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Creation Myth: The Shapers of the First Continent - Chapter 2

Started by Indirik, January 03, 2018, 09:48:48 PM

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Voting closed: January 11, 2018, 06:57:43 PM


(Note: If I have this correct, since Zakky wrote the first chapter of the Shapers of the First Continent, someone else has to write the second chapter. Looking over the WIP board, it looks like no one started it, and no one has "claimed" it that I can see. So here it is. Hope I’m doing this right.)

That which was Reis wandered the newly created continent of Ardein. It was vast and wide. Reis would need help to explore such a place.

An exercise of will caused that help to exist. It had wings to carry it fast and far. Bright eyes to see all that could be seen. Keen ears, to hear all that could be heard. Piercing claws with which to defend itself, and a sharp beak with which it could capture prey for sustenance. Unto it, Reis bequeathed the name "Shuran". [Create Hero: 1 Prime] Shuran flew far and wide, collecting the knowledge of the lands of Ardein.

Reis and Shuran explored all the lands of Ardein. To the most memorable, Reis bestowed names. In the far southeast was a lofty mountain of sheer cliffs upon which Shuran rested and surveyed the surrounding land. Upon this mighty peak, Reis bestowed the name Shuran's Perch. (Create Mountain: 1 Purity)

From a glacier-fed lake, high in the central mountain range flowed a fast, wild river that cut a chasm deep into the flanks of the mountain. The river Reis name the White Rush for its headlong flight over a riverbed strewn with jagged rocks. (Create River: 1 Purity) The chasm, with walls so high and narrow that light rarely, if ever, touched the bottom, disturbed Reis greatly. It was named the Dark Rift, and shunned by all. (Create Valley/Canyon: 1 Purity; Feature Feared/Shunned: 1 Prime)

When the continued influx of new experiences and new knowledge became too great, Reis retreated into a vast evergreen forest in the north. Reis caused the forest to be covered in a blanket of unending snow so that none would disturb its rest. (Create Forest: 1 Purity) Over time, the unmelting snow would bring the forest the well-earned, if unimaginative, name of the Frozen Pines.

More Notes: I am doing this from my phone, mostly, so I don’t really have access to the mapping tool. I will upload a graphic showing where I think these features would go. The Green blob in the north would be the Frozen Pines. The Red spot in the southeast would be Shuran’s Perch. The White Rush and the Dark Rift would come out of the Tom’s Central Mountains, wherever that gets placed on the map. I’m not particular about it, so it can just be placed wherever, or I can provide an updated graphic after Tom places his mountain range.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Here is the map. Hope it works.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I think you can only create a human hero from what Tom said. Or maybe I am misinterpreting it. Other than that everything else looks solid.

As for this being a chapter 2, like Tom said, for this test run, whoever writes the next part gets to become the author since we don't have the bidding system yet.


I understood it to be that non-human heroes would have animal level intelligence. That's pretty much fine for what I'm going for here. At this point in its existence Reis is more of an evolving "concept" rather than a completely evolved being. Reis here is not really using power to its best use, but the use that it thinks it needs right now. What I was trying for is more of a companion animal than an autonomous entity.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


It has been three days I believe? Shouldn't we vote on this?
