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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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Quote from: Regulus on May 24, 2011, 01:45:54 AM
The irony of fate ... that was their plan for Eston  ;)

And you'd know this how? We sent an offer of peace before the Northern and Southern realms became involved in the conflict. That's how you all know we asked for Nazamroth because that's what we had asked for in the terms of peace with Eston! To find out later that other people had spread lies about us wishing to take the Duchy of Barad Lacirith were utter fabrications.

So sending a peace offer, whilst we were winning, with the loss of a single region for a multi-region realm like Eston is destroying their realm how?

Regulus Blackmore

Quote from: Munro on May 24, 2011, 10:51:01 AM
And you'd know this how? We sent an offer of peace before the Northern and Southern realms became involved in the conflict. That's how you all know we asked for Nazamroth because that's what we had asked for in the terms of peace with Eston! To find out later that other people had spread lies about us wishing to take the Duchy of Barad Lacirith were utter fabrications.

So sending a peace offer, whilst we were winning, with the loss of a single region for a multi-region realm like Eston is destroying their realm how?

Are you saying that Coria requested Nazamroth to Eston before the start of the hotilities, only Nazamroth?
Kill to live and live to die,
Human nature you let the strong survive.


Quote from: Regulus on May 25, 2011, 03:56:05 AM
Are you saying that Coria requested Nazamroth to Eston before the start of the hotilities, only Nazamroth?

Before the start? No. Not to my knowledge anyway. The only thing we demanded before the start of hostilities was that their Judge Athena step down from her position for allowing an assassin who had tried to kill Saeculo, free the continent, despite several requests from Saeculo himself to have the man punished or at least not accepted as an Estonian noble. It was during the peace negotiations that we demanded the region. But  yes, that was the only region we ever demanded in reparations. This was to prevent them from trying to starve us again after they had threatened to due to the actions of a Talerium Infiltrator which had nothing to do with Coria (save the two nations being allied).

We potentially asked for future Military access to Darka but I don't recall whether that was actually asked for or not, I know the idea was toyed with (by me at least) during the reparation stages.

To be honest you are over estimating how much land Coria can even support. The reason Hammarsett was founded in the first place was because we could not support a new Duchy. We had first dibs on that land but opted to aid a new colony instead. Ironically, I very much doubt our two realms will ever grow in harmony ;) But that's beside the point. Having had the option of taking Shanandoah just a month or so earlier, why would we ever demand Barad Lacirith from Eston!? It makes no sense.


Just like it doesn't make sense for you to leave your capital underdefended and sending the Duke away? ;D


Quote from: Munro on May 25, 2011, 07:38:55 AM...why would we ever demand Barad Lacirith from Eston!? It makes no sense.

Whether Coria itself demanded it or not, it was demanded by CE on behalf of Coria. This is fact, and many people have seen the message that made the demand. Whether you are responsible for that or not makes no difference. The IC impression is that Coria demanded a duchy from Eston. This is reinforced by the fact that soon after the demand was made, Coria went to war with Eston. It's quite possible that Coria was a victim of circumstance. But there you have it.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I'm glad everyone is so focused on Coria as Carelia gets ground into dust.

Talk about a realm paralyzed by too liberal a monarchy.


It's not liberal monarchy as much as it is a horribly inefficient army that's doing them in.


Quote from: Sacha on May 25, 2011, 04:31:22 PM
It's not liberal monarchy as much as it is a horribly inefficient army that's doing them in.

The efficiency of the army is a symptom of a lack of clear decision making and leadership, the root cause. The inability to motivate allies is another symptom of this same root cause.


Well, if your main allies are Caergoth and Suville, you're already half-way to your demise...


Regulus Blackmore

Quote from: Munro on May 25, 2011, 07:38:55 AM
To be honest you are over estimating how much land Coria can even support. The reason Hammarsett was founded in the first place was because we could not support a new Duchy. We had first dibs on that land but opted to aid a new colony instead. Ironically, I very much doubt our two realms will ever grow in harmony ;) But that's beside the point. Having had the option of taking Shanandoah just a month or so earlier, why would we ever demand Barad Lacirith from Eston!? It makes no sense.

I really doubt that Hammarsett was founded because Coria would be unable to support a new duchy... From the point of view of Regulus, Hammarsett would be founded even without the support of Coria.

Do you know the history of the realm based on the current lands of Coria, called Falasan?
Kill to live and live to die,
Human nature you let the strong survive.


Quote from: Regulus on June 03, 2011, 02:33:50 AM
I really doubt that Hammarsett was founded because Coria would be unable to support a new duchy... From the point of view of Regulus, Hammarsett would be founded even without the support of Coria.

Do you know the history of the realm based on the current lands of Coria, called Falasan?

With all due respect, I'm not telling you it in the views of Regulus or even Saeculo though am I? I'm telling it as a player who was involved in those very discussions.

I'll admit that the discussions were some time ago, but from what I remember in the Corian Senate; we had the opportunity to request the Duchy, spoke about it in the Senate, decided we did not have the ability to sustain it on our own and then supported the suggestion in the League of the Eagle that it should be made into a colony. This is what I believed happened, regardless of what Regulus 'thinks'. :P

There really is nothing to debate. We said we didn't want the Duchy for maintenance reasons. Why would we then demand another Duchy just a month or so later when the situation had not changed at all? How is Falasan relevant to this point whatsoever?


If its any consolation, I know all about the history of Falasan and don't see the connection either. Then again, I know little enough about Hammarsett. Presumably the connection is the origin of the colonists - primarily from the very south east rather than the realms that did most of the fighting. I know CE originally supported Coria having a claim on the territories given their involvement in the fighting, but Munro would be correct in recalling that sustainability would have been a problem. Not so much distance from capital or the likes, I believe the reason was actually lack of nobles at that time. It was all or nothing, as the Duchy needed its regions whether with Coria or to survive as a new realm. The theory was, obviously, yet another buffer, an ally closer to home to hit the likes of the Barony should the north fight the south yet again and to lock in MI as a consequence of losing the war. Obviously, given that CE and their closer allies didn't take as much interest in the new colony as they did in Coria's leadership, that seems to have flopped somewhat.

As for Carelia, leadership is an issue. Carelia's well aware of that and kudos to the military heads there on a constant effort to improve. Outsiders don't see it because the results haven't shown themselves, but I am aware of the efforts they're putting in to find an extensively considered military framework. Despite this, the failure of results of these admirable efforts falls to the leaders of Carelia (primarily, but not limited to military) for the reasons listed. I tend to agree with both criticisms. Carelia lacks the organization that tends to motivate players. I've always said CE is the best realm, and that's OOC and seperate to any loyalties my characters may have. The reason for this is threefold.

  • First, there is a clear path of advancement. Nobles are quickly drawn into Knighthood. When a region finds itself without a lord, an election is held where any noble can step forward and campaign the sitting Lords and Ladies for their support. Often, this is realm-wide, but the more savvy tend to go with the personal touch (and target Dukes who have more votes). Lords and Ladies make most of the non-tatical decisions in the Senate. All fairly clear and simple - properly done.
  • Second, leadership. There's a clear way of getting there, but its also decisive. Any time there isn't general agreement, a vote can be held which will answer the question fairly promptly. While the Senate can discuss for weeks or more the diplomatic stance of the Empire, its the seperate military leadership that puts it into effect. There, they have the authority, the chain of command and a definitive voice. Orders are rarely countermanded and morale is typically high as most armies come with a fairly proud history, along with a degree of rivalry as to which is better.
  • Finally, propaganda. Its not the purpose of this post - I no longer have any characters in CE - but everyone knows CE is the best. They're the biggest, have the strongest army and have reliable allies at their back. When was the last war they actually lost? These are things that I am well aware were held against CE - their success - for long before this contentital war of all wars began. CE is not liked, but few can claim to look down on them in any of the realms. That makes fighting them somewhat problematic, especially if they happen to wipe your armies out now and then. On the flip side, these same things are told to every or almost every noble in CE. That leads to a fair amount of confidence and the feeling of being on the winning side, which will motivate players far more than knowing that you've a long hard fight ahead with no sure result in your favour. Motivation, both within CE and the effects of its reputation on the motivation of their enemies.

Carelia has problems on each of those front. Advancement is hodge-podge. The person with the best claim is good - falls perfectly within the hopes of Tom - but wouldn't it be better if the appointments went to the courtiers and what-have-you, so that nobles are not drawn away from the battlefield? Makes sense. Problem as I see it is that the bulk of your nobles, especially those seeking to work their way up the ladder, will end up in the offensive armies. That is where the bulk of the nobles will go, especially during war. Those same nobles fight to take regions back or acquire new regions, but because of two mind-sets; the appointment of previous lords automatically and the appointment of rearguard nobles over vanguard nobles, its often the case that either a fairly inept lord is reappointed due to his claim (when the opportunity really should be used to find someone who'll take a greater role or not make people wince when they read their messages) or someone who's done little to none of the losing troops and getting hurt again and again finds their way into a position of some power and affluence. This hurts morale as much as anything else, and damages a player's will to persist. Were I in CE, I'd be confident of getting a Lordship a lot sooner than I would were I in Carelia despite the noble:region ratio, as they're far more likely to elect someone who's involved far and wide rather than someone who happens to have been the lord of the region a couple of years ago or lost the region due to bad management.

The military situation is similar. Too many cooks. Carelia has fairly impressive retention of its military leadership. The problem is, a lot of the former leaders forget the fact that they technically don't have the authority, they are no longer Marshals or Generals and are, in fact, widely unknown among the greater populace of nobles. These same gents still send orders, occassionally contrary to orders coming from the Marshal or Vice-Marshal, but that's not so bad as they've about as much an idea of what the plan is as the officers. The blame in Carelia's case, therefore lies in Leta and Nathan's hands in my mind. Carelia needs a firm direction as to what they hope to achieve in this war. That lies at the monarch's feet as does giving clear direction as to a simple chain of command and a simple path of advancement, or expectations, for the ordinary Knight. Nathan needs to be far more decisive too. He's a good General, knows his stuff, but my experience of his military leadership tells me that he needs to be willing to make the call, even the wrong one. Good odds he'll make the right call as often, or more often, than the wrong one, but that is far far better than not making any call at all until it is too late and Carelia's armies are working at whatever their Marshal thinks best. That's a lack of unity in action for the armies and with the general lack of organization (the Shields, for instance, seem to lack a clear division in responsabilities and, from what I've observed, wander where the individual thinks they are most needed. This can have three or four courtiers making the trip to the same region, with half the number turning around to head for another destination when it becomes clear others have got it covered. That's a few days of one or more courtiers not doing their work when they're sorely needed.

But yeah, I don't mean to draw a roadmap for Carelia or anything. I certainly don't mean what I've said as an insult or a lack of belief in their potential. They once had a strong reputation, deservedly, but they no longer stand as tall as they could. Changes are needed. If any here disagree, look at the progress of the war over these past few months. Little enough, but with the exception of Skalk and the occassional visit to Alatol, it seems the fighting is done on Carelian land. Not a good way to win a war. Carelia, in my mind at least, is ripe for expansion and success. They are the only realm that can actually start eating up CE should the war go their way. Colonies are not out of the question, but Carelia can directly benefit, rather than indirectly, should improvements be made and their leaders become more decisive.

Simple and to the point. Not my post I'm talking about. Instead, I refer to what Carelia lacks and really needs to get back. A clear internal system and no distractions or lack of sureness in their path, whatever that may be.

I claimed CE was the best. Others will surely disagree, and yet I'm being objective, or as objective as I can be. That does not make them infallible. That does not mean I believe they can hold out forever if things don't change. It does mean that Carelia, in my humble opinion, could do with learning a thing or two from them. Not to emulate, but to make their own and to get their house in order so they can fight and win, rather than fight and lose over and over again.

Disclaimer: I'm biased. Probably out of touch with certain elements involved. And avidly interested. Gotta be the best topic on the forum :)


P.S. On the original subject of this post, which I unsurprisingly drifted quickly and extremely far away from, Coria's support wasn't ever needed for the founding of the colony. Would the colony exist without CE, Tara and Talerium though? I have my doubts. Hammersett wasn't founded because Coria couldn't manage another Duchy at that point in time, but it could easily have not been founded had Coria been able to manage another Duchy. The discussion of a colony, and Hammersett's fresh existence, would likely have gone no further than a brief consideration had Coria stated a willingness to take the Duchy. They weren't willing to, so a colony effort was put together. Coria, if I remember it right, had no real involvement after declining, and Hammersett came into existance with the determination of those nobles looking to forge their own, new path on Atamara. Would Coria have demanded a Duchy from Eston? Despite what Darka did to Eston, or perhaps because of it, I suspect Coria would never have done such a thing because surrendering Eston's capital after not contesting Darka's own expansion would have been very bad for Eston and, obviously, they probably wouldn't have agreed, no matter who was winning the war.

Some thoughts.


Wow, that's an epic post Carna.(sidenote: Where have you been?) I would definitely have to agree that CE is by far one of the most efficient realms on the continent. Whether its the best realm or not I think has more to do though with how happy the players are that have characters in the realm. That should be the only determinate in my opinion.

At any rate, I think it is hard to argue with the fact that CE, Tara, Talerium, and Coria have the single most organized and efficient allied military system on Atamara, and likely in the entire game (although I can't be sure how Dwilight's SA would compare, or other such examples.

On another note just to clear up some facts on some issues which I know for sure due to my personal character's leadership and involvement in I want to point out the following:

1. Coria did not in fact demand a duchy from Eston, (only Nazamroth was asked from them in peace discussions and only after the war had begun. Before the war began, no regions were asked in order to prevent war)

2. CE did in fact demand on behalf of Coria (without Corian knowledge or permission) for the duchy of Barad Lacirith from Eston in order to forstall war (and as a demand for peace after war began.) Upon discovering this Coria's leadership informed CE to stop such arguments, and informed Eston's leadership of its falsehood.

3. Coria's decisions did not have a direct effect in the way of the founding of Hammarsett. Hammarsett was planned to be founded by Suville and Caergoth at the end of the MI war, and this is what occurred with Coria's help to allow them to secede the duchy from Coria's control. Now, Coria did express that we did not feel that we could support a third duchy, and it is likely that if we had, then CE and Tara's support for such an occurrence could maybe have overridden Suville and Caergoth's wishes. We can't be sure of how this would have gone, but Coria was prompted that we could lay a claim to the duchy if we wanted to.

Quote from: Munro on May 25, 2011, 07:38:55 AM
We potentially asked for future Military access to Darka but I don't recall whether that was actually asked for or not, I know the idea was toyed with (by me at least) during the reparation stages.

I know for a fact that this information never left Coria's Senate chambers in an IC sense and wasn't presented as an official claim. Unless a character specficially informed your character of this information this is OOC only info.

^The above 4 statements are facts in so far as is possible to state facts in this game from personal experiences with the situations. Perceptions may have been different but that is how things went down insofar as I know as the Ruler of Coria at the time.^


Cagilan and Tara have an indeed excellent military structure,strategy and readiness.

Coria?Is a joke.Coria is the realm that make plans behinds back based on the fact they are a buffer zone that can block ways and manipulate plans of both sides.Trust me,they will have their downfall and only then they will realize that they were in reality nothing but a thorn on zome backs.But thorns can be removed easily.

You have absolutely no power and the power of hypocrisy won't take you far.Militaristic talking you are a big nothing alone.And i would like to see when this wars rings your doorbell again who will run to save you.And when you realize it will be no one i would like to see how your superiority in military will save you.

This is also a fact and i am sure it will create more and more discussions in here the future days and i would like to see then what you will have to say :)

Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-