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Prime Source

Started by Zakky, January 02, 2018, 04:56:42 PM

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Now that I am out of purity do I search for prime source or something to get it back?


There is no such thing as searching for prime sources. They will appear randomly on the map when stories happen nearby. That is one reason why things such as villages, etc. have locations on the map.

During the alpha test, I will simply throw Prime sources out there randomly whenever a chapter is accepted. In the actual game, the prime sources will actually be there to discover.

So how to find Prime sources? Write good stories about things going on in the world. Prime sources are discovered by heroes or other humans as they act.


Quote from: Tom on January 02, 2018, 06:15:00 PM
There is no such thing as searching for prime sources. They will appear randomly on the map when stories happen nearby. That is one reason why things such as villages, etc. have locations on the map.

During the alpha test, I will simply throw Prime sources out there randomly whenever a chapter is accepted. In the actual game, the prime sources will actually be there to discover.

So how to find Prime sources? Write good stories about things going on in the world. Prime sources are discovered by heroes or other humans as they act.

So I am guessing for heroes and other humans to find one, chapters need to progress? So stories with just one chapter aren't going to be good enough?


No. We need some actual stories going on before we find Prime sources. The first ones will be easy to find, but then it gets more and more difficult.