Author Topic: Can graphic violence or sex in Role Plays become unacceptable in BM?  (Read 10448 times)


  • Knight
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Here is a possible way to deal with it if you think its a problem. You could have a mechanism like the vulgarity rule where other players decided if a post contained excessive violence or sexual content.

That seems like duplicating the Vulgarity mechanic..

Also in regards to your opinion about this being "excessively disturbing" while I respect your opinion. I wholeheartedly disagree. This was no where near explicit or graphic in terms of content. I wouldn't even classify this as anything close to Rape fantasy..

Not saying you're a snowflake, but I do feel that you might be being a bit oversensitive here...

I am of the opinion (and I think someone echoed it above..) that we are way to sensitive these days. The media and all this "Social Justice" has conditioned people to be so cautious and careful of what they say and do. Sometimes, and this is a very minor instance of this, I just want to scream, "Grow the F up and recognize that its not for you, and move on."

I don't mean for this to be a post where I am attacking anyone, I just get rather frustrated when I perceive people to be complaining about something being "too XYZ" for their taste so we should change the rules to make that never happen again. That's not how life works. The world isn't a cuddly safe space.

All in all, I think we have hammered this topic pretty much to oblivion.. It isn't a widespread issue, so I don't think there is any need for action to be taken.

I do also appreciate that we were able to have a civil and productive conversation about something that has the potential to be so polarizing.

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