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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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I like the fact that they attacked BEFORE declaring war.  ::)


Quote from: Alesius on October 14, 2011, 07:19:23 PM
I like the fact that they attacked BEFORE declaring war.  ::)

Welcome to Atamara ;D

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Alesius on October 14, 2011, 07:19:23 PM
I like the fact that they attacked BEFORE declaring war.  ::)

What is this "war declaration" of which you speak? Battles first, Politics much later down the line...
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."

Jens Namtrah

Quote from: Dante Silverfire on October 16, 2011, 05:00:54 AM
What is this "war declaration" of which you speak? Battles first, Politics much later down the line...

Really? i always considered Atamara to be "6 years of politics with the occasional battle if we can get a big enough gangbang"

granted, this current war is absolutely brilliant. but it may be the only great war in the history of the island (at least in "modern times").


I've actually come to despise virtually everything about Atamara, despite having a very well established character there. Even the current war is getting stale and uninteresting.

Atamara is the island where change, if it comes at all, is incremental at best. I think the single most exciting thing that's happened in the three years I've had a character there has been the destruction of Norland. And what else has happened in that time? Nothing at all of consequence really. I guess the footnote named Falasan finally bit the dust... Hammarsett got founded and replaced Falasan as the continental footnote... Hmmmmm. Yeah, that's really it. In three. Entire. YEARS. If I tried to sum up everything that's happened on the other islands I play on during that time I'd have trouble figuring out where to begin. With Atamara it's coming up with anything to say at all that's difficult.

I'm sure plenty of people would argue that the current war should count as something exciting. I'd agree if it wasn't so damned boring in its own right. We've been fighting for what, seven-eight months now? AND WHAT THE HELL HAS CHANGED? A few regions have changed hands or gone rogue, but I could probably count those on my fingers. In eight MONTHS of fighting. This, to me, is the essence of Atamara. Virtual stasis in all things is the order of the day. Nothing truly interesting ever happens on this forsaken mausoleum of an island.

</rant>  8)


Quote from: Geronus on October 16, 2011, 03:45:51 PM
I've actually come to despise virtually everything about Atamara, despite having a very well established character there. Even the current war is getting stale and uninteresting.

Atamara is the island where change, if it comes at all, is incremental at best. I think the single most exciting thing that's happened in the three years I've had a character there has been the destruction of Norland. And what else has happened in that time? Nothing at all of consequence really. I guess the footnote named Falasan finally bit the dust... Hammarsett got founded and replaced Falasan as the continental footnote... Hmmmmm. Yeah, that's really it. In three. Entire. YEARS. If I tried to sum up everything that's happened on the other islands I play on during that time I'd have trouble figuring out where to begin. With Atamara it's coming up with anything to say at all that's difficult.

I'm sure plenty of people would argue that the current war should count as something exciting. I'd agree if it wasn't so damned boring in its own right. We've been fighting for what, seven-eight months now? AND WHAT THE HELL HAS CHANGED? A few regions have changed hands or gone rogue, but I could probably count those on my fingers. In eight MONTHS of fighting. This, to me, is the essence of Atamara. Virtual stasis in all things is the order of the day. Nothing truly interesting ever happens on this forsaken mausoleum of an island.

</rant>  8)

Hey, this war may be boring, but at least Atamara managed to conduct a relatively even war. I mean when was the last we had a war on Atamara that wasn't a huge like 5 vs 1 gangbang?  ::)
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on October 16, 2011, 05:03:40 PM

Hey, this war may be boring, but at least Atamara managed to conduct a relatively even war. I mean when was the last we had a war on Atamara that wasn't a huge like 5 vs 1 gangbang?  ::)

Oh yeah, and then there's this. How could I forget this most charming of Atamara's many inane qualities? And while the current war may be a departure from the staggering banality that normally pervades the island, it's current trajectory points at us all ending up right where we started. Of course it wouldn't be Atamara otherwise, would it?


Quote from: Revan on March 02, 2011, 01:16:18 PM
Prediction: Carelia to be double-crossed by Caergoth and Suville when the war either drags on too long or Carelia starts losing. Would place money on it.

Oh by the way: You're looking pretty smart right now.  ;D

Edit: Also richer, if you did in fact place money on it.


Quote from: Geronus on October 16, 2011, 06:43:19 PM
Oh by the way: You're looking pretty smart right now.  ;D

Edit: Also richer, if you did in fact place money on it.

Agiri (Carelia) Tinwe (Greater Aenilia) Ayrl (Fissoa) Wyllham (IVF)

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Perth on October 16, 2011, 05:03:40 PM

Hey, this war may be boring, but at least Atamara managed to conduct a relatively even war. I mean when was the last we had a war on Atamara that wasn't a huge like 5 vs 1 gangbang?  ::)

Well we could avoid all of that if all of you other realms just decided to let CE do whatever it wanted and stopped trying to act like it isn't the supreme power of the continent. It needs to get its 5v1 gangbang in once every year or so. After all of the realms fighting CE realize they just want to have fun every once in a while and the chances of being the target of the gangbang aren't that high in each individual sense, then we'll go back to those good times.

"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


I'd argue, but I recently paused one of my AT characters. Something that will come out of this war is a vastly reduced Carelia. I expect Suville will manage to take Wayburg (sorry Roderian) and with MS ruling Carelia I don't expect CE to stop fighting for terms any less than what was given to Falasan. And we know how that turned out. So there is a result.

I'm interested to see what will happen when the new estate system hits stable. A lot of the reasons/excuses for not taking lands off of other realms has predominantly been focused on insufficient nobility to hold the territory in question. Will new realms pop up, or previously small one's like Coria taking on more lands?

My guess has been and is that CE will try start a new realm in Strombran. They have to have a plan for how they want this to end and that seems a reasonable start to it. Suville is expanding (Abington?) and there's a new Theocracy in town down between Tara and Caergoth. Eston is doing a fair job of doing damage to Talerium, though its certainly no rollover since Darka continues to trek a mad distance to fight a day or two. Sordnaz is 86 and you have to wonder how long can he actually live? That question will answer the question of other fairly ancient members of the Barony, so its not unlikely that change will happen there too. Dictators and monarchs being replaced generally see some change to foreign policy, after all.

Atamara is the definition of a "stable" continent. Things haven't really changed the last few years, but there have been small changes. Comparible to other continents? Hah. But that's because other continents have seen power shifts far more regularly. CE's bloc remains diligent and while I've a character on the other side now, I can't and won't complain that things haven't changed. Most people play in their character's best interests and CE won't let themselves be torn apart just to make it more fun for others. They're not short nobles, lands, allies or military ability. They don't want change and they're right not to. They're on the top of the world (well, island) and if they can stay there, that's because they're doing what they should be doing.

Me? I think that the rulers of Atamara secretly support CE's continued rulership of the continent. If they truly wanted rid of CE, I believe it could be done. But Suville stepped out of the war. Caergoth created a new realm and hasn't been up to much in the way of fighting (though have made far more effort than Suville ever did while they were involved). Eston won't attack Coria (or vice versa) and Darka won't attack Talerium (or vice versa). I haven't paid too much attention to the lakeside war, so I can't say that the northern realms up there are failing to push, but what do they hope to do, march through the realm that was specifically built to provide a buffer to CE? If you think about it, Coria's nothing but a long chokepoint that any northern army will have to fight their way through.

But yeah, heading towards a rant and I've got stuff to do IRL. Is Atamara dead? Nah. Is Atamara likely to change much in the coming year? Less than other continents and the central powers that be are unlikely to be weakened or destroyed.

My take on the whole thing. Not quite a rant, but not a spiel either. Ah well.


P.S. Okay, just saw the length. Maybe a rant.


Quote from: Carna on October 19, 2011, 04:13:54 PM
Carna's rant...

A fairly good assessment, I believe.

Unfortunately, despite the Allies best efforts the outcome is looking less and less bright. Indeed, CE's hold over the island may end up even stronger than it was. At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see new CE colony's in both the North and the South as a result of the this.

With the south now an utter and ineffectual mess, I am finding myself holding onto little hope at this point.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


I just keep wondering what realms like Darka and Suville think will happen if this war is lost.  Yeah, they're not primary targets right now.  But if this war falls apart, then there's not going to be any way to stop the CE from dealing with them later at their leisure.

Suville in particular, there's plenty of people there who remember what happened when Abington was in a much, much, much better position and got hammered to pieces.  Darka may think (with some reason) that their gold stores are enough that no one can actually touch them.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Bedwyr on October 19, 2011, 08:14:28 PM

Suville in particular, there's plenty of people there who remember what happened when Abington was in a much, much, much better position and got hammered to pieces.  Darka may think (with some reason) that their gold stores are enough that no one can actually touch them.

I have no idea what Suville expects and to be honest i don't care but after this war ends ,whatever the outcome i would believe many realms expect to be the next target "gang banned" and especially Darka.

I believe Darka already escaped that situation so far because it worked for the right side,now that this has changed i wouldn't believe there is a single Darkan that doesn't see a war on it's doorstep coming.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Misericordia on October 19, 2011, 08:56:25 PM
I have no idea what Suville expects and to be honest i don't care but after this war ends ,whatever the outcome i would believe many realms expect to be the next target "gang banned" and especially Darka.

I believe Darka already escaped that situation so far because it worked for the right side,now that this has changed i wouldn't believe there is a single Darkan that doesn't see a war on it's doorstep coming.

And yet our King still can't see that we need to take out Talerium...