in the same realm?

I think it's simply no longer possible to have more than one active character per continent, right? So it's not really about being kosher, you just can't do it even if you wanted to. Except for adventurers.

Which, for most the the game's time, wasn't the case.
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Quote from: Chenier on April 06, 2017, 01:09:39 AM
I think it's simply no longer possible to have more than one active character per continent, right? So it's not really about being kosher, you just can't do it even if you wanted to. Except for adventurers.

Which, for most the the game's time, wasn't the case.
You get a max of one active noble and one active advy per continent, for however many total and noble characters your limit is.

Miriam Ics

Quick question.

Luarin at Dwillight is a courtier and unable to change unit to police force.
Mattias at Beluaterra is also a courtier but he can change it.
Which one is right? Is there any bug that I need to report?
"Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces."


Courtiers, afaik, should only be able to have police units.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Miriam Ics on April 08, 2017, 08:26:30 PM
Quick question.

Luarin at Dwillight is a courtier and unable to change unit to police force.
Mattias at Beluaterra is also a courtier but he can change it.
Which one is right? Is there any bug that I need to report?

Luarin is a Hero. Heroes cannot have a police unit.

Also, I don't think Courtiers have such restrictions, Chenier.
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


Quote from: Wimpie on April 09, 2017, 08:41:07 PM
Luarin is a Hero. Heroes cannot have a police unit.

Also, I don't think Courtiers have such restrictions, Chenier.

Used to be the case with bureaucrats. I thought this transferred over to courtiers. Just like traders need to have mercenary units.
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