Author Topic: The Deeds of Astros Renodin  (Read 16510 times)


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #15: February 16, 2018, 05:48:36 PM »

Hey there!
Looks like someone took me up on the RP. Awesome. None other than the Ruler of the Realm. This Rp is written by him and all credits go to:

The player of Yxevarii Auru'in  

Don't Stab the Messenger

"By the body of rage given form, the mask of deceit hath been torn. By the virtuelessness of Ego manifest, the body of faith must reform."

The expected reports came in faster than Grandmistress Yxevarii could read them. waxen-seals from rulers the world over; well-wishes from friends and strangers alike; scout-reports from beyond Ardmore; all commonplace save one particular batch.

The first from a scribe hired to bolster the Grandmistress' record-keeping abilities. The second from the captain of a patrol who discovered a beekeeper hiding in a ditch. The third from a common brigand seeking amnesty from the Inquisition in exchange for information. The fourth from a local woodsman. A market stall vendor. A traveling merchant. An Inquisition informant. A hunter. Still others came. One in particular from a seasoned tavern-owner and his barkeep; well-trained in eavesdropping on drunken warriors with curious tales. It seems that two of the murderer's own men couldn't stomach their leader's madness and descended into an alcoholic stupor. Good for the Inquisition's agents and eavesdroppers; not so good for the murderer. Finally - Prophet Rania herself spoke... And when the Prophet spoke, people damn-well listened.

What common thread bound them all?They each bespoke acts of calculated evil at the hands of a traitor to Obeah.

A crazed outburst on the road to Avengmil had been witnessed - an innocent messenger callously murdered. Cleaved in two it would seem... Several commoners had seen and reported the act. The suspect is said to have groaned and screeched like a Hellspawned beast, striking the lass with his broadsword. Though the murderer and his men fled the scene, their bloodied footsteps went quite a ways. The witnesses waved down a local patrol only minutes later. They immediately secured the body and began investigating. Within minutes both the missive and its waxen seal were in their custody - as well as a terrified beekeeper and a common thief. Due to the particularly brazen method used in the murder, lack of a sufficient murder weapon on scene, coupled with the wiry thief's inability to enact such inhuman force, the guardsmen merely relinquished him of his dagger and calmly escorted him to the Inquisition for interrogation without further conflict. The others were advised to follow for debriefing, and a passing merchant's cart was hired to transport the corpse for further investigation.

Thanks to the loyal service of certain faithful men and women, coupled by the abject horror in witnessing such evil, the culprit's name and a list of other crimes came to light. It seems, however, that word spreads fast in Obia'Syela: for Prophet Rania herself somehow heard of all this even before the Inquisition's report reached their new Grandmistress. The Prophet instructed Grandmistress to accomplish what was already her sole focus: complete her investigation and enact due justice upon the murderer. No sooner did she read those words and dispatch an officer to keep the murderer in place.

Multiple units were dispatched to safeguard his exit, in case the aggressor struck again. Rangers in the high ground, infantry at the low. Assassins in the shadows. False-beggars in the streets. The Grandmistresses' own elite rangers, "Divine Retribution", bolstered these forces with particular effectiveness. Such men never miss their mark.

The order was made: Astros Renodin would be stripped of his Inquisitorial badge and all subsequent privileges, to be kept under guard pending investigation of a lengthy list of crimes. He would submit to interrogation or be branded a traitor to the realm.

Coincidentally, the entire army just so happened to be there.

For a man who spoke so much of traitors and retribution, he knew quite well what would happen if he refused to go peacefully.

Second RP written by the same player:

No One Expects the Obian Inquisition:

Surprise, fear, and ruthless efficiency are the hallmarks of the Inquistion. Its agents are everywhere: fanatical devotees whose eyes and ears know all. Astros Renodin would soon learn just how little he understood the organization he claimed to uphold, and had so carelessly slandered by the virtuelessness of his rage.

The officer's report had come in handy after all. It seems all 57 of Astros' men were hammered to oblivion, including three wounded. Unbeknownst to them, the "prized cask of Thalmarkian vintage" fearfully relinquished by the tavern owner had been drugged with a plethora of peculiar herbs: a clever ruse any seasoned agent of the Inquisition would never fall for. Astros Renodin, however, was no such thing. He and his men would soon realize neither blade nor manhood would rise for many an hour... Perfect timing for an ambush, some would say.

Multiple units were dispatched to safeguard his escape, in case Astros had more rage than common sense. Rangers were posted on nearby rooftops, watchtowers, and in the high ground near ever available avenue of escape. Infantry were set to wander the streets and populate nearby taverns and inns, ready to filter out at the blow of a horn or the sound of clashing steel. Assassins walked the shadows like black cats, false-beggars poised to switch stretched palm for poisoned dagger. The Grandmistresses' own elite rangers, "Divine Retribution", bolstered these forces with particular effectiveness. Such men never miss their mark.

The order was made: the forces in place. A beggar was sent into the tavern to egg him on and draw his forces out onto the street, watched over by a number of agents who had gradually filtered into the establishment one at a time. Others-still had snuck in via the second-story side windows, rappelling up through a dingy alleyway only drunks and criminals dared frequent. As pre-arranged, the more visible agents' mugs were filled with nothing more than apple or cranberry juice - for true agents of the Inquisition know never to drink on duty.

The moment Astros walked out into the open air, he would be surrounded by magnitudes more than he could ever handle. If the fool decided to fight back, he'd be filled with steel bolts and piercing arrows before he took a single step more.

In case anything went wrong, the commanders of the Enlightened were alerted and select units set to bolster the ambush. Worst come to worst, the entire army stood nearby.

With everyone in place, Grandmistress Yxevarii joined her men and took a position of her own. A seasoned ranger all her life, no title would spare her from leading the Enlightened from the frontlines. Aiming her bow at the entrance of the tavern, she stood ready to rain justice down upon those who dare betray the Light of Obeah.

"...There WILL be ORDER."