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Prime Sources

Started by Tom, December 21, 2017, 11:20:07 AM

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Sources of Prime are randomly distributed all over the world. Their locations are initially unknown.

Mortals can accidentally discover them, when they explore areas, or build settlements (villages, towns, cities, but also outposts, fortresses, trading posts, anything really) nearby. These discoveries are not automatic, so even in a densely populated area, a Prime Source may stay undiscovered for some time.

Once discovered, Prime Sources can be taken control of with Influence (see the chapter on Influence and Control for details), just like any other creation. They can also be used in stories and detailed in story, just like any other Creation. The main difference is that Prime Sources cannot be created or destroyed.


Prime created by Prime Sources is stored in the Prime Source, until an overflow amount is reached. The amount that can be stored differs from source to source, but is typically somewhere in the 20s.

Members of the controlling council can visit the Prime Source and transfer Prime from there to their personal stores. How a council regulates its members in this regards is left to each council to decide.

Prime Lines and Shards

Once a council controls several Prime Sources, they can connect them with Prime Lines. This magical channel links two Prime sources controlled by the same council. Prime Lines cannot intersect. If a council loses control of a Prime Source, all Prime Lines linked to it will disappear.

If three Prime Sources are all connected to each other (a triangle), a Shard is formed. These shards are fragments of the primal force, before the world was created. Shards create a special kind of Prime, called Purity. With this energy, massive effects way beyond those possible with Prime can be fueled, including permanent effects, global effects and geological and geographical changes (sinking and raising of entire continents, and such). Purity is also used to invent new effects (normal effects, powered by Prime). As such, Purity is the energy of a meta-game between councils for power and new abilities (the closest equivalent to a tech-tree the game has).

The rules for Purity are not yet finished and will be announced later.


storage of Prime has been moved from council shared storage (which no longer exists) to the Prime Source itself.