Author Topic: The Deeds of Astros Renodin  (Read 16499 times)


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #15: April 03, 2018, 09:28:50 AM »
Hey there! welcome back. Note! strong language in this one. Some gore but only in the second RP posted.

Written and full credit to the player of Vahanian Blint

Vahanian was reading over the reports of Avengmil and Ardmore, and the latest orders that had been issued. A dispatch arrived with Astros' unnecessary repeat of his own orders and Vahanian shook his head..

"Never a dull moment.." He sighed. As his men prepared to move out a mischievous idea hatched in his mind. He drafted a note quickly and hailed the messenger Astros had sent alongside his repeat of Vahanian's orders. He handed the note to the messenger and said "It is vitally important Vice-Marshal Astros receive this as soon as possible. Let nothing deter you."

The man nodded and sped off to deliver the note. Baldwin raised an eyebrow in question and Vahanian said "It is a note to Astros telling him that it is vitally important he see to the safety and management of the Marshal Seal." Baldwin nodded his head as if he should have known and then paused.

"Sire, what is the Marshal Seal?" Vahanian chuckled and said "Doesn't exist, I just made it up cause it sounded fancy and important. I think it'd be funny to see him running around trying to figure out what to do.."

Baldwin shook his head and Vahanian said "What is life, if you can't have a little fun?.."

Its good to let you know that shortly after the above message, Vahanian, General of the Realm, ordered to cancel the move into Ardmore, a rogue region we were supposed to attack. Astros was the Vice Marshal and reinforced the earlier order to actually move out.

!Strong language warning!

The Marshal's Seal

Panting and with grime streaming off his armor Astros heaved and sucked in great lungs full of air. Some of his men ran from the field. His eyes bulging as he realized it. ''OI! You sons of ..'' Air eluded him. An angry, mailed hand reached out but managed just as much as the words that preceded it. ''Get back 'ere!'' Astros stumbled a few steps in their general direction. ''Bastards..!'' He slumped and fell over sideways into a shallow puddle of mud.

The strange sensation of warmth seeped through his armor. Revulsion sped across his face as his eyes informed him the puddle wasn't filled with water. Rather it was the seepage of a trio of corpses that had bestowed upon it the contents of their gut and being. ''!@#$ me!'' Astros lamented as he got himself up on his feet again. ''Sir!'' A fresh voice called out to him. Full of surprise Astros looked up. Words not even coming to his mouth. ''The Grand Templar sends word.'' Before he could respond the messenger stuck out a rolled up scroll as far as he could. Even trained manners couldn't prevent the messenger from wrinkling his nose.

Wonder and alarm rang the bells that existed in his mind as Astros took the scroll, broke the waxen seal with his fingers and read what its letters had to offer. Halfway through his eyes lured him away from the text and informed him that yet more men were running away. ''You cockless whoresons! Get back here or I'll use your spines as manikins!'' With wind restored to his lungs he managed to send the words far across the battlefield. The men froze and lingered, the best result possible perhaps. ''Don't just stand there! Get the wounded! Now!'' Not caring if they did or not, Astros turned his attention back to the scroll. ''Marshal's seal..?'' A deep furrow created a veritable canyon on his forehead. ''Marshal's Seal?!'' Anger brewed. ''What the flying !@#$-storm is a Marshal's Seal!'' Sensing a soldier near him. ''You!'' the warrior paralyzed. ''What is the Marshal's Seal!?'' The man's eyes glazed over before he stammered something unintelligibly. Astros rolled his eyes and then punched him in the face. Knocking the man off his feet and onto the trio of corpses that sighed out even more bodily fluids upon impact.

The rest of the day was spend figuring out what the bloody hell a Marshal's Seal was. That and trying to find his men again. The battle had been won but at great cost.