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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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You know, it often happens that conspiracies always run deeper. Being misinformed can cut both ways, yes? So let's not be too pompous in our attitudes lest we turn out to be the bigger fool.


Quote from: Indirik on March 15, 2011, 01:36:04 PM
Judging from what I've seen you post on these forums, I'd have to say that this is certainly not true.

Okay, well I understand that my character doesn't know "everything" about what is taking place behind doors in the NA but I know for sure he knows just as much about what is going on in Atamara as any ruler on the island if not more. My character essentially helped craft the initial declaration of war against Eston as well as knows all of the original declaration of wars since then from each new realm involved. As well as personal conversations with each of the Ruler's in the Northern Alliance. If that isn't enough, then I don't know what is.

P.S. I do find it amusing how quick everyone is to leap to each other's throats about how this war got started, when they don't realize how much fun this war will will have been for so many people involved by the time it finally comes to a close. It is very easy to start wars, but it is much more difficult to end them.


Quote from: Silverfire on March 15, 2011, 06:46:06 PMOkay, well I understand that my character doesn't know "everything" about what is taking place behind doors in the NA but I know for sure he knows just as much about what is going on in Atamara as any ruler on the island if not more. My character essentially helped craft the initial declaration of war against Eston as well as knows all of the original declaration of wars since then from each new realm involved. As well as personal conversations with each of the Ruler's in the Northern Alliance. If that isn't enough, then I don't know what is.

You're assuming they're telling you the full truth about their positions. Or at least some version of the truth. Or maybe something that has some kernel of truth buried in it somewhere. Which doesn't have to be the case at all. In fact, I'd be surprised if any of the rulers gave you anything more than their fast and loose interpretation of events. They're certainly not going to give you the entire story.

Now, I admit that you're character almost certainly knows a LOT more about this than my character does, or that I do. My character is a general, so he doesn't get involved in politics. I mostly try to avoid it, and my character almost exclusively ignores it.  He waits for his King to give him an objective, then he finds the best way to do it, base don the restrictions he has been  given.

QuoteP.S. I do find it amusing how quick everyone is to leap to each other's throats about how this war got started, when they don't realize how much fun this war will will have been for so many people involved by the time it finally comes to a close. It is very easy to start wars, but it is much more difficult to end them.

Oh, we know that this war is fun. It's the most fun I've had on AT since I burned down Brackhead. I had fun with that, but Norland had !!Fun!!. This fun promises to last a lot longer than that. And I don't have to listen to Norlanders. (Well, not much...)

I think that the combativeness on the forum about this topic comes from how angry the entire northern alliance was with Eston over how they handled the peace treaty process, and the final treaty to which they agreed.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on March 15, 2011, 08:32:29 PM
You're assuming they're telling you the full truth about their positions. Or at least some version of the truth. Or maybe something that has some kernel of truth buried in it somewhere. Which doesn't have to be the case at all. In fact, I'd be surprised if any of the rulers gave you anything more than their fast and loose interpretation of events. They're certainly not going to give you the entire story.

That is most certainly true and I hadn't really considered that. Although, if they are lying to my character, then what does it matter if I misunderstand things. At least I tried.

It is amusing, as it does seem to me that General's tend to be the most "into" the war, and yet don't always exactly know much any of the politics around it. Of course, mine would have to be an exception, as I went from General to Ruler, so it is a bit opposite there.

Quote from: Indirik on March 15, 2011, 08:32:29 PM
I think that the combativeness on the forum about this topic comes from how angry the entire northern alliance was with Eston over how they handled the peace treaty process, and the final treaty to which they agreed.

*Pats my character on the back* "Great work kid!" ;) Hate to take credit for that one, but drafting the treaty that gets signed is quite amusing from the other end of the spectrum. Although, is your character the Darkan or Estonian General? I know my character spoke specifically with the Darkan General and Ruler and they all said they were quite fine with the terms of the treaty (not in those words) before it was signed, but ended up making a ruckuss afterwords. I remember distinctly Darka saying something along the lines of "only wanting access to CE" and if they got that and we were able to get peace with Eston they'd be happy.


*Goes back to trying to repair a city....*

The duke of Barad Falas is the ruler now? Man, Peregrin missed the ball on that. Then again, Peregrin kinda messed up by not dying heroically in battle.  >:(


Quote from: Artemesia on March 16, 2011, 01:48:23 AM
The duke of Barad Falas is the ruler now? Man, Peregrin missed the ball on that. Then again, Peregrin kinda messed up by not dying heroically in battle.  >:(

Sorry for those that don't know Coria's history, the Duke of Barad Falas, *was* the Ruler of Coria for quite a long time. Now he's Duke and Ambassador (because he just can't stay away from politics)

My only recent update on Coria was fairly long ago. There was something about how an Igelfield took a ton of gold from Coria and got to 10k family gold in one day or something. Then he...died I think.


Quote from: Bedwyr on March 15, 2011, 12:40:12 PM
Your Ruler.  You elected him.  CE still won't admit that there were open threats.  Which means no apology.  Which means continued lying.

Not to mention that the CE has threatened to wipe out each of the realms in the southern bloc at least twice.  The issues with CE dictating to Carelia on religious policy date back before that "one incompetent Ruler" as well.

And, go figure, everyone gets tired of the CE telling them what to do.

;D ;D ;D

Yes we are a republic, and yes we elected him. But he was the only one who stood... one of the issues with a republic is all the communication that is require IC to get everybody in the Senate to agree. That's in addition to any conversations being held with other realms. We were blessed with some fantastic leaders in Salvadore Zond, Shanka Foona and those before but it takes a lot of time that a lot of people just don't have. I have to wonder if some of our older players simply have more to do in there real lives than manage a digital kingdom.


Quote from: Indirik on March 15, 2011, 08:32:29 PM
Oh, we know that this war is fun. It's the most fun I've had on AT since I burned down Brackhead. I had fun with that, but Norland had !!Fun!!. This fun promises to last a lot longer than that. And I don't have to listen to Norlanders. (Well, not much...)

Bravo. I can't speak for Norland but as someone very heavily involved in it (albeit on the losing side) I had a ball.

The original Norland/MI war was started by.. um.. certain individuals.. in Norland (essentially OOC but with solid IC justification) because AT had stagnated and it snowballed from there. Sure it could have ended better for Norland but anyone playing with the right mentality would have had fun and losing is the risk of participating. There were great battles, epic RPs, betrayals, power-brokering, chaos, mayhem, blood, land, gold, glory and interesting times for all. It certainly shook up northeast AT the way I hope the current war will shake up the whole continent (wars are fertile.. they have children) and was some of the most fun I have had in BM.

The reason it was fun was because for a long time there was risk, action and uncertainty for those who got properly involved. While it is natural to shy away from these things when in positions of power sometimes you need to put the OOC hat on as a major player and say.. what the hell.. this will make things interesting, dynamic and fun.

As for not listening to Norlanders .. welllll.. the brother of the General who kicked the whole MI war off commands your homeland defense force and the Norland General who stood-up to the combined forces of Darka, BoM and Eston to the last (wo)man is now serving in your army. Who knows how the after-effects of that war have affected them? For better, worse or indifferent actions have consequences in BM which is, of course, the beauty of the game.
"There are 11 kinds of people in the world; those who do not understand binary, those who think they understand binary and those who understand endianness."


Quote from: wraith
While it is natural to shy away from these things when in positions of power sometimes you need to put the OOC hat on as a major player and say.. what the hell.. this will make things interesting, dynamic and fun.

I believe this was largely an issue with Way of the Hammer. While it is extremely well designed as religions in BM go, the reasons for the war had little to do with the religion itself, so there was an issue of disbelief. It could have been handled far more gracefully, with the same results, and without the... issues of immersion, but that's long in the past now.

Quote from: wraith
As for not listening to Norlanders .. welllll.. the brother of the General who kicked the whole MI war off commands your homeland defense force

A person is not their brother, and shame on anyone that plays their characters as such.

Quote from: wraithand the Norland General who stood-up to the combined forces of Darka, BoM and Eston to the last (wo)man is now serving in your army.

Because being in an army means their word holds weight? That... leap is covering quite a distance.

Quote from: Indirik
I think that the combativeness on the forum about this topic comes from how angry the entire northern alliance was with Eston over how they handled the peace treaty process, and the final treaty to which they agreed.

I think you hit the nail on the head here. When Sordnaz first told his councils about the initial treaty content there were none of us interested in accepting it as was... hell, at that point the only region Coria wanted to "give up" was Nazia. Talk about an insult; their lands burned and their armies lay dead, and they offer a region they do not even control as a token of peace with a sugar coating of "It gives you a border with CE!"

What a joke of a treaty. With any luck Coria gets the burning they deserve for it once this is all over.
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.


Quote from: ^ban^ on March 16, 2011, 07:17:05 AM
I think you hit the nail on the head here. When Sordnaz first told his councils about the initial treaty content there were none of us interested in accepting it as was... hell, at that point the only region Coria wanted to "give up" was Nazia. Talk about an insult; their lands burned and their armies lay dead, and they offer a region they do not even control as a token of peace with a sugar coating of "It gives you a border with CE!"

What a joke of a treaty. With any luck Coria gets the burning they deserve for it once this is all over.

Frankly, none of Eston's allies had ever told Kerwin that they were somehow seeking to gain stuff from the war with Coria (except for Hammarsett). When they finally came to Eston's aid, they announced that they would protect Eston and sign peace when Eston did. If there was ANY objective at all, it WAS to secure access to the Cagilan Empire. This was done, and is done. Honestly, the whole "oh wait, we wanted to kill Coria!" stuff came out of the blue to Kerwin and came pretty much right before or after the treaty was signed. Perhaps Kerwin missed some things that happened prior to taking the throne, though.

"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

johnny Hammarberg

I think some people needs and update regarding how the declarations of war towards Coria was written, BoM for once stated clearly that it was going to war against CE and Coria because of its actions towards other realms. No where was Eston mentioned but only that BoM had had enough of CE and its minions. I can not remember how Darkas declaration was formulated but I think it was similar.  I am not saying that none of the realms came to Estons aid but rather that all did but not only with the sole intention to secure Eston and that was also announced in public. BoM's only trip into Eston before that was to oversee the TO done by Hammersett in Elost, then we travelled back in peace only to be threatened by CE to stay out, Darka also declared war after being asked to stay away so the war was not just a matter of Eston but of a much larger issue.

And no, BoM never wanted to divide Coria into tiny pieces but rather as some vikings said, lets tear it down and burn what we can as it will take ages for them to rebuild their strength.

Still the mistake was not to negotiate with Coria but doing so and signing without involving allies who was clearly hindered at first by the treaty, now its solved but the issue was time consuming to deal with and hot feelings rise because of it.

Anyway, saying that to secure Eston and to sign peace was a main goal is wrong as at least the majority of the involved had never spoken or written those words.

Hammersett went into defend Eston but later on went offensive with a clear official statement that it was against Coria and not to only defend and secure Eston.

Anyway, peace is signed and Eston is secured for now and the road south is open for all to use and only time can tell if it was wise or not.
In war, truth is the first casualty.  ~Aeschylus


When Darka first joined as _defensive_ force to protect Eston from gangbang, that pretty much was our declaration that we will be there until Eston have made certain changes on its leadership. Later when we got threats from CE we made new declaration against Coria/CE and their allies.

Eston got a bit fooled by Coria in this. Coria just needed to get Eston sign treaty where Eston will protect Corias border and big part of CE/Coria problems would be over. Ce could have focus south with Tara, Talerium prolly would have enough power to stop Eston on its border.

But things look a bit brighter now... but if i have understanded right, real peace between Coria/BoM/Hammarsett is faraway in future.

~Violence is always an option!~

johnny Hammarberg

You are right that things looks brighter now but I dont know how far real peace is from being signed, its probably a bit more complicated then what it seams at a glance and peace will probably not be reached within a day or two but wars are not ment to be forever.

As for the big war thats really just started I must say that I dont care how it goes as I am fascinated that it finally came to be a reality after years of talking about having a huge war with most realms involved, having such a strength at both sides makes it even more fun even if I wish that the old system  where BoM vikings could travel anywhere without the penalty from distance now give was more fun.
In war, truth is the first casualty.  ~Aeschylus


Quote from: ^ban^ on March 16, 2011, 07:17:05 AM
.. A person is not their brother, and shame on anyone that plays their characters as such ..

.. Because being in an army means their word holds weight? That... leap is covering quite a distance ..

Agreed on both points but what I was trying to say (badly it seems, but it was late) was he might be listening to Norlanders already (or their sympathisers) or do so in future and not realise it. Not every character knows every other character's history or connections. Using speciifc examples just muddied the point I was trying to make as neither are particularly good examples for a number of reasons.
"There are 11 kinds of people in the world; those who do not understand binary, those who think they understand binary and those who understand endianness."